The Great Moustache Adventures





“Quick, duck!” Hyunseung hissed, pushing Junhyung to the floor behind the counter and tumbling after him. Junhyung gave an undignified squawk and went down in a tangle of limbs and words Hyunseung was pretty sure their Appa would ground him for life for saying.

“Ow,” Junhyung complained. “What was that for?”

“The enemy,” Hyunseung told his twin. “They almost saw us.”

Junhyung risked a quick peek around the corner. “It’s just SooHyun-noona getting biscuits,” he said dismissively, and pulled his cowboy hat out from under Hyunseung’s legs. “You crumpled it,” he accused (with a pout), and Hyunseung pulled an aggrieved face.

“It was crumpled before,” he objected. “Ilhoon crawled all over it earlier and bent the brim.”

Junhyung carefully straightened the brown hat on his head and cinched the cord tight underneath his chin. He wanted to point out that Hyunseung always used their little brother as an excuse although they knew that a baby was nothing but a sack of potato (with legs).

“You shouldn’t lie,” he told Hyunseung primly instead. “It’s not nice. Now come on, we’ve got to keep moving.”

They wiggled forward on their elbows, making their way slowly from the white counter to underneath the table, and then, in a particularly exciting moment when SooHyun’s back was turned as she picked up her ringing cell phone, darted from underneath the table to launch themselves over the back of the sofa. Junhyung landed on top of Hyunseung this time, the hilt of his sword digging painfully into Hyunseung’s ribs, and they lay there on the cushions for a minute, breathing hard and listening for any sign that they’d been detected.

“Hi Sungjae,” SooHyun said. “What? Oh no, I’d love to, but I can’t... yeah, I’m babysitting for Hyuna’s Appa. Maybe tomorrow night? Sure!”

Hyunseung squirmed underneath Junhyung. “You’re squashing me,” he complained, and Junhyung shoved at his shoulder hard just to be difficult before rolling off onto the floor with a quiet thump. Hyunseung pulled his bandanna back up over his mouth – it had slipped down around his neck when he’d landed on the soft leather of the sofa – and slithered down to sit next to Junhyung. His leopard-printed bandanna promptly fell down again, and he gave up and just left it there.

“Okay,” Junhyung said, breathless, “now to the hall! Run!”

They scampered out from behind the sofa and dashed to the hall as quickly as they could, ducking and weaving the whole way – just like real ninja, Hyunseung thought proudly. They made it as far as the stairs before the front door opened. Junhyung froze, and Hyunseung stopped just behind him, his shoulder pressing into Junhyung’s as they listened hard.

“...was it?” SooHyun’s voice came floating up to them from the kitchen.

“Fine,” Hyuna said. “Absolutely fine, except that Zico is too loud and Jiyoon didn’t even show up.”

It was too dark to see much of anything on the stairs, but Hyunseung looked in Junhyung’s direction nervously. “Should we...”

“No,” Junhyung hissed. “Definitely not, this just makes it more exciting. Unless you’re going to be such a cry baby about it.”

Hyunseung elbowed him in the ribs. “I’m not!” he whispered back, but he reached up anyway to check his moustache, make sure his disguise was still firmly in place.

There was nothing there. He felt his bandanna – the moustache had fallen off earlier and had stuck to it – but it wasn’t there either. Frantic, he patted down his whole body, but the moustache was gone.

“Junhyung,” he said, a little desperate now. “Junhyung, I’ve lost my moustache!”

“Seriously?” Junhyung asked. “Aw, man, those were new; I knew I shouldn’t have let you wear one. What kind of ninja wear-”

“I’m sorry,” Hyunseung shot back, miserable. “It’s not like I was trying to lose it!”

“Feel around on the floor,” Junhyung ordered. “Maybe it just fell off or something and it’s right here.”

Hyunseung was doubtful about that, but he knelt down obediently and ran his hands over the smooth wood of the floor. “There’s nothing here,” he protested, “really, it’s gone—” He stopped. Something had stuck to his hand, something small and scratchy and moustache-shaped. “Wait, I’ve got it!”

