✘ Gotta problem with it?

The best is yet to be ♥

Well..That's just great.I have no idea where I am going,what's gonna happen next and when do these people decide to understand that I'm not him.We only continued driving and I hoped we're not driving to some mtv house or somwhere where I'm supposed to sing or something,cause then...I don't know what they will do to me.

So we arrived somwhere.Yes,SOMEWHERE and I had no idea where.I suposed I should get out of the car now and opened the door.But oh my goodness.It happened again.There were so many screaming girls,they were in two sides so...I just decided to walk the way that went through the people,cause I suppose they already know where I'm supposed to go and left some space for me to walk.So I walked to the house but what now...I have no idea where I'm supposed to go now.But then two other guys came there.

'' Mhh,Seobiee,where have you beeen huuuhh?''

They seemed kinda happy and peaceful so...I thought I should let them know that I'm not him.So I took both of their hands and frogmarched them away from the bodyguards.

''Hey guys umm...Can we go somewhere where I can explain everything?'' I tried to smile,so they won't get mad.

''Eeeeemm..'' And then they burst to laugh.

''Okaydokay.'' So they started to walk and I just followed them.

Finally we arrived to some...apartment.

''So our Seobie decided to run away again,huh?'' said one of them.

''So like him...Now..This time it seems there's not going to be problems huh..'' said the other one.

''Yeah,you played well,now..Want to eat something?''Said the first one again.I was kinda confused.

Though I understood really well what was going on then..It still seemed weird that they talk with me so kindly,they're no even angry.

''Umm..I don't know...''  Of course I want to eat something..I'm sooooo hungry,when was the last time I ate..?Uhh...

''I think you want,we're not some high class chefs,so we just eat some ramen.So we make one for you too,okay?''

Ohh,you actually don't need to...But yes please...

''Okay,if it's not some bother to you..''

''What are you talking about?Of course it's not.'' I just smiled back and tried to find some place to sit.Then I heard some another person to come.

He walked to the bathroom like he didn't even notice me.And when he came back from there,he was like that too.I felt like I'm invisible.Finally,when he came to living room with his coke,he noticed me.

''Umm..Should I know her?''He asked to everybody else who were there.

''Hehe,noup.She's just YoSeob 7.''

Seven?What was that supposed to mean??

''Oh...He just enjoys doing that huh...''

And then he kinda laughed.I was still interested what he thought by saying me to be YoSeob7,so I decided to find out.


''Oh yeah,that's the 7th time he's doing it.I wonder that the 100th time must be not far.''   So...He's like that..  

''Oh,okay...That's kinda funny.Seems like he has a lot of confidence.''

''Oh yes,he has that a lot.But these things usually end badly.But you pretended really well to be YoSeob,so I don't think they're gonna understand anything this time.''   I played well?I did nothing..

''Well,if you guys see him soon then please tell him to say more what to do to the next person,cause now I was kinda confused.There were so many times when I had no idea where I'm supposed to go or what to say and stuff like that.''  

Why am I saying that...Like it's good thing to act like that with people.

''Well,I bet he thinks he doesn't have time to explain all of this and...It was the Coffee bar men toilet again?''

Oh well..Now I understand what he meant by saying that the bodyguards are stupid...

''Yeah,it was..''

''Oh he has done it there about 4 times already...Seems like it's his favorite place for doing that.''

''Yeah...It seems like that.'' I said.Then the other guy came.

''Here's your ramen.Annnddd..chopstics.''

''Thank youu...'' Then they screamed lodly

''Booooyssssss,ramen is readyyy!!!!''

And there came two more boys out...How many they have them here??They seemed like they already heard what we were talking about so they didn't ask who I am.I was so hungry that this ramen was in my hands only like..about 5 or even less minutes.

''Wooooowww,you're quick.''

''Uhmmm...I was kinda hungry..''  They all laughed.

''Can I ask you a question?''

''Sure''  They all stopped eating and watched me like I was about to tell some ghost story or smth.

