Finally, You And Me Are The Lucky Ones

You And Me Are The Lucky Ones

"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

Luhan scowled and hung up. This was the third time he tried calling today and Sehun was still ignoring him.

"Still nothing?" Tiffany asked from her place by the door. She watched Luhan shake his head as he rubbed his face with his palms.

Luhan considered himself lucky for a while. After their little confrontation on Christmas Eve, Sehun still continued to show up to their meetings every few days. They worked together even though everything felt like it was on the edge of blowing up into some big catastrophic event and Luhan was having one sided conversations since Sehun refused to say more than two words to him. It continued on like this through most of January. Luhan was able to finish both outfits and have Sehun get fitted into them. He explained how the show was going to work and where exactly it was and what number he was. By the third week of January, everything had been finalized and all Luhan had to do was choregraph the show while Sehun had to just wait.

But now Fashion Week was just ten days away and Luhan was just about done except now, Sehun wasn't answering any of his calls or replying to any of his texts. Luhan needed to talk to him about the show and what to do but he couldn't accomplish anything if Sehun was going AWOL on him.

Tiffany approached Luhan carefully. "You should try again tomorrow." She said.

"Tiffany, Fashion week is in ten days and he decides that now is the time to walk out?!"

"Well, what happens if he doesn't make it?"

Luhan sighed tiredly. "He gets cut from the show. What else? Am I supposed to just drop everything now that he's gone?"

Tiffany stayed silent as she watched her boss be on the verge of a mental breakdown. "What happened to you guys? He was so welling to work with you and now suddenly he just walks out?" She asked.

Luhan headed to the doors. "That's a story for another day." He said. "I need an iced coffee."


"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

"Sehun, it's me. I need you to call me back right away. We still got things to do to prepare for the show which, may I remind you, is in nine days. Please, please, please, get in contact with me soon!"


"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

"Sehun, it's Luhan. Please don't do this. I know you're upset about what happened between us but please just let it go. At least till after fashion week, please let it go. I'm really sorry but you have to understand why I did it. Just do this one last favor for me and we can cut off contact for good."


"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

"Sehun, you have no idea how important this is to me. You really don't. If you did, you wouldn't be ignoring me. I wouldn't do this to you, you know. If this was a movie premier with you in it, I'd be doing all I could to make it to the very first screening. You might not believe anything I say anymore but this is the truth."


"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

"'We've all got commitments.' Remember that? You gave me your word. You promised me you wouldn't flake out on me!"


"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

"Sehun, I wish I could take back all those things I said back in the studio. You have no idea how much I wish I could. If I were more honest, I would've said that I really liked you back. But that doesn't matter now, does it? You wouldn't believe me. But if you still do care at all about me, you'd answer me. That's all I'm asking for right now."


"Hey, this is Sehun! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call but leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"

"So I guess this is it. You obviously want nothing to do with me anymore. I just wish you could've let me know earlier. It would've been easier to work with. But I can honestly say I'm disappointed in you, Sehun. You try so hard with everything else but you gave up on this? And because of what? Because I rejected you? The least you could've done was see it through to the end. But that doesn't matter now. It's impossible to find a model in two days so your part of the show is just going to be cut out. If this is the end of what ever relationship we had, I just want you to know that I do really like you and maybe we could've been something more. The only thing is that I should've admitted it to you sooner. Well, what's done is done. I wish you the best of luck, Sehun Oh. Good bye."


Luhan put the phone down. His chest hurt with every word he said. He couldn't help but feel like this entire ordeal was his fault. Tiffany stood watching him, stunned. She was the one that brought Sehun into Luhan's life so she felt like part of the blame was on her.

"So that's why things didn't work out? He told you he liked you and you rejected him?" She asked.

Luhan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Pretty much." He said.

"But you didn't want to reject him? You just thought things couldn't work out?"


She looked away, chewing her lip in thought. "You guys might've been able to work..." She said lowly. "So that's it then? We'll just cut him from the show?"

