Everyone Around Here Seems to Be Going Down

You And Me Are The Lucky Ones

A Manhattan's Elite fanfic is not complete unless there's some sort of party.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that searching for hotels that have ballrooms and finding men's luxury designer brands are some of the most difficult parts to writing in this au.


The lights were absolutely dazzling as Sehun walked into the ballroom of the Mandarin Oriental hotel. Looking around, he saw people of high society meandering around, drinks in hand as they chatted and laughed together. A bar had been set up in the center of the room. Women were in shiny, sequin dresses and men were clad in their suit and ties. There was no dance floor set though, much to Sehun's dismay. This was strictly a walk and talk kind of party.

He made his way through the crowd, his eyes searching for Luhan. Not paying attention to where he was going, he bumped into another person.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" He apologized as he helped the woman stand up straight.

"Watch where you're going, you clumsy-" The woman stopped cursing when she saw Sehun's face. "Well I'll be- Hey, Don! Come here! It's the Oh kid!" She exclaimed excitedly to a man behind her. The man turned and came towards them, a smile on his face.

"Hey, it is Sehun! We saw you guys on TV a few weeks ago! I never thought I'd get to meet the son. Say, how's your father doing?" Don asked, wrapping an arm around the woman's shoulders.

Sehun went still as the words came tumbling from his mouth automatically. "He's fine. Now, I really hope you don't mind but I have someone I'm looking for."

"Oh of course, dear, of course. Just make sure to tell your dad that Martha and Don said 'hello'!" The woman, Martha, said, her red lips framing a mouth of perfect white teeth.

Sehun nodded uneasily, trying his best to smile. He walked off towards the edge of the crowd. He began walking along the large windows of the room, the view of Central Park breathtaking as the lights of the Manhattan skyline danced in his eyes.

Tonight is supposed to be a night to celebrate... Sehun reminded himself. I can't let one couple ruin my night like that.

He kept searching until he finally found his target. Luhan was talking to a small group of men and women animatedly, his hands moving around as he joked and laughed along with them. Sehun approached from afar but decided to wait until Luhan was done talking to go up to him.

The older spotted him and grinned. Sehun flushed lightly. He saw Luhan say something quickly to the group and they began to walk away. Then Luhan stopped a waiter who was walking by carrying a tray of glasses filled with champagne. Taking two, he thanked the waiter and walked over to Sehun, the grin growing into a full on smile.

"And so he arrives." Luhan said, handing Sehun a champagne flute. They clinked glasses and took a sip, the bubbles fizzing in their mouths. "What are you wearing?" He asked, eying Sehun's suit.

"Um, a suit?"

Luhan rolled his eyes. "I know it's a suit, you dummy. I meant the brand."

"Oh. It's Paul Smith London." Sehun said.

Luhan nodded. "I assume it's the Kensington?" He asked, sipping his champagne and never taking his eyes off of Sehun. The other watched Luhan's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed the gold liquid before answering.

"Yes, it is." He said, his voice dropping an octave. He stared down at Luhan as he brought his champagne flute back up to his lips. He saw Luhan's eyes glance down at his lips momentarily before looking back up at Sehun's eyes, chewing on his bottom lip once more.

"I could've designed you a better suit." Luhan said, taking a step closer and cocking an eyebrow. The younger saw that his eyes were lightly lined with black eyeliner.

Sehun mirrored his expression. "Oh, so I'm going to to assume that you're wearing something you designed yourself?"

Luhan's face relaxed, his expression going sultry, his eyes half lidded and a smirk playing on the corner of his mouth. "Why, yes. I am. Made this myself a few months back."

Sehun let his eyes trace down Luhan's body and outlined every curve that was hugged and covered by the gray suit he was wearing. He let out a breathy laugh. "Maybe you should design my next suit for me."

"That can be arranged." Luhan said lowly as he stuffed his free hand into his pocket, his stance casual as he shifted his weight on one leg. Sehun took another mental photo for his mind to hold on to. Suit and tie Luhan was also something he'd never want to forget.

