Every Now And Then, The Stars Align

You And Me Are The Lucky Ones

The events leading up to Luhan's meeting with Sehun were a bit of a jumbled mess.

It was a cold, cloudless day in Manhattan. The streets were loud and crowded, people bustling about and bumping into each other. The skyscrapers were close to touching the sky and on the fifteenth floor of the EXO Men's fashion headquarters, a china flower pot smashed to bits and pieces. The young woman standing in the doorway flinched, her black Christian Louboutin's clicking against the tiles of the office as she watched soil and flower petals litter the floor.

"What do you mean he quit?!" Luhan shouted as he leaned against his desk, his hands quivering slightly.

The woman began to speak, her tone careful and making double sure not to set off the man again or else she was risking getting herself fired. After all, Luhan was an unpredictable man when he was angry. "Well, he quit after you guys- uh, you know..."

Luhan rubbed his face, groaning into his palm. "I can see his reason there but that doesn't mean you can just walk out of a job like this. It's horribly unprofessional no matter what the circumstances are." He scoffed. "And where exactly am I going to get another model in time for the Mercedes-Benz fashion week?"

"I can scout around for you. There's got to be plenty of models that are still open and looking for a job."

"Tiffany, I don't think you understand. Now that Ryan's gone, I have to find a new male model, redesign the two outfits to fit whoever that model is going to be, put together the rest of the spring and summer collection, and then coordinate the show and this is all to be done within two months time." He said exasperatedly. Luhan was so close to being done with all the work for the models until this problem came up.

Tiffany sighed. "Listen, I'll still scout around for you." She said. "And I'll help in anyway that I can to lighten the load on you."

Luhan breathed deeply. Standing up straight, he walked around to his chair and retrieved his coat. "Thank you, Fany. But if this doesn't work out then we'll just have to cut the show a bit short this year." He slipped the coat on and fetched his sunglasses from the top drawer of his desk. Walking to the door, he added, "I'm heading out for a bit. I need a frapuccino. Get someone to clean up that mess, will you?"

Putting his sunglasses on, he walked out of the office.


Tiffany considered herself a good assistant. She always got her work done before Luhan asked for it so that he would never have to wait on anything. Also, she liked working for Luhan. It was her first time working for a men's fashion brand but she did like it a lot better than some of the other places she's been at. Her last job had been at the another brand name fashion headquarter and her boss was an extremely high maintence woman who fired her after she accidentally put one too many sugars in her coffee and for wearing a "disgusting" blazer to work.

Luhan was different. He could honestly give two craps less about what she wore as long as she looked professional and fashionable and that she was here on time everyday working diligently. Over the year that she has been working with him, Luhan had become like a friend to her which was why he was the only person other than her parents to be able to call her "Fany".

So she wanted to try her best for Luhan, especially with the issue of finding a model. She had contacted all the modeling agencies she had saved in her files, searching for the one man that she knew Luhan would approve of. She had an entire criteria list from him about what the model should be like and Luhan was very specific with what he wanted. Unfortunately, all the male models that fit the bill were either already booked for fashion week by a different designer or weren't participating in the event at all.

She was trying her best and she'd keep trying. But she found that her chances of finding the right person were becoming slimmer by the hour.

It wasn't until about a week later did she find her silver lining.

She was walking past The Juilliard School, trying to hail a cab that would take her back to headquarters after another failed attempt at finding a model when she spotted him. Digging through her purse quickly, she pulled out her wallet and rummaged around for the criteria list. She unfolded it and began checking off each point in her head.

~Lean build

~Broad shoulders

~Tall (at least six feet)

~Nice hair

~Handsome face

Well he definitely was lean, his body slim and almost curvy in a way, like a dancer's body. His shoulders were actually broad and his biceps had slight muscle definition and from what she could tell, he was pretty tall. He was talking to a group of boys and he towered above them easily. Maybe he could be six feet. His hair was dark brown and he had creamy, pale skin.

