Early Summer

Chinese Roulette

The most frequently played single number in roulette is 17. Why? Because that's the number James Bond played in the movies.


It was already late at night when we arrived in Macau. The first thing I realized the moment I set foot on the island was how many stars there were. It wasn’t like back in Seoul where the sky was covered with fog.

The owner of the beach house, a middle aged man met up with us at the jetty and drove us to the beach house in his van. During the half an hour drive, he kept telling me about things to eat and places to visit since I was the only one who could speak Chinese.

“Most of the famous big casinos are on the other side of the island, but if you walk along the main road from the beach you’ll see quite a few. They’re smaller but just as good for gambling.”

He left after leaving us the keys. Chanyeol opened the door to one of the rooms. “Let’s go and unpack first. There are only two rooms. I’ll share one with Baekhyun and Kris I guess.”

“Kris hyung! Are you done?” Sehun shouted the room he shared with Kai.

“Almost.” I placed my sunblock and moisturizer on the table. “Why?”

“Let’s go and explore the island!”


“Why not?” Kai appeared in front of my door. “We have nothing to do anyway. I want to see how the town looks like.”

I looked at my watch. “It’s eleven now. I don’t know if we should be walking around.”

“Nothing will happen. This is a tourist island anyway.” Baekhyun assured me and Chanyeol who sprawled out on the bed nodded in agreement.

“Then let’s go.” I grabbed my wallet and phone.


We walked on the beach for a while before the main road was in sight. The amount of the stars shining bright on the sky never failed to surprise me. I made a mental note to come to the beach again just to look at the stars.

Macau was just like any other tourist spots. Chinese restaurants showing no signs of closing for the night, street food and of course casinos. We bought some fried food and ate along the way. Walking among us, Baekhyun looked really small although he isn’t really that short. Chanyeol wrapped a protective arm around Baekhyun as we explored.

We stopped in front of a casino. It was small like every other casino we saw but the signboard attracted us to it. It was a giant black and red roulette wheel, with the ball attached to one of the numbered pockets. The name of the casino flashed in bright lights underneath it.

“Chinese Roulette.” Chanyeol murmured. “What an interesting name. Let’s take a look inside.”

“Your identification card please.” A security guard checked our passports before letting us in.

The inside of the casino was just as breathtaking. Chandeliers hung tall from the ceiling, illuminating the whole space and giving it an enchanting feel. There were a few different sections. The chairs of the dice games section were shaped like dices. Life sized drawings of poker cards graced the walls of the card games section.

“So, where do we start?” Kai looked at us.

“I don’t know. The card games? Let’s go in.” Baekhyun took Chanyeol’s hand and we followed them.

“Can we just play the slot machine?” Sehun suddenly asked.

“Who was the one who wanted to come in the first place?” I said in a false-mocking tone and eyed Sehun.

“Fine.” Sehun pouted but followed us in anyway.


We should have listened to Sehun.

After half an hour inside, we already finished almost all the money we bought with us. We even lost at blackjack, which doesn’t require any skills. The only one who kept winning was Kai.

“Why are you so lucky?” I grumbled as he collected his winnings from the dealer.

“Your luck will come soon,” he assured me.

“This is so boring!” Baekhyun yawned.

“You’re just saying that because you lost.” Kai threw a playful jab at him.

“It is really boring and we keep losing money. Is there something more fun?” Sehun counted the money in his wallet.

“We can’t stay here and lose all our money in the same type of game. I saw something interesting just now. Let's try it out." For once, I actually agreed with Sehun. Gambling with a foreign currency gave me a surreal feeling, as if we were using fake money, sort of like when we played monopoly.

We left the table after quitting the game and I led them to the room where roulette is being played.

“This is the thing we saw on the signboard, right?” Chanyeol pointed at the roulette wheel excitedly.

“I think I saw this in the movie before.” Sehun said.

“How do we play that?” Baekhyun was curious.

“You just bet on a few numbers and they’ll spin the wheel-like thing in one direction and the ball in the other direction. The ball will stop at one of the pockets and if it matches the number you chose you’ll win.” Sehun explained to us.

“Sounds simple enough.” I said and approached the table.