The designer nodded. "That's all we can do." He sat down behind his desk and spun around to face the windows. "Can you leave, please? I just want to think things over by myself."

"Yeah, sure, Luhan." She said, nodding slowly as she let herself out of the office, closing the door with a soft click.


Sehun replayed Luhan's last message over and over. Even when he turned his phone off, Luhan's broken voice resounded inside his head. He felt awful for what he was doing, but he needed time to think with distractions. But now he was sure that he thought for too long.

What hurt him the most was when Luhan said that he was disappointed in him. If there was one thing Sehun hated to do, it was to let people down and here he was doing it to Luhan. But he was was going to set things right for once and for all.

With new found determination, he shot up from his bed and headed out of his room. He threw on his jacket and slipped on his shoes before heading out of the apartment. Once he got outside, he took a cab to Midtown Manhattan, snow swirling around from the wheels of the car.

He paid the fare and walked briskly into the right building, quickly taking the elevator up, ignoring any looks and words from people he passed by.

He got off the elevator and took a left down a hallway. Sehun didn't bother knocking before entering the office. The man on the other side wouldn't care and honestly, Sehun didn't care whether or not he was with anyone at the moment.

His father was at his desk, glasses on and papers in his hand. He looked up and saw Sehun standing in the door way, face red and hair wild from the wind. "Hey, son. What are you doing here?"

"Dad, I need to talk to you."

His father put the papers down and took his glasses off, setting them to the side. "What is it?" He asked.

Sehun took a deep breath before turning around, closing and locking the door. He walked up and took a seat in front of his father's desk. "This has been bothering me for a really long time." He started.


The day of the show, Luhan could feel the anxiety flowing through his veins. With Sehun's absence, he replanned the show to fit a different time span. This time, the designers were having their shows in alphabetical order according to the name of their brand. The EXO Men show was scheduled for the second day of the one week event.

Lincoln Center was filled to the brim with designers, celebrities, reporters and camera men, magazine editors, and the general public. Luhan was present for the first few shows of the day before he had to start preparing for his own. The sun had set by the time Luhan was ready and people began filing into room. White lights and spotlights shone down on the runway.

Luhan looked out from his area back stage and saw a few high profile people sitting in the front rows on either side of the stage. From what he could see, actors and musicians were seated there and if he squinted hard enough, he could just see Baekhyun sitting closer to the end of the runway. Kyungsoo was in the seat next to him.

Luhan returned back stage where all his models were getting ready. He didn't know why he was nervous. This wasn't the first time he's done a show for fashion week but deep in his gut, he felt like something was going to go wrong.

When it was time to start, he quickly made one last run past all his models, skimming over them to make sure they were in the right place, their outfits were on correctly and their make up wasn't too heavy. Once finished, he rushed back out and took his seat. It was reserved for him right at the beginning of the runway.

After a few more minutes, the lights dimmed down and the music began. Luhan took his time in choosing which songs he wanted the models to walk to. He had found a remix of Lana Del Rey's  Summertime Sadness and a few other songs that he thought were perfect. His models came out one by one, timing their steps and posing for the cameras before walking back. They had another outfit to change into. Tiffany had suggested that Luhan do two shows on separate days to ease the stress a bit since the show was going to take double the time because every model had two outfits to wear but Luhan believed he could handle a longer show.

Things were going smoothly. He saw some big fashion icons nodd their heads approvingly and he saw Baekhyun and Kyungsoo fully engrossed in the show. He had accomplished his goal. The show was going great and maybe his gut feeling was wrong.

He was about to mentally pat himself on the back when one of the models walked out and threw him into a stupor. This was something he definitely did not plan for. If it was something that Luhan hated was when things were going good and then something throws him off. But he couldn't really tell if this was a bad thing or a good thing.

Sehun was walking down the runway, dressed impeccably in the white outfit, the lights reflecting off the gold shapes of his jacket. His hair was quiffed up but his face remained make up free. He walked to the end of the runway, did a quick pose, and turned to walk back. Luhan heard a few people clap for him. On his way back, Sehun didn't look down at Luhan. He kept walking, his eyes trained forward. How could he have missed Sehun when he was doing his rounds?