A moment of silence passed by as they stared each other down. Sehun knew it was his turn to speak but then again, he didn't have anything else to say and with Luhan standing in front of him, dressed to impress with a look on his face that just screams 'I want you and I know you want me', he didn't need to say anything.

Their moment was ruined when someone next to them cleared their throat. Sehun let out an annoyed huff and turned to see two men, one with dark hair and big eyes he's never seen before and the other he's only ever dreamed of meeting. His eyes widened as he watched the two men greet Luhan.

"Are we interrupting something? Big eyes asked, his mouth pulling into a wide smile.

Luhan laughed, seeming to have forgotten that he and Sehun just openly flirted in front of everyone. "Kyungsoo! Baekhyun! It's great you guys could make it!"

"As if we would miss one of your parties, Luhan." Baekhyun said as he hugged Luhan, his smile brighter than the lights in the room. He glanced over at Sehun who was standing awkwardly behind Luhan and his interest peaked. "And who is this?" He asked Luhan, though he kept his heavily lined eyes on Sehun.

"Ah, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, this is my newest project." Luhan told them as he stepped closer to stand beside Sehun. "You both know how Ryan quit on me, right?" Both men nodded. "Well, this guy is filling in for him and let me just say, he is much less of a hassle to work with. Sehun," Luhan turned to him. "These are two of my friends. Kyungsoo Do here is an editor for the entertainment section of the New York Times and I would think that you would know who Baekhyun is."

"Of course I do." Sehun said as confidently as possible. When in front of a Grammy Award winning singer, one cannot look like a scared idiot. "It's such an honor to meet you. I'm such a big fan." He extended his hand and Baekhyun shook it graciously.

"It's always a pleasure meeting fans!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

"Well, don't I feel awkward." Kyungsoo said sarcastically.

They all laughed. Sehun extended his hand out to Kyungsoo. The other gave a firm shake. "I'm sorry." Sehun apologized.

"I was just joking, kid!" Kyungsoo chuckled. "I may not be necessarily famous but I know a few famous people." He said.

They chatted together for a bit before Luhan excused himself, saying that he needed to go greet more people. They said their good byes fairly quickly. Luhan then left Sehun alone, telling him to enjoy himself and that they'll meet up again later after he gives his speech.

A few minutes after he left, a man walked up to Sehun and he already knew what the man was going to say.

"Hi, are you Sehun Oh from O.H. Corporations?" He asked.

Sighing tiredly. He stopped another waiter and traded his empty champagne flute for a full one. He faced the man, his expression unimpressed. "Yes. Do you need me to tell my father that you said 'hi'?"


By the end of the night, Sehun was more than ready to leave.

Now don't get him wrong, he did enjoy himself. He saw Baekhyun perform and watched the lights shine down on Luhan as he gave his thank you speech to the crowd. The bartender made some pretty fantastic drinks in his opinion and he met a few other models that were going to walk for Luhan in his show.

It was all the old people who came up to him asking about his father that pissed him off. When the party was over and almost all the guests were gone, Luhan walked up to him and noticed the angry look on his face. Cocking his head to the side, he asked, "You alright there?"


"Ah, I see." Luhan nodded, looking around at the empty ballroom, the waiters and servers cleaning up any trash left behind by the guests. "Come on, let's go. I need to stop by the studio before I head home. I left some of my things there from yesterday."

Sehun stood up, grumbling something under his breath about dumb old people and their uncaring ways. Luhan ignored it as they made their way out of the hotel and out to the streets where the valet was pulling up with the red Audi, the street lights glinting off its exterior.

"You know the way back to the studio from here, don't you?" Luhan asked Sehun. The valet boy brought him his keys. Luhan thanked him quietly.


"Good." Luhan handed the keys to him. "Because you're driving."

Sehun looked up quickly. "What? Why?"

"I'm tired. Besides, didn't you want a chance to drive it?" Luhan replied, grinning slyly at him as he walked up to the passenger side.

Sehun looked down at the keys and then back to Luhan and then back down to the keys before settling on Luhan.

"Just don't get reckless." Luhan warned. "Or you're going to get me a new one." He opened the door and slid in.

