Chinese Roulette


Yi Xing had a secret. One that threatened to break apart everything he ever had.


It was summer last year when I first met Yixing. I was visiting my grandparents in China with four of my friends when Sehun, the spoiled brat decided that he wanted to try gambling. Being the good hyung that I am, I immediately bought five tickets to Macau and rented a beach house. Yixing was a casino worker in the first casino we went. We became friends and got closer over the summer. But as time passed by, I realized that what we shared wasn’t that simple. I couldn't understand why my heart beat raced up whenever the dimpled boy was around. I didn't know why I felt a surge of electric coursing through my veins whenever our hands accidentally brushed each other’s, leaving me yearning for more.

Just when I was finally ready to forgo all my beliefs and embrace the feelings I tried so hard to deny, I realized that things weren't as easy as it seemed.


A/N: This is my first try at members' pairing, featuring the krispy lays pairing! Enjoy :)


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I'd be gladly to subscribe this and expect the best out of you for kray, pretty krispylay pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 3: Haha! :))
So, Kris did fall XD
Love the Kray's moments ^^
bebebe #3
Chapter 3: wow kray moment >/////<
don't worry i like kray moment here >/////<
bebebe #4
Chapter 2: did kris fall from the tree? hahahaha pabo kris X))
just read it and interesting >\\\\\<
waiting for next chapter ^^
Chapter 2: Did Kris fall? Hahaha :))
I hope Yixing saw it! XD