''Umm...Do you guys all live here together?Like...All the time...Together?'' Many of them smiled.

''Yeah,we do.'' Omgomg..Are thay all gays?Why are they living together like this...And so many...

''Well,our manager said it would be great,cause then it's easier.And to be honest,it actually is.''  

Manager...Ooooohhh,I almost forgot..He was famous...So..they must be like...some kind band or something..

''Okay...So you're like some kind of band or...something like that?''

''Yeah,we are.It's called B2ST.''  Oh..oh...

''B2ST...Okay.Annndd...You're kinda famous guys right?''  They laghed again..  

''Well,it depends.Maybe just a little bit.'' Said one of them and he kinda laughed while saying that.

''Ok...''  I started to blush.Maybe because I felt kinda ebarrassed because I didn't know them.

''What about you?You speak Korean pretty well,but...You like...Seem from some other country or like that...''  I saw it was uncomfortable question for them.

''Aaah,yeah...I'm not Korean.I just learned it at school and..Now I kinda had some problems in my life and...I came here to live a new life.''

And that remind me about him...Suddenly I felt like tears are covering my eyes again...But they woke me up.

''Heyy..You...Seem sad.''

Yeah...Abviously I do...

''Oh yeah...Sorry.Umm,so i can proudly say I ran away from my own life.''  And I tried to smile.

''Heyheyhey,is everything alright?Maybe we can help you with something?''

''Oh nono,I'm really okay.I really am,but thank you.And...It's kinda late so..I think I'm going to go now.''

 Even if there was so warm..And they seemed to be so nice to me.I actually din't want to leave at all but..I also didn't want to stay there and bother them.

''But where are you going?''  Right..Where am I going?Let's think quickly...ummm..

''T-t-to my uncles place.He...Kinda lives here.''

''Kinda?'' Oh crap...Why I'm so bad liar...

''Yeesss...I...I just don't know where.''  Oh..who would believe me now..

''Okay,let's just pretend you're telling the truth,but it doesn't even matter cause we don't let you out.Stay here for tonight.You can leave in the morning,if it's really neseccary.''  I knew it...How I can say no...

''Umm,but I really need to go.''

''Oh no you don't.You're staying here and this is the end of the story.''  I didn't say anything..I just..sat there.

They started to make me bed and stuff and then one guy sat next to me.

''What's your name anyway?''    uhm...  


''Aaaaeee?That's your name?Cool.''  He laughed.

 ''Oh nono,I..I'm Karen.''

''Oh..Karen.Okay,well I'm DongWoon,so..You know.''


''Here you go,this is your bed for tonight.We're going to sleep now soo..Good night.''

Aww....I'm so grateful for you guys...

''Night...And!!Thank you..''

''No probem.'' They said and waved to me.

*Hours later*
What's that sound...Yeah,something woke me up.I heard some mans voice and...There's also a...girl.And then the lights go on...What the...I turned around.

''You??? Still here?Why are you still here?'' He said.

Oh it's him again...Ughh..He just knows the best timing,I was just in the middle of having my best dream ever.So I decided to answer him.

''Why?Gotta problem with it?''

I think you do...

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dongbangsarang #1
jaejoong is the most angle like person on earth haha
Flaming-girl09 #2
I can't imagine Yoseob getting 'thirsty'.. Just.. No way..
This twist is scary! -shrieks and run away-
Flaming-girl09 #5
pinkypn #6
i love her outfit it chapter 30, i want her outfit. i wished she can choose both but if she had to choose id picked yoseob
Flaming-girl09 #7
Ouch. Hard decision there Mae Ri. Who'll you choose? :'C
Now I seriously dunno what to say! Because I love joongiee and seobbiee. How to choose? Ottokae?!
Yeah guys,it's from secret garden.I fell in love in that house immidiately.Since I've always dreamed my house to be super opened and really white inside then that was perfect.So I used the idea in here.;)
Flaming-girl09 #10
It doesn't bother me at all actually, and cool house! Is it really from Secret Garden?