chappie 3

maknae's twin

Taemin’s POV:

“Tempy, can you come here for awhile? I want you to meet our leader.” Taemin said, wrapping his arms on my shoulders. “Onew-ssi?” its quite funny to remember the time when Onew had mistaken me as Taemin.  Taemin nodded and pushed me slowly while walking in. He seemed more excited than me.

On our way to Onew’s table, I can see some of their staffs and stylists taking pictures of me and Taemin, more like snapshots.

Meanwhile, Onew-ssi is busy eating his eternal favorite food, CHICKEN. He’s so addicted to it, no one can deny that. “Onew-hyung..” Taemin called and rushed over to his hyung. “Taemin-ah, how’s your sister? Did you met her?” Onew asked before taking another bite on his chicken leg. “she’s here, actually.” Taemin smiled.

Onew dropped his chicken and wiped his fingers on the table napkin. He then faced us and greeted me with his soft smile, “annyonghasaeyo, Onew imnida.”

I bowed in return and greeted him with a smile as well.

Onew’s POV:

“maknae’s twin really is good looking” I thought. I invited them to take the seat on the round couch to have a chat for a while but unfortunately, manager-hyung called and told us to get on the schedule van already.

“Tempy, do you have any place to stay here? You’re already a trainee right?” Taemin asked. Tempy shook her head, answering his first question then she happily nodded on the second one.

“Then use my condo unit. It’s vacant right now but I told the unit keeper to clean it every week. Here’s the address and key.” Taemin said and handed her a piece of paper and a key.

“is it okay oppa?” she asked.

“of course! What’s mine is yours too.”

“thank you!” Tempy said in english accent and gave Taemin a hug. After our short conversation, we bid our goodbyes to Tempy and moved to our schedules.

Your POV:

Right after I left the building, I decided to go on the address where Taemin’s condo is located. It didn’t take too long to reach the place since its only two streets away from SME.


“whoa! This place is awesome!” I exclaimed.

I roamed around the condo and found out how beautiful it was. There were pictures of Taemin all over and of course, some of SHINee’s too. "there's even portraits on the ceiling too! that's cool!" I rushed over to a small refrigerator in the kitchen and flung open the door. The refrigerator was packed with snacks. Candies, Ice Cream and Sodas filled every shelf.

I saw a paper folded into two, I was curious what is it so I picked it up and found out that is was a letter. It read:

"Tempy, I informed the unit keeper that someone's staying there so don't be surprised if the fridge was full and there's some essentials on the bathroom, okay? And one more thing, If the lady asks who you are, please don't tell her about your identity. Please understand, I just want to protect you. You'll be exposed when the right time comes. Be Careful and God Bless. -Taemin."

I didn't gave much attention on the last sentences on the letter cause I'm busy staring at those delicious looking candies. I also checked out some parts of the condo like the rotatable wall with SHINee's picture, a flat-screen TV with tons of movies to watch and a lot more.

"this is greater than awesome."

I laid on the couch and took out my phone, "whoa! 86 missed calls already?" I clicked the "ok" button and saw some of my friend's names. "what's wrong with them? why are they calling me?"

There's also some messages and I decided to open one, "_______-ah! you didn't tell us the truth about you! why? I thought were friends? but forget it, I'm so lucky to be one of your friends!" I read.

What?! They already found out? What will happen to me now?


yey! chapter 3 is done done!

comments are loved! no silent readers please ^.^


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Tempy loves chicken LOL. update soon!!
yunjae23 #3
yunjae23 #4
Interesting<br />
Update soon :))))
aaahh~<br />
cant wait for you to update!! [:
wah~<br />
This is awesome!<br />
I know there's a lot that has said this already but.. UPDATE!!! :3 <3
bunnysanduck #7
GYAH! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
MightyMaknae #8
I want more ~!! Please please update^^ MORE MORE ~
nice~ please update^^ its starting to get exciting~~~