*Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha. I can’t stand it. My stomach hurt. Hahhaahahahahahahah.  They really look freaking worried.  Hahaha.
I just peek at the monitor. What so funny? Look like hewill die cause of laughing.
“Junhyung.  Came here.  It funny to see this.  
I walk towards and just stand behind him while drink my coffee. Wondering what so funny about it?
#It is live? 
“YUP! Live from LONDON. Yaaaaaaaa look at their face. Hahahahahhaaha. CUBE can start doing variety show on its own. 
Hahahahahahaha. But I still jealous with doojoon & kikwang! Why they are  going to LONDON. Aisshhhh! 
#yaaa yoseob. U has a schedule with me. CAFFEINE…. The song is not finish recording yet. U keep delay it. You’re bad to me, so bad to me, oh girl you’re like caffeine.
Both of us start singing along……..
*the last member spotted at side walk. Ready to shot it*
My eye reset to the monitor.  a girl ? 
The door slidely open…….
#she pretty. 
I keep my eyes blinkling and start looking the face I need to find.
Did I just say…….
Yoseob roll his eyes to me.
*did u just say pretty?
#no! I didn’t say anthying.
*yaaaaaaaaa! I heard that clearly. 
I walk away from him…………. 
*her name MIRAE. Hahahahaha.  Junghyung. Yaaaaaaa! 
#MIRAE. That name came from my mouth. 
“Oppa. Are u okay?
*They want sue us. how we gonna  pay to pay to them? hell!
“Sue? What is going on? 
*look like everybody just arrived. Can we start the discussion?  It will great if start it now.
His sound really damn serious. What is going on?
*on behalf of the agency, we can’t cooperate any longer to these things. Did u guys know how much we spent on effort only for get the title of it? 
Look like you guys taking credit for it. It really unfair!
I look at others. Someone please tell me what is going on now. 


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