Junhyung let out a huff of breath which Hyunseung knew meant he was going to be insufferable about things. “Well, it’s a good thing at least one of us has the wits for spying, honestly, Hyunseung, you’d make a terrible...”

“What is it?” Hyunseung asked when Junhyung trailed off. “Junhyung, what?”

Junhyung muttered something Hyunseung was absolutely positive his Appa wouldn’t approve of, and said, “Mine’s gone too. Stupid moustaches, the glue on them must be terrible.”

“...Oh right, now it’s the glue’s fault.”

“Shut up, Hyunseung, and look around for my moustache.”

“Why can’t you look for your own?” Hyunseung asked (and avoided the kick Junhyung aimed at him with the ease of long practice). “And why you ordering your hyung?”

“Because you’re already down there, obviously,” Junhyung said. “Hurry up, we’re running out of time.”

Hyunseung found Junhyung’s moustache easily, and Junhyung stuck it back on with a sigh of relief. “Okay, now we can keep going. This is the most dangerous part of the whole thing, so you’ve got to stick close to me.”

“Shouldn’t you be sticking close to me?” Hyunseung complained. “A ninja-cowboy is a lot scarier than a dragon slayer-cowboy.”

Junhyung thought about it as they crept further up the stairs. “No,” he decided. “Dragon slayer -cowboys are definitely scarier and more awesome than ninja-cowboys. Besides, you’re scared of Hyuna-noona. Bet you’d run away as soon as she looked at you with her evil stare.”

“You’re scared of her too!” Hyunseung spluttered. “Like last week, when she told you she was going to rip the stuffing out of your dragon plush if we ever put honey on her hairbrush again-”

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about that! Besides, Joker is safe at Yoseop`s house now, Noona can’t get to him.”

Hyunseung would have kept arguing – ninja-cowboys were definitely cooler and more awesome than dragon slayer-cowboys – but they’d reached the top of the stairs, and their target came into view. They stopped to consider it, a little breathless from anticipation.

The door was benignly beige, with a small, violently purple plaque that warned them to KEEP OUT OR ELSE, but Hyunseung knew better than to trust in appearances. Behind that door lay dangers beyond comprehension: traps to catch and dismember the careless explorer, the heads of previous trespassers displayed on spikes, traps to catapult them into a different dimension, possibly even a doomsday device set to destroy the planet the moment someone tripped the switch.

“Ready?” Junhyung whispered, and Hyunseung swallowed back a whimper before nodding. They padded forward, and Junhyung (very bravely) made Hyunseung turn the door handle.

Hyunseung squeezed his eyes shut as he opened the door, hoping madly that whatever ravening beast came to attack them would decide he was too small and bony to bother eating.

It was sort of a disappointment when no such beast appeared, but Junhyung nudged him forward anyway and they crept into the room, Hyunseung nervously checking his moustache to make sure it was still firmly attached. If he hadn’t known better, he would have thought it was just a normal bedroom, with a four poster bed covered in some sort of gauzy white thing and a vanity with a mirror bigger than the windows.

He did know better though: to let his guard down in Hyuna’s room meant sudden, painful injury.

Junhyung was busy digging through a bunch of papers he’d found in Hyuna’s desk drawer. “Maths, history essay, maths, boring note from SooHyun-noona, more maths ... Where does she keep them?”

“Probably not with maths,” Hyunseung said, poking cautiously at the makeup littering the vanity. He didn’t think Aunt Hara had a third of the amount of makeup Hyuna used (and Aunt Hara was 3 years older than her). Probably not even a quarter. “Maybe... under her bed?” he suggested, thinking about the old pyjamas their Umma had wanted to throw away. He’d hidden them under the loose floorboard in his room; they weren’t ratty or falling apart, they were just well-loved. If he had world takeover plans, he’d hide them in the same place.

“Hmm,” Junhyung said, giving the bed a cursory look. “You look. I’m not crawling under there.”

“Why am I always the one who has to crawl under things? I`m your hyung. ” Hyunseung complained, but he crouched down and peered under the bed.