Sehun let out an excited breath as he rushed over to the driver side. Climbing in, he pulled the seatbelt on and put the key in the ignition. Shifting to drive, he pulled out easily and they started for the studio.

The ride was silent, Sehun too busy paying attention to the road and Luhan was too busy staring out the window, the bright lights of the city blinking and reflecting in his eyes. Flashes of reds and blues and greens came and went like shooting stars.

Judging by the atmosphere, Sehun already knew that Luhan had a lot to say and questions that needed answers but he thought that it was best to save it for when they were back in the privacy of the studio.

He pulled up in front of the building with ease and Luhan was out of the car as soon as he pulled the key out. Sehun got out as well, making sure to lock the car before following the designer inside. Once they reached the fourth floor, he dropped the keys on the table in front of Luhan.

"Thanks." He said quietly.

"Mhmm." Luhan hummed. "Will you tell me why you're upset now?"

Sehun groaned. He looked around, trying to find a distraction to the overwhelming feeling of anger and the distress that came along with it. He looked at Luhan and saw the older was waiting patiently for him to start speaking. "Seven people came up to me tonight to ask about my dad. Seven, Luhan. Seven freakin people. Now, I wouldn't be so upset with this if they had actually come to speak to me in the first place, not for me to relay messages to my dad. I'm so sick of this! Why do I have to always be under his wing? Why must I be known as Sehun the heir instead of just Sehun?!" He yelled, his voice echoing off the walls of the studio.

Luhan saw his shoulders shaking and tried his best to not tip Sehun over the edge. "Sehun, I don't understand why you can't just sit down with your dad and talk things over. Tell him to pass on the business to your younger brother so that you can focus on your acting studies." He said.

"I can't do that, Luhan. I can't let him down like that..."

The older sighed. "You really need to start thinking about yourself... Look at you. It's obvious business makes you miserable. You belong on a stage. You'll never be 'just Sehun'." Luhan said, emphasizing it with air quotes. "You'll always be something, whether it be the heir or the actor. No one is ever 'just' anything."

There was a pause. Sehun turned away from Luhan, leaning against the edge of the table. "What if I can't even make it as an actor? What if I'm just wasting my time?"

Growing annoyed, Luhan stomped up to Sehun. The younger looked up at him with sad, tired eyes. "Listen, Sehun. This is absolutely cliche for me to say but if you put in the time and work, which I know you do, then you can make it and when you do make it, you'll realize that it wasn't a waste of time."

Sehun suddenly stood up straight, sending Luhan back a few steps. Up close, Sehun was even taller and Luhan has never felt smaller but he stood his ground, his feet planted down firmly.

"And how would you know? How can you be so sure?" Sehun's breath was warm against his face.

"Because I went through something like this. And-" Luhan stopped himself, not sure whether or not he should say the next words but ultimately decides to do so. "And I see you the way you see yourself. I see Sehun. The hard working young man who has many choices that all lead to a bright future. He just needs to choose the one that makes him the happiest."

Luhan saw Sehun freeze and he was worried that he had said too much. His eyes bore through Luhan's, observing and questioning, trying to find the answers in Luhan's irises. Time seemed to stop for them until Sehun took a brave step forward and leaned down, pressing his lips to Luhan.

Luhan's initial reaction was to push Sehun away but the younger had a tight grip on his waist, limiting his movements. After a few seconds, he felt his resolve crumble as he melted against Sehun's body, their lips moving together slowly. Luhan brought his hand up and caressed Sehn's cheek gently and he felt the younger sigh against him.

Kissing Sehun felt right. It sent tingly shocks of electricity all throughout Luhan's body, starting from his lips all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes. Sehun's hold on him was warm and comforting and it felt like Luhan's heart was going to burst from the way it pounded against his ribs. For the briefest moment, he felt the swipe of tongue against his bottom lip.

But his senses quickly came back to him.

Luhan widened his eyes as he realized what he was doing. Squeezing them shut, he gathered in all his strength before giving a firm push to Sehun's chest with both hands, effectively breaking off the kiss. They stepped away from each other, both breathing heavily. Luhan was red in the face and so was Sehun.

"Sehun-" Luhan whispered. "Sehun, we can't."