“The next game is starting in a few minutes. Do you guys want to place a bet?” A casino worker with fluffy black hair and large bambi-like eyes approached us. He was good looking, I thought. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Sehun stealing glances at him.

“He’s asking if you guys want to bet. The next game’s starting.” I translated what he said to my friends.

They all shook their heads and told me to go ahead and play first. I chuckled when I noticed that Sehun was still looking at the casino worker like a lovesick teenager. The casino worker motioned for me to sit down. Sehun followed me but the casino worker stopped him. He held out his hand as he did that and accidentally hit Sehun on the chest. Sehun turned crimson.

"I'm sorry," the casino worker quickly bowed and said in broken English, "No play, cannot sit down." He motioned to the roulette table.

"It's ok." Sehun murmured, still shocked from the touch.

“What do you want to bet on??” The casino worker turned to me.

“How do I do that?” Having never played before, I was confused.

He pointed at a board on the table and explained all the ways my bet can be placed. "You can bet on a single number, which pays the most. Or you can choose to bet on a dozen of numbers, odd or even numbers...etc."

“I’ll bet on the first dozen of numbers then. How much is the minimum bet?”

 “50 Patacas, sir.”

“I’ll just bet a little this time.” I gave him the money and he placed 5 casino chips in a column on the board which wrote '1st 12".

After all the players placed their bets, the game started.

A guy spun the roulette wheel expertly and spun the ball at the same time. I could tell from his swift movement that he had been doing this for a long time. He was wearing a white shirt with a bow, with his brown hair combed to the side.

All eyes focused on the ball as it spun against the direction of the wheel, until it finally showed down and stopped. It was in a black box with the number eight.

The same guy who spun the roulette wheel swept off the losing bets from the table one by one until only the winning ones are left. He then proceeded to pay the ones who won.

“Here’s your chips, sir. Double the bet.” He handed me the chips and smiled. That was when I realized that he had a single dimple on the right side of his face. He wasn’t exceptionally good-looking, but the dimple accentuated his face making him seem really likable.

“Thanks.” I murmured.

The guy proceeded to pay the other players. I noticed him giving the same smile to everyone, which somehow made me a little disappointed.

“I won. Do you guys want to bet in the next round?” I shrugged off the feeling and asked my friends.

But they didn’t answer my question. I turned around and saw them and looking at Sehun instead. He stood there spacing out, ignoring everything that was happening around him.

I tried nudging him. “Sehunnie, what are you doing?”

“I think that I’m in love.”


“I can’t believe I agreed to do this.” I grumbled.

“Neither do I.” Chanyeol stood beside me, burying his face in a magazine. The shop lady was looking at us weirdly. We had been standing there for half an hour without actually buying anything. The other two chose to stay at home, saying that Sehun have gone crazy.

“But I really need to know if he’s gay!” Sehun whined.

“By stalking him.” I added.

“Hyung, I’ll be so heartbroken if I keep on liking him and he turns out to be straight. So please bear with me…”

“Don’t worry. He’s totally gay. My gay radar says so.” Chanyeol told us. “The other guy with him that day was gay too.”

“How accurate is your gar radar?” Sehun asked him.

“I’m ninety-nine percent sure.” He assured us.

“I won’t count on that too much. You had no idea that Sehun were gay before he came out.” I point out.

“That was the one time I got it wrong! That’s because Sehunnie you’re too manly. No one would’ve guessed.”

“Am I?” Sehun smiled proudly.

“Here, I’ll buy this.” I grabbed three lollipops when I realized the shop lady staring at us.

“He’s here!” Sehun gasped excitedly. “Faster, hyung!”

“Slow down. They’ll see you.” Chanyeol held him back. “We should keep a safe distance from them.”

I quickly handed the money to the shop lady before joining the other two. The guy that Sehun claimed to be in love with walked out of the casino’s back door with another guy. I recognized him as the one with a dimple.

“Where are they going?” Chanyeol said under his breath.

“Probably home?” I said.

“I don’t think so. It’s still early.” Sehun kept his eyes on his new crush and sighed. “He looks so perfect even from the back.”

“I think he looks like a girl.” Chanyeol remarked.

“Hey! Don’t talk about him like that.” Sehun raised his fist and gave Chanyeol a light punch.