Tiffany kept looking back at the boy and down at the list until she got to the last point. "Handsome face?" She mumbled to herself. The boy had his back turned to her so she couldn't see his face. She was about to walk to him when she stopped midstep.

This was just some random guy on the street, she reminded herself. What if Luhan wanted a professional? At this point, she felt like any good looking guy could work since it seemed like none of the models left in New York were male and fitted the image that Luhan had in his mind. Something was better than nothing.

Taking out one of her business cards from her purse, she took a deep breath and walked confidently over to the group of boys. "Excuse me!" She called out when she got close enough.

All conversations stopped and everyone's eyes turned to her. She walked right up to her target and asked, "Can I speak to you personally?"

He looked down at her and Tiffany smiled. Yeah, he's perfect, she thought. He had the looks Luhan wanted. With pale skin, dark, sleepy eyes and pretty lips, he could work just fine. Also, up close, he was a good couple of inches taller than Luhan who was already five foot nine.

"Um, is everything alright?" He asked, looking around unsurely as they walked a few feet away, his friends watching them leave with curious eyes.

"Everything is absolutely perfect." She said cheerily. She held her card out to him. "My name is Tiffany Hwang. I work for the EXO Men fashion label and I have a proposition for you."

"Okay? What is it?" He asked as he took the card from her.

"How would you like to model for our company during the Mercedes-Benz fashion week?"

She watched his eyes widened as his mouth opened and closed, his brain trying to find an answer. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh, I'm being completely real. We're short one model and you fit the criteria. All I need to know is if you're willing to do it."

"Uh-um... Am I able to think this over?" He asked.

Tiffany nodded furiously, her wavy hair bouncing all over. "Of course, but I need an answer back soon." She took out her phone from her pocket. "Exchanging contact information is necessary. Name and number please." She spoke in a fast tone.

"Sehun Oh." He replied and told her his number. "How do I know for certain that you're not some crazy stalker girl or something?" Sehun asked.

"Ha!" Tiffany exclaimed loudly as she saved the number on her phone. "Please, I don't want to do this at all but I have to because it's part of my job. Also, I'm in a committed relationship and have been for two years. I need you for actual business." She tapped one last button on her phone before looking back at Sehun. "Well, Sehun Oh, I'm giving you five days to make your decision. On the sixth day, I'll call you and please have an answer ready. I don't want to waste my boss' time."

"Uh sure? But this is so sudden!" He yelled after her as she started walking away.

"That's the fashion world, honey! Everything moves fast!" She shouted back before waving at him and climbing into a taxi that stopped nearby. It wasn't until she was about halfway back to the office did she start mentally yelling at herself for forgetting to take a snapshot of Sehun to send to Luhan.

The group of boys Sehun was with walked up to him. One them eyed the card he was holding in his hand. "Wow, EXO Men, huh? What was that all about?" He asked.

"She wants me to model for them?" Sehun answered dumbly. "She was being legit too."

One of the boys whistled impressively. "Are you going to do it?"

"I don't know. She gave me five days to think it over." Sehun said as he turned the card over and over between his fingers.


What drove him to say 'yes' six days later was probably pure intuition.

You can say he did it out of curiosity or pure boredom. But when he answered the phone and told Tiffany he'd do it, he could practically hear the joy in her voice pouring into the device.

That's how he found himself in the lobby of the EXO Men building, waiting for Tiffany to come and bring him up. Some fancy looking business people gave him funny looks here and there but he ignored it. It was probably because he took off his jacket and was dressed down in a tribal hoodie and jeans while everybody else was in something more modern and in high fashion. Either that or they recognized who he really was.

Tiffany was more than happy to see him as she hurried him to the elevators and up to the fifteenth floor. "Remember," she said, "Be polite. He's my boss and if I lose my job because of something you said I'm going to burn your ."

"Alright, alright." He replied with an eyeroll. Yeah, forget about what he said about the her being joyful.

The elevator dinged and they walked out into a long, brightly lit corridor. Stopping in front of a set of double doors, Tiffany knocked against one of them loudly. There was a soft, "hold on" that came from the other side. Sehun looked to the right of the doors and there on the wall by the wooden frame was a gold name plate that had, 'Luhan' engraved into it and right below it were the words, 'Founder and President of EXO Men'.

