Owner-artwork relationship

Rabin Drabbles

(I posted this up before, but since it's short and doesn't really have a point, I decided to post it again as a part of the Drabbles)

3. Owner-Artwork relationship


Hongbin swears he won't survive a day without Ravi giving him a glance. Ravi has this weird habit of staring at something next to him when he's in deep thoughts. So Hongbin makes sure he keeps his 'owner' busy with useless thoughts whenever he's around.

Ravi 'created' artwork Hongbin, so checking on him once in a while is a must. He makes sure to glance to his left whenever he has a chance, and always gives the artwork a small massage on his neck as a price for staying still. Soon, that habit became hard to break, even when the camera is shut off.

Hongbin doesn't say it out loud, but he gets anxious when not being taken care of by Ravi, or gets butterflies in his stomach when Ravi gets a little bit over the top with his touches. Hongbin enjoys his same-aged friend's company, even when the only thing he talks about is Jiwon, or hip hop.

Glances, massages, praises are what made up their 'owner-artwork' relationship.

Hugs, cuddles, secret pecks and kisses made up Wonshik and Hongbin's relationship.

No one needs to know about their second one though.

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Chapter 5: Chapter five is extremely adorable. That really does sound like the perfect thing to do with your significant other on a lazy Sunday morning.
Chapter 6: Dangit they're all angsty
Chapter 1: You cannot just end it like that. What happens? Why was Hongbin ignoring him? /sadness
Chapter 2: ;_; aw no happy ending for Shik-ie? These are interesting, please write more~