Luhan was about to get up and run backstage to find Sehun. He was going to demand an answer from him, make him tell Luhan why he never answered all those calls and find out why he suddenly showed up but he stopped himself. He wouldn't be able to find Sehun, not now. The younger was probably rushing around backstage getting dressed in his next outfit, that is, if he's even going to be walking in the rest of the show. It had to be a mess back there, models rushing around half while trying to pull on new clothes.

Luhan sat back down and tried to relax. He took a few deep breaths. When this was all over, he was going to get some answers.


When it was time for the finale, all the models walked out clapping while the audience gave a standing ovation. It was tradition that the designer join the models for the finale and Luhan wasn't about to break this tradition. He walked up on stage proudly, clapping and waving to the crowd. Sehun watched him with a small smile on his face. Luhan said some quick thank you's before heading backstage with the models following him.

Once they were all safely backstage, Luhan went on a wild man hunt. He speed walked around and looked at every single model he passed by before finally finding Sehun in front of a clothing rack. He was talking to another model who Luhan recognized to be a young man named Jongin.

Stomping up to him with fire in his eyes, Luhan shouted, "Hey!" Sehun turned to him, his face blank while Jongin looked confused. Luhan came right up to Sehun's face. "What do you think you're doing here?!"

"Modeling in your show. You know, like what you've been planning for for months." Sehun responded.

"Bu- but- You quit on me though! How the hell did you even get into the show when you have no spot in it?!" Luhan asked, his voice rising dangerously. Jongin widened his eyes and backed away from the scene.

Sehun turned out and began rummaging through the clothes rack before pulling out a pair of pants. Digging through the pockets, he pulled out a small card and showed it to Luhan. On the card were the words, Sehun Oh / No. 20.

Luhan widened his eyes. He was the one that gave that card to Sehun. He looked back up at Sehun who smiled coolly back down at him. "You see, you might've shortened the show but you never replaced me soooo... Technically, I was still a part of all this."

Luhan narrowed his eyes at him, his fists clenched and ready to strike. Poisonous words were dripping from his mouth and he was about to release them all on Sehun when one of the show assistants called out to him, saying that he was needed somewhere else.

Rolling his eyes exasperatedly, he told them that he'll be right there and turned back to Sehun. He stepped closer to the boy. "When this night is over, you're going to meet me in front of my studio and if you don't show up, I swear, Sehun, I will hunt you the down." He said threateningly.

Not waiting for Sehun to respond, Luhan walked away, feeling his anger leave and in its place was an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion and resentment.


Unfortunately, the first few days of fashion week were always some of the longest days and Luhan wasn't released until almost midnight. When he was able to leave, he immediately jumped into the Audi and made his way down to Soho. He parked around the corner from the studio. It was snowing outside, a light showering of flurries that had no chance to sticking to the ground.

Luhan got out and walked around the corner and made his way to the white stone building. When he got close enough, he saw Sehun standing in front of it, leaning against the wall, his hand fiddling with his phone. He was back in his regular clothes and jacket with a scarf looped around his neck. Luhan cleared his throat when he got closer.

Sehun looked up at him and stuffed both his hands in his pockets. There was a good amount of distance between them as Luhan stared Sehun down while the other showed no sign of emotions.

"How could you?" Luhan asked. "Why would you do that to me?"

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. "I would think that you'd be happier with me showing up."

"That's not the point!" Luhan shouted. "Why didn't you pick up any of my calls? My messages? Nothing! I got nothing back from you!"

"Luhan, please, I needed time to myself to think things over for myself." Sehun said calmly.