"Whoa wait. I'm going to meet the president of the company?" He asked in mild shock.

"You're not going to just meet the president. If he likes you enough, you're going to be working with the president." Tiffany whispered. "He needs an extra model for his own personal collection that's going to be displayed at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. But first, he needs to approve of you."

Sehun frowned. "Approve?" He asked but before Tiffany could answer him, a muffled 'come in' was heard.

"Come, come." She beckoned whilst opening the door and Sehun trailed into the office after her.

They walked into a room decorated in monochromatic shades of royal blue, black, and white and the shiniest, most polished tiled floor Sehun has ever seen. A few paintings were on the walls, most of them abstract in fashion. A glass desk sat in the center of the room in front of large windows that over looked the city, a big, brown leather chair behind it. In front was a pair of smaller, white leather arm chairs and there, leaning against the front of the desk with his hands just casually in his pockets, was the man Sehun could only guess was Luhan.

Luhan couldn't be much older than Sehun. He looked like he could be in his late teens. He had a striking face with boyish good looks which were framed by honey brown hair. Sehun could see the slightly built body beneath the button down shirt and tie and Luhan had shapely legs and thighs. Also, Sehun could already predict this just by looking at the waist and hips, Luhan was sure to have an that won't quit in those slim fitting wool pants.

Now Sehun wasn't someone who would usually check out other men, but he will admit it to himself that Luhan was hot.

Tiffany stopped in front of him. "Luhan, this is Sehun Oh. That one kid I told you I found outside of Juilliard."

Luhan turned to him, his brown eyes studying him from head to toe. Raising an eyebrow, he looked over Sehun's face, making eye contact momentarily before turning away and back to Tiffany. "He might work." He said. "You ever modeled before, Sehun?"

"Nope. This is my first time." Sehun answered honestly.

"Hmm... Just warning you now, I don't want any flaky business. Once you agree to work with me, you're with me till the end. Got it?"

Sehun nodded, noting that this controling side of Luhan was insanely attractive.

"Good. We've all got commitments." Says Luhan. He pushed himself off the desk and walked around. He began shuffling through papers before pulling out a leather bound design book and he began to flip through it quickly. "Now, first thing's first is to get you fitted and measured. I made changes to my original design anyway so I'm still going to have to recreate it. We need to get together at my studio soon so I can get those measurements and find out if you can actually look good in my clothes."

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows, offended by Luhan's words. He was about to retaliate when Tiffany shot him a glare, her eyes daring him to say the words that were on the tip of his tongue. He stepped back, swallowing his words. Instead, he put on a neutral expression and asked when was a good time to meet Luhan in his studio.

"How does this evening sound?"

Sehun was about to tell him that this evening was perfect when he caught himself. "Actually, this evening won't work out so well."

"And why exactly not?" Luhan asked, eying him judgingly.

"Because I have important family matters to deal with." Sehun said, noticing the unimpressed expression on Luhan's face. "It's the truth. We've all got commitments." He parroted Luhan with a small smirk dancing at the corner of his lips. Besides, he also had to study afterwards.

Luhan narrowed his eyes at him before sighing and putting his book down. "Alright then. How about tomorrow afternoon at, let's say, one?" He negotiated, scribbling something down on a sticky note.

"I can work with that. I need the address though." The taller said.

Luhan silently sauntered up to him and handed him the sticky note. "That should help. When you get there tomorrow, show this to the body guard at the door and he should let you in. Then take the elevator to the fourth floor." He said.

The other stared down at the powder blue piece of paper, bulky black letters scratched out across it with a curvy signature at the bottom. "I think we have an agreement." He said.

"Good. You can go now." Luhan waved him off and Sehun sent him one last smirk before walking out.

Once the door was shut, Luhan released a deep breath and turned to Tiffany. "Was I too harsh? I feel like I was too harsh." He said nervously.

