Prelude to Summer

Chinese Roulette

Prelude: an introductory piece of music, most commonly an orchestral opening to an act of an opera, the first movement of a suite, or a piece preceding a fugue.


I sighed in relief after handing in the last paper to the lecturer. The feeling of euphoria which I thought will come after the end of semester never hit me. Noises were buzzing all around me. People cheering, people making plans to celebrate, and also those whining about how hard the paper was.

Chanyeol leaned over and whispered. “How was it?”

“Bad.” I shook my head.

“Let’s just forget about the paper.” He agreed. “You want to go anywhere after this?”

‘“Nah, I haven’t packed yet. Besides, we need to wake up early tomorrow.”

“Oh right. I haven’t packed either.” He flashed me a big toothy smile. “China’s going to be fun.”

“I hope so.”

It was more than fun.


The flight to Guangzhou was a short one.

“My hurts.” I grumbled as we exited the plane. Chanyeol was still groggy from sleep and Baekhyun was busy activating his phone so that he can use it in China. The kids, Kai and Sehun trotted happily in front of us. After passing through the custom, we proceeded to the check-out counter to retrieve our luggage.

“Let’s hail a cab.” Sehun put on his ray bans and led the way.

“Err. Sehun.”

“Yes, Kai?”

“You forgot your suit case.”


“This is daebak!” Baekhyun shoved another piece of honey roasted pork into his mouth.

“I though you’re on diet.” Chanyeol .

“But it’s too good!” Baekhyun pouted.

“I’m just joking. Eat all you want. You’re skinny enough anyway.” Chanyeol assured his friend while digging in the herbal soup in front of him.

“I’m glad that you’re enjoying the Guangzhou specialties I prepared. Eat more!” My grandma smiled at my friends and said in Chinese.

“What is she saying?” Kai nudged me.

“She’s telling you guys to eat all you want.” I laughed, enjoying the friendly atmosphere. Grandpa was done with his food and was puffing on a piece of cigarette.

“You know, grandpa, you should really stop smoking.”  I grumbled as the smoke hit me. “It’s not good for your health and it’s just…smelly.”

“I’ve been telling this to your grandpa for the past ten years, but he never listened to me.” Grandma joined in.

“It’s the only enjoyment I have in this old age.” Grandpa protested while throwing the remaining of his cigarette in the ashtray.


Guangzhou was exactly like I remembered it. We spent the first few days just walking around and exploring the town. There were a few new buildings here and there, but it was still the Guangzhou I grew up in. I felt a wave of nostalgia passing through me as we walked along the road leading to my elementary school.

“What’s that?” Baekhyun pointed towards an old lady selling something.

“That’s bing tang hu lu.” I smiled, remembering how I used to pester my mum to buy me one on the way to school. “It’s a really popular snack over here, but it’s actually just different types of candied fruits on a skewer.”

“I want to try one.” Sehun eyed the row of snacks.

“Come on, I’ll get one for all of you.” I went over to the lady and bought the snacks.

Sehun bit off the cherry tomato from the top of the skewer. He then proceeded to his head to one side and looked at me with the tomato still between his lips. Sehun only does aegyos when he wants something from people and I remember wondering what he was going to ask from me.

“You look stupid.” I commented.

Sehun ignored my remarked and asked me, “Hyung, have you ever tried gambling?”

“No. Why are you suddenly asking me that?”

“Just curious. We can’t go into the casinos in Korea so I was thinking that maybe we can try it here.”

“Why would you want to gamble?” I threw him a look.

“I just want to try it at least once in my life.” Sehun pouted. “Besides, I had never seen the insides of a casino before. I want to see if it’s the same like in the movies.”

“You can do that next time.”

“Hyung, don’t be mean.”

He was now looking at me with puppy eyes. “Please hyung.” He hit my shoulders. “Bbuing bbuing.”

“Fine.” I gave in. I was feeling a little bit adventurous anyway.


“Guys,” I announced, “We’re going to Macau.”

“What?” Baekhyun’s eyes widened.

“I’m saying, we’re going to Macau because this brat over here wants to try gambling.” I pointed to Sehun, who was leaning against the bedroom wall.

“We’re really going! Thanks so much hyung! You’re the best!” He bounced over to me and gave me a tight hug.

“What is this all about?” Kai, who is the sensible one spoke.

“Sehun told me that he wants to try gambling at least once in his life. Since we can’t go into casinos in Korea, and gambling is illegal in most parts of China, the only place we can go is Macau.”

“My parents will kill me.” Kai murmured.

“It actually sounds quite fun. I’m in.” Baekhyun raised his hand.

“If Baekhyun’s in, I’m in too.” Chanyeol said.

“Well?” I looked at Kai.

“I guess I have no choice.”

We decided to depart after two days and I ordered the ferry tickets online. After that, I sat with my back against the wall browsing through hotels with the other four crowding around me.

“I don’t like this.” Kai commented on one of them. “The rooms are too small.”

“This one looks dirty.” Chanyeol pointed at another.

My eyes landed on one of the pictures. It wasn’t a hotel. Rather, it looked like those beach houses you see in movies. I clicked into the website and was pleased to find out that the rent was quite cheap.

Sehun seemed to agree with me because his eyes lit up when he saw the pictures.  “This is nice. Let’s just go with this. I don’t like fancy hotels anyway.”

“Did you just hear that?” Chanyeol teased the maknae. “Our spoiled brat doesn’t like fancy stuffs for once.”

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I'd be gladly to subscribe this and expect the best out of you for kray, pretty krispylay pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 3: Haha! :))
So, Kris did fall XD
Love the Kray's moments ^^
bebebe #3
Chapter 3: wow kray moment >/////<
don't worry i like kray moment here >/////<
bebebe #4
Chapter 2: did kris fall from the tree? hahahaha pabo kris X))
just read it and interesting >\\\\\<
waiting for next chapter ^^
Chapter 2: Did Kris fall? Hahaha :))
I hope Yixing saw it! XD