Junhyung prodded him in the back with the tip of his sword. “Because I have the sword, so I’m standing guard. Now go, Hyunseung-hyung. ”

Hyunseung went, still grumbling. They hadn’t turned the lights on, and while the streetlight outside the window lit the room enough to see things, it didn’t do much to illuminate under Hyuna’s bed. He sneezed. “There’s nothing here,” he called back out to Junhyung. “Just dust.”

“Rat turds,” Junhyung said, with feeling. “We’ll just have to keep looking. Come on back out.”

“I’m trying,” Hyunseung said, trying to squirm his way backward and sneezed again. As he did, something brushed against his face, and he stopped dead, his heart beating wildly. Oh no, he prayed, no, no, don’t kill me, and please don’t send me to another dimension...

Whatever it was ignored him entirely and dropped onto his face to try and smother him. “Junhyung!” he yelped, thrashing around and hitting his elbow hard on one of the wooden slats of Hyuna’s bed. “Junhyung, help!” The creature had a tentacle around his throat now, and was doing its level best to strangle him.

Junhyung grabbed his ankles and yanked, and Hyunseung bumped his forehead on the floor but he didn’t really care because Junhyung was fighting the monster now, tearing it off of him, and Hyunseung could breathe again.

When Hyunseung felt sufficiently recovered to look at Junhyung, Junhyung was holding the creature up, regarding it with something like wonder in his face. His hat had fallen off in the battle, but the creature had definitely come off the worse in the fight, Hyunseung decided: it was in two pieces, and it almost looked like...

Knickers,” Junhyung breathed, an unholy grin breaking across his face. “Hyuna-noona’s’ knickers.”

Hyunseung couldn’t keep the nervous giggle from slipping out. “No,” he said in disbelief, even though the longer he looked at the black scraps of creature the more it did look like knickers. “Noona’s kn... kn...” he stumbled over the word with another stifled snicker, “—things, they’re made of steel or something.”

“Nope,” Junhyung said gleefully. “Definitely lacy knickers. And,” he announced, brandishing the other half of the creature. “Her bra.”

“Shh!” Hyunseung said, steadily losing the battle against his laughter completely now that the creature had been proven to be harmless.

“Don’t be such spoilsports, Hyunseung,” Junhyung told him, his face stern, and threw the bra – bra! Hyunseung’s mind giggled Hyuna-noona’s bra! – At him. Hyunseung flinched out of the way, and the bra landed on his head, a strap snagging on one of his ears.

Junhyung looked at him for a moment, blinking, and dissolved into helpless laughter. Hyunseung leapt at him and wrestled him to the ground, helped along the way by Junhyung getting his legs tangled in his sword. “Get off,” Junhyung protested between gales of laughter, but Hyunseung clung to him and refused to budge, steadily working Hyuna’s knickers out of Junhyung’s grip.

When he finally freed them, he jammed them down over Junhyung’s head, pulling at them until they nearly covered Junhyung’s eyes. Junhyung yelled and struggled and finally managed to free himself, but before he could exact his revenge Hyunseung was up and running, making for the high ground of the bed.

Somewhere in between the chase and Junhyung trying to destroy Hyunseung by beating him over the head with the sword, they discovered that Hyuna’s bed was both well-stocked with pillows and extremely soft, and all remaining concern Hyunseung had about staying quiet vanished.

He’d just given Junhyung a really excellent hit to the stomach with one of Hyuna’s big pink princess pillows when the door flew open to reveal Hyuna herself, looking shocked but quickly progressing on to fury.

Junhyung stilled beside him, and Hyunseung became suddenly, acutely aware that Junhyung was wearing Hyuna’s knickers on his head and that he himself still had her bra draped around his shoulders.

Hyuna’s outraged face could have given their Appa a run for his money. “You little—”

They didn’t stay to find out what exactly she thought they were, bolting out the door and evading capture by SooHyun, who was lurking sneakily behind Hyuna. Junhyung was still laughing, but Hyunseung kept his head down after one of Hyuna’s stilettos hit the wall dangerously close to his head.

“Come on,” Junhyung gasped as they pounded down the stairs, Hyuna and SooHyun hot on their heels. “Front hall, there’s a cupboard, locks from the inside.”