"Nah, I think you laid it on pretty nicely." Tiffany said. Feeling her phone vibrating in her pocket, she pulled it out.

"You think so?"

"Oh, totally. Besides, someone like him needs a little control."

"Huh." Luhan mumbled thoughtfully as he made his way back to his desk. "You're probably right."

She nodded her head as her fingers tapped away on the screen. A new message arrived. Opening it, she felt her fingers freeze as her eyes scanned the words that were glowing in her face, not really too sure on how to respond.

From: Sehun

Ur boss is hot. Just saying.

After a good minute of staring at her screen, she ultimately decided not to answer back.


Luhan went to his studio alone that night. The ride to Soho was quick as he drove down brightly lit streets, a light rain beginning to fall.

The studio was hidden away on the fourth floor of a white stone building. He had renovated the place to fit his style and to make it a nice place to work on his designs. He had put in the hardwood flooring and when he first bought the studio, the walls were red but he found it too distracting so he repainted the walls a light cream color himself. Now it feels pointless either way since the walls were covered with paper and drawings. The last thing he did to the place was put in new light fixtures and added his furniture and supplies.

A little treat he put in there for himself was a flat screen TV hanging on the wall which he when he was bored and taking a break or when he just wanted Music Choice to play in the background while he worked. Unlike most young people though, Luhan liked to watch the news. He felt that it was important to keep up with the currents events going on in the world and this next event was definitely going to throw him into a current.

He was organizing a stack of papers while the local news was on and a story caught his attention.

"Tonight marks the night for the unveiling ceremony of the new O.H. Corporations building in the financial district of Manhattan." Said the news anchor and then it cut to a shot of where the ceremony was taking place. Luhan recoginzed the man standing proudly in front of the new building as the head of the company and the brains behind the corporations huge success. What he didn't expect to see was a certain Sehun Oh standing right beside him, dressed impeccably in a suit and tie.

The shot was cut and then moved to a new scene of the head of O.H. Corps. giving a thank you speech. "It's amazing that we can all gather here today to celebrate together and I mean all of us. Me, all of you in the crowd, my wife, my two sons-" The camera panned over to record Sehun and someone who could only be Sehun's brother.

At this point, Luhan stopped listening. He was too surprised at the fact that Tiffany had brought to him the son of a millionaire and neither of them hadn't the slightest clue about it. Speed walking to his work desk, he grabbed his cell phone and speed dialed Tiffany.

"Yo, Fany, how could you not know?" He asked her as soon as she answered.

"How could I not know what?"

"Sehun! It's Sehun!"

"What about, Sehun? Luhan, you aren't making any sense!"

Luhan groaned. "The reason why Sehun isn't here tonight is because he's at the unveiling ceremony for the new O.H. Corps building. He's the in' son of the president of the the company! It's on the freakin' news!"

There was a pause and a cough on the other line before Tiffany started talking again. "So what you're telling me is that the kid who I found on the street in front of the performing arts school is the heir to a corporate power house?" She asked slowly, taking in her own words and making sure she understood herself.

Luhan turned back to the TV screen and saw that the news had switched to a different story. "Mhmm," he spoke into the phone. "That is exactly what I'm telling you."

"Oh. So what happens now?"

He bit his lip, thinking things over before coming to the ultimate decision. "He said he'd do it so he's going to do it. I'm not letting this one go with such little time before fashion week. I just can't." He said with finality in his voice. "If he wants to do things for his dad and for me, that's his issue."


The next day, Sehun took the train to Soho and with a little help from a few people, he was able to locate the white stone building. He presented the little sticky note to the body guard just as he was told and just as he was promised, the guard gave him no trouble and let him in even though he kept giving Sehun a suspicious look until the boy disappeared behind the elevator doors.

Once he reached the fourth floor, he realized that he didn't need to worry about finding the correct room because the entire floor was just one large room that had been turned into a studio. He walked in quietly, his shoes making little noise against the wooden floors. He spotted Luhan at a table by one of the large windows, jotting something down on yellow notepad.