“Shut up and just follow them.” I shook my head at their antics. Although Chanyeol was a few years older than Sehun, he was just as childish as his dongsaeng if not more.

The two guys kept walking without any signs of stopping. We followed them all the way from the middle of the town to a more rural area. Just when I thought that they’ll keep walking forever, they took a turn and walked into a beach.

“Isn’t this near our beach house?” Chanyeol looked around.

“What are they doing here?” Sehun squinted his eyes in his darkness to look at them.

We followed closely behind them, trying not to make any sound. They walked slowly along the beach while chattering about something. I struggled to listen to what they were saying but could make out a few words. Once in a while, I could hear the boy with a dimple let out a light hearted laugh. “It was a soothing sound,” I thought. It reminded me of the sound of water gently flowing in a stream. They walked for a while before they reached an old log and sat side by side on it.

“What now?” I asked them as we stopped some distance behind them. “We can’t go on. They’ll see us.”

“I want to listen to their conversation.” Sehun looked wistfully at them.

“That’s eavesdropping.” I sighed. Sehun looked so much like a lovesick puppy who was about to cry anytime and I had to ruffle his hair.

“Guys, I have a plan.” Chanyeol suddenly spoke.

“What?” Sehun and I asked at the same time.

“You see that tree over there?”

“No, no and no.” I cut him off before he could finish speaking. “I absolutely disagree with your idea.”

“Listen to me first. The branches starts quite low so we can easily climb on top of the tree and listen to them. The tree looks pretty solid to me. And they won’t see us because we’ll be behind and on top of them.”

Sehun immediately headed to the tree and started climbing. Chanyeol did the same. I was a little hesitant at first because I had never climbed a tree before in my life. Such rough activities are just not my style. But I grabbed a branch and hoisted myself up anyway, for Sehun’s sake. And although I didn’t want to admit it, I was interested in their conversation too.

Both of them were already sitting comfortably on the branches by the time I reached the top. I tried to mimic them and steady myself but failed. Instead I had to hug the branch to keep myself from falling.

“Are you sure that this tree can support all three of us?” I whispered loud enough for them to hear.

“Aish! Don’t be a coward.” Chanyeol teased me. Both of them couldn’t help but laugh looking at my scared face.

The two guys were clearly in sight from where we were. They weren’t talking much though, just sitting and enjoying the night breeze. Although it was early summer, it was pretty cold there at night and this certainly wasn’t how I expected to spend my second night in Macau, perched up on a tree.

“I’m cold,” the dimpled boy rubbed his hands together, “isn’t it summer already?”

“The weather’s a little strange this year. We should’ve bought a jacket out.” The guy with fluffy hair remarked, and put his hands around his friend’s shoulders to keep him warm.

Sehun audibly gasped, disappointment evident in his voice. “Are they a couple? You said that the other guy is gay too, right Chanyeol?”

“What are they saying?” Chanyeol asked me, ignoring Sehun.

“They’re saying that the weather is cold.” I inched a little closer to take a better look at them. The guy Sehun had a crush on kept his hands wrapped tightly around his friend, but it didn’t look like they were together. To me their relationship seemed more like a brotherly one.

I was so engrossed in watching them that I didn’t hear a slight creaking sound coming from below me. Before I realized what was happening, I crashed onto the ground and that was the last thing I remembered.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm really sorry for updating so late. I had exams for the past two weeks and could only find the time to write this weekend. I promise I'll try to update more frequently. If you guys are confused about roulette or want to know more, check out http://www.wikihow.com/Play-Roulette for a really simple explanation. And yeah, what do you think about hunhan in this fic? ^^ Don't worry, lot's of kray coming in the next chapter!

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I'd be gladly to subscribe this and expect the best out of you for kray, pretty krispylay pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 3: Haha! :))
So, Kris did fall XD
Love the Kray's moments ^^
bebebe #3
Chapter 3: wow kray moment >/////<
don't worry i like kray moment here >/////<
bebebe #4
Chapter 2: did kris fall from the tree? hahahaha pabo kris X))
just read it and interesting >\\\\\<
waiting for next chapter ^^
Chapter 2: Did Kris fall? Hahaha :))
I hope Yixing saw it! XD