"Time? Time?!" Luhan screeched. "That was something I was running out of! Do you realize how much I had to change the show to make sure it wasn't a complete mess because I was expecting one less model? I don't think you do. I don't think you realize that you could've messed this entire thing up for me! Did you-"

"I didn't want to let you down!" Sehun shouted, cutting Luhan off. The older looked at him quizzically, mouth agape. "Luhan, I got every single one of your messages. All of them. I came to the show today because I couldn't bare the idea of disappointing you. You! One of the few people I genuinely cared for."

There was a silent pause. The snow fell between them restlessly, the wind blowing the flakes every which way. Sehun's face was golden under the yellow street light. "I did what you told me to do."


"I talked to my dad yesterday. We went over some things and I told him I don't want to be a part of the family business anymore. Now, it'll get passed on to my brother when he's at the right age." Sehun explained. "Your messages gave me the courage to actually do that."

Luhan was at a lost of words. His anger over the show dissolved and was replaced by this new subject. "You recieved all my messages?"

Sehun nodded.

"And you didn't think think to call me back at least once?"

"Luhan, I told you why I didn't call you back." Sehun said tiredly.

"Then why are you still treating me like this? Why do you keep looking so blank around me as if I'm someone who compared you to your father."

Sehun raised an eyebrow at him. "You said it yourself. You don't have the time for a relationship and you only see me as a colleague either way so whatever." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "After this, we won't even be colleagues anymore. We're going to go back to being strangers."

Luhan made a weird gurgling noise in the back of his throat. "Well, you obviously need to go listen to my messages again."

"No, thanks. I don't really want to listen to you pleading for me to come back and help you again."

"That's not what I meant."

"Really? Because it sure sounds like it."

"Argh!" Luhan uttered out, throwing his hands up. He took fast steps forward and grabbed a hold of Sehun's face, mashing his lips to the taller's. Sehun responded back right away, his hands holding onto Luhan's waist. Their mouths moved with a new fervor, lips sliding against each other.

Luhan pulled away but kept his forehead against Sehun's. He felt Sehun's breath against his lips. Reaching down, he held Sehun's hands in his and laced their fingers together. His eyes were closed as he began talking, feeling their breaths mingling together.

"What I meant was that if you went through my messages again, you'd remember that I wanted to take back everything I said to you that night. I wanted you too, Sehun but I was worried that we wouldn't be able to be together. When you left, I realized that I should've given you a chance before turning you away so quickly and that's what I regret the most about that incident." Luhan said softly.

Sehun didn't respond. Instead, he chose to place his lips against Luhan's lips once more. This time, it was less desperate and more sweet. When he pulled back, he asked, "Do you still want to try?"

There was a pause before Luhan nodded. "If you still want anything to do with me." He said.

Sehun smiled, a quiet chortle escaping his lips. "I'm not giving up on you that easily."

"Hm. Good." Luhan muttered against Sehun's lips, pulling him into a kiss once more.

And on that snowy, February night, Sehun and Luhan became the lucky ones.



Just because this is the end doesn't mean I'm done.

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you guys already know that hunhan are gonna end up together lolz


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1104 streak #1
Chapter 5: I didn't expect to see chanbaek's wedding in this story! with chanbaek wedding abd hunhan moving in together, THIS IS SO PERFECT I'M T_T

i keep falling more and more in lovewith this au :')
1104 streak #2
Chapter 4: This is perfect :')
1104 streak #3
Chapter 3: Oh no luhan why :(
1104 streak #4
Chapter 2: It's unfair how these people are judging sehun on his wealth :( i hope one day sehun will speak up and shut them up once and for all
1104 streak #5
Chapter 1: Tiffany scouting sehun reminded me of sehun getting scouted for SM , minus the running and chasing hahaha
Chapter 6: Why oh why did I just found this fic today T_T this is certainly going to my 1k plus subscribed hunhan fics. This sure is like a movie with elegance on it.
Chapter 7: Awesome fic!!! The best! Thank you so much! Thank you! ♡♡♡
ExO_HH #8
LuHanM #9
You know what ? I fell in love with this.
I have no words to explain anything else, if I am to, I might as well write a book about this lovely story.
Thank you ♡