"I see you found your way here easily." The designer said, putting his pen down and craning his neck up to look at Sehun.

Sehun puffed his cheeks a bit and let out a breath. "I did need some help from a few passerbys."

"Well, you're here now. That's all that really matters." Luhan told him as he walked around the table towards Sehun with the pen and notepad in his hands, making sure to grab a tape measure off of another nearby table. "We might as well get started."

"Oh okay. So what exactly do I do?" Sehun asked. Luhan dropped the items off on a work table close by.

"You..." Luhan walked up to him and lifted his arms so that they stretched out to show him Sehun's full arm width. "All you have do is stand still."

"Alright." Sehun said with a nodd.

Luhan began the process of taking Sehun's measurements. He started with Sehun's arms, measuring each one and writing down the numbers with great detail before measuring the entire span of both of Sehun's arms, noting in a quick scribble on his notepad that Sehun's shoulders were really broad and that he'd have to resize the jacket he was planning on making the boy wear.

Sehun's legs were another story. They were ridiculously long and seemed to go on for yards and Luhan had the feeling that Sehun was only going to grow taller.

Things were going quite smoothly but Luhan found something off putting about their little meeting.

"Are you always this quiet?" He asked as he measured Sehun's waist.

The younger shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on who you are." He says.

"Well, we're going to be working together so it'd be nice to get to know each other." says Luhan as he stands up straight in front of Sehun. The boy looked really tired in Luhan's eyes. He had light dark circles and eye bags on his face and he looked like he could fall asleep at any time. "You must've had a hell of a night though. You look like you're going to pass out."

Sehun stared at him and Luhan saw how dark Sehun's eyes were. They were a deep shade of brown but they still housed that childish glint in them depsite how exhausted Sehun looked. "Yeah, last night was busy and I had to study too."

"Yeah," Luhan answered, stretching out the word. "I'm willing to bet standing in front of all those people and flashing cameras while you're dad gave a boring speech was awful." He said, walking over to his main work desk and began copying Sehun's measurements down.

The boy whirled his head around so fast, Luhan thought his neck might've snapped. "What?"

"Oh yeah, I've been in front of cameras hundreds of times. You get used to it eventually." Luhan waved his hand flippantly without looking at Sehun.

"No, no, no. You know who my father is?" Sehun asked.

Luhan looked up at him, his hands stilling. "Now I do. You see, unlike most young people, I watch the news and last night, NBC was covering the unveiling ceremony for your dad's new building. The camera was on you and your brother for a few seconds." He explained.

Sehun groaned. "Great." He mumbled to himself.

"You do realize that just because you have a rich dad who needs you to go to fancy places with him doesn't mean that you can bail out on me whenever you want, right?"

"Of course I'm not going to do that." Sehun said loudly. The he mumbled, "You're just going to treat me differently now..."

"Hmm? What was that?" Luhan asked.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." Sehun replied back.

Luhan narrowed his eyes at him.



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you guys already know that hunhan are gonna end up together lolz


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1108 streak #1
Chapter 5: I didn't expect to see chanbaek's wedding in this story! with chanbaek wedding abd hunhan moving in together, THIS IS SO PERFECT I'M T_T

i keep falling more and more in lovewith this au :')
1108 streak #2
Chapter 4: This is perfect :')
1108 streak #3
Chapter 3: Oh no luhan why :(
1108 streak #4
Chapter 2: It's unfair how these people are judging sehun on his wealth :( i hope one day sehun will speak up and shut them up once and for all
1108 streak #5
Chapter 1: Tiffany scouting sehun reminded me of sehun getting scouted for SM , minus the running and chasing hahaha
Chapter 6: Why oh why did I just found this fic today T_T this is certainly going to my 1k plus subscribed hunhan fics. This sure is like a movie with elegance on it.
Chapter 7: Awesome fic!!! The best! Thank you so much! Thank you! ♡♡♡
ExO_HH #8
LuHanM #9
You know what ? I fell in love with this.
I have no words to explain anything else, if I am to, I might as well write a book about this lovely story.
Thank you ♡