The other looked away from him for a moment before asking why.

"Because- Because we just can't!"

Sehun looked at him in disbelief. "Why though, Luhan? Give me a real answer."

Luhan opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He didn't really have a reason as to why he didn't want Sehun. If he was more honest with himself, he would admit that he did want Sehun. He was fond of him when they first met and Luhan knew that Sehun had a bit of a crush on him. Luhan, on the other hand, saw him as just a colleague but throughout the next few weeks, he found himself falling for the younger's little quirks and the fact that he was just so honest with everything and how he always tried so hard with all the things that he does. So why was he denying the boy now?

"Look," Sehun took a step closer to him. "If it's my age, I get it. I know I'm still young but I am  legal and you should know by now that I'm not stupid. I can take care of myself. We can make this work." He said. He was so close now, Luhan could smell his cologne and he could feel the blood rushing to his head, the stress of the situation making him dizzy.

A silence passed by and Luhan wished he could bury himself six feet underground and never come back up. Sehun's face went neutral as a new thought came to his mind. "Or do you not feel like you're ready for another relationship? Do you still think about Ryan?"

"What? No! Absolutely not!" Luhan exclaimed.

"Then what is it?"

"Sehun, I- I don't have the time for a relationship and- and... I don't want to be with you." Liar. "I see you as a friend and colleague and that's it." No, that's not it.

He waited for a response but got none. Luhan saw Sehun's fist clench and unclench while his expression remained stoic. His posture was tight and uncomfortable and Luhan could tell his thoughts were on a rampage now. It was then did Luhan realize what Sehun was doing.

"I'm so sorry, Sehun." Luhan apologized. He moved closer to Sehun who took a step away from him. "Sehun, please. Just talk to me!"

Sehun turned away and began for the elevator. At the last minute, he turned around and Luhan recognized the look on his face as the one he gave to the people who mention his father. He was cutting Luhan off from him. Oh no...

"I'm just going to leave. I have no business here." Sehun said and Luhan had to stop himself from wincing at the tone he used. It was tired and heartbroken.

No, Luhan wanted to yell and run to him, but once again, his feet were planted firmly to the ground and his mouth zipped shut. Anyway, the damage had been done. He didn't want Sehun to treat him like this but in a way, he deserved it. It's your fault, Luhan. Why can't you just admit that you like this guy? 

The doors opened and Sehun stepped in. His eyes were lowered to the ground. Luhan turned around. He waited for the doors to fully close before running to the window. A minute later, he watched Sehun walk away, his hands in his pockets as his shoes left tracks in the snow. A taxi stopped near by and he climbed in, probably heading back up Manhattan.

Luhan wiped at his eyes, the few tears that pooled there disappearing from existence. He knew that he just lost Sehun's trust and it hurt both of them. He walked away from the window, grabbing his keys off the table and left the studio. He had no idea what was going to happen afterwards. All he knew was that he had to get out of there.



So Luhan pretty much friend-zoned Sehun.


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you guys already know that hunhan are gonna end up together lolz


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1108 streak #1
Chapter 5: I didn't expect to see chanbaek's wedding in this story! with chanbaek wedding abd hunhan moving in together, THIS IS SO PERFECT I'M T_T

i keep falling more and more in lovewith this au :')
1108 streak #2
Chapter 4: This is perfect :')
1108 streak #3
Chapter 3: Oh no luhan why :(
1108 streak #4
Chapter 2: It's unfair how these people are judging sehun on his wealth :( i hope one day sehun will speak up and shut them up once and for all
1108 streak #5
Chapter 1: Tiffany scouting sehun reminded me of sehun getting scouted for SM , minus the running and chasing hahaha
Chapter 6: Why oh why did I just found this fic today T_T this is certainly going to my 1k plus subscribed hunhan fics. This sure is like a movie with elegance on it.
Chapter 7: Awesome fic!!! The best! Thank you so much! Thank you! ♡♡♡
ExO_HH #8
LuHanM #9
You know what ? I fell in love with this.
I have no words to explain anything else, if I am to, I might as well write a book about this lovely story.
Thank you ♡