Gangster Guy

Simply In Love

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Chapter 2: Gangster Guy

It was another day, Seomin kissed her parents and walked to the bus stop. She saw her friends and joined their conversation, "Hi everyone! What's our news today?" She giggled since her friends are always full of new, juicy news.

One of her friends excitedly screamed in front of her, "There's a a new transfer student that's going in our school... And the best part is, he's in our class!"

'New student?!' Seomin rolled her eyes, 'Why is everyone getting excited about a new student. People usually tease and bully new students but how come their excited about this one... Who is this new student?'

"Seomin-ah!" someone shouted.

She turned around and saw Jiyong.

"Sunbae," she whispered to herself with happiness. Seomin's friends giggled and sent her away, "Go with your sunbae... I bet you'll have fun as always."

Seomin nodded and ran to Jiyong, "Hi."

Jiyong smiled, "You haven't forgotten about our tutor session this afternoon, have you?"

"Of course not," she replied, 'The truth is, I didn't even eat my dinner since I was thinking all about you.'

"Are you waiting for the bus?" asked Jiyong.

She nodded.

"Wanna hop on?" Jiyong offered the back seat of his bike. Seomin's heart was racing, 'He wants me to get on his bike... Kwon Jiyong wants me, Lee Seomin, to hop on.'

Seomin took a deep breath and bit her lips before shyly sitting at the back. Jiyong pedaled slowly, "Are you ok with my speed? Is it too slow or too fast?"

"It's ok, sunbae," Seomin replied. She was feeling butterflies on her stomach and she knew the same exact feeling... it's because she's simply in love.

When they arrived in school, Seomin said bye to her sunbae and headed to her classroom with a bright smile. She sat down and took our her diary. She wrote, 'Jiyong sunbae is jjang! He let me ride on his bike and I'm going to see him this afternoon... Yay!' Seomin was so happy that she forgot that Teacher Dong was in front reciting everyone's names again.

"Lee Seomin?" 

Seomin didn't hear.

The teacher rolled his eyes and was about to shout when the door burst open. Everyone's head turned to the door except from Seomin who was still day dreaming.

A guy came in. He looks so cool, he was walking with the biggest swag and his eyes were like the sun, it melted everybody else. Seomin noticed that everyone has been quiet so she snapped out and looked where everyone else is looking to.

She saw a guy with blonde hair, his trousers was too big and was baggy and he has a belt that was sticking out. He looks similar to Jiyong but in a more... gangstery way.

Teacher Dong came up to him, "Who are you, young man?"

"Lee Byunghun," he simply said, "But I prefer being called L.Joe."

"L.Joe?" the teacher eyed him, "And why are you in my class?"

"I'm your new student apparently," L.Joe smirked and gave a y stare at all the girls he put his eyes on. All the girls fell on their knees and their heart was beating so fast.

Seomin on the other hand was just looking at L.Joe, 'He really looks like Jiyong sunbae...'

Teacher Dong pointed at the seat that was really far away from Seomin's seat, "You can sit there for now. I hope you pay attention and actually study and not day dream like Lee Seomin over there," the teacher pointed at Seomin and everybody started laughing. Seomin pouted and sighed.

L.Joe turned Seomin's way, he smirked, 'Day dreaming? How childish,' he shook his head from left to right a couple of times.

During class, L.Joe was sleeping while all the girls was staring at him. Teacher Dong didn't notice and just talked and talked about Algebra. Seomin