They skidded around the corner in their stocking feet, and Hyunseung’s heart gave a leap of triumph – there it was, the cupboard which was going to save them from an untimely, undoubtedly bloody death at the hands of their older sister – before the front door swung open in front of them and they slid to a halt in front of a very bewildered-looking their Aunt Hara, with Principal Yong close behind her.

Junhyung teetered, one foot still in the air as the four of them looked at each other. “Um, hi Appa,”

“What’s going on here?” Principal Yong demanded, but there was a funny look on his face, like he was trying to keep from smiling.

Just then, Hyuna rounded the corner of the hallway, a vision of terror. Hyunseung only barely resisted the urge to hide behind Hara, wanted to seek protection behind their aunt`s large case of cello but taking another step closer to Junhyung instead.

“Tell them,” Hyuna said, pointing a quivering finger at the 5 years old twins, “to stop messing with my stuff, or I am seriously going to strangle them in their sleep.”

“Hyuna,” Principal Yong began, and stopped, frowning as he stared at the knickers adorning Junhyung’s head. “Is that...” He stopped again, and gave Hyuna a look that practically screamed we will definitely be having an uncomfortable talk about why you own a pair of knickers like that later, young lady. “Junhyung, take those off your head and give them back to your sister. And what – what on earth do you have on your face?”

Junhyung took the knickers off his head, pouting and trying his very hardest to look dignified. “It’s a moustache,” he said, wounded. “Can’t you tell?”

Hara wasn’t quite quick enough to hide her laugh, and Hyunseung realized that SooHyun was leaning up against the wall behind Hyuna, trying to conceal a smile in the crook of her arm. Principal Yong reached up to smooth a hand over his face, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.

Hyunseung scowled at him, but Junhyung was busily re-evaluating their situation. “Quick,” he told Hyunseung under his breath. “Make your kicked puppy face.”

Hyunseung felt like that deserved a little outrage. “My kicked – I don’t have a kicked puppy face!”

“Excellent,” Junhyung said. “Keep it up.” Hyunseung looked around bemusedly, and didn’t notice much of a change except that their noona seemed to be noticeably less quivery from anger, and seemed to be fighting off a smile.

“No one can resist your kicked puppy face,” Junhyung went on excitedly. “It’s the perfect way to get out of trouble! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before.”

Principal Yong cleared his throat, and Hyunseung jumped. He’d forgotten Appa was standing so close. “You are not allowed to use your twin brother as secret weapons,” Principal Yong informed Junhyung, and when Junhyung pouted, he added, “Apologize to your sister.”

Hyuna looked smug, and Junhyung fixed his father with a pleading gaze.

“Apologize,” Principal Yong insisted, “or we’re not going out for ice cream at Sweet Cube.”

Hyunseung turned back to Junhyung beseechingly. Junhyung knew how much Hyunseung loved the triple-chocolate fudge brownie ice cream at that shop.

Junhyung held out for less than five seconds of Hyunseung’s silent, focused begging. “Fine,” he grumbled, “I`m sorry.”

Hyunseung beamed, and Principal Yong held the door open for them.

“Moustaches,” Hyunseung heard his Appa muttered as they dashed by him. “What will they think of next?”


Note: Junseung are 5 years old, Hyuna`s 15, Hara`s 18

A/N: Wow, 3 years w/o posting anything  =_=

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priscila2909 #1
Chapter 3: please make more dooseung story :)
i miss them now, thanks for you to make this beautiful fanfict .. :) :*
Chapter 3: I read the previous 2 story long time a go and I really really like them, now I think junhyung and hyunseung kinda look alike and hyuna lol I like her in this story, I hope there's more dooseung in next chap :3
Chapter 3: Junseung kids are so refreshing to read!
Chapter 1: I love this so much!!!!
nice one. ^^
nice story,
i_gloo #7
I have always anticipated for an update on this so I hope you will be back and continue to shower us with fluffs~
Hunny_chan210 #8
Chapter 2: wahhh is it over?
I really like this story even if I just read it today :3
Update soon :)
ats already over???
update soon please
oh this is so new for me.<br />
ijust started on dooseung...weird huh?<br />
but that's me after all<br />
but still i kinda got a chill when they kissed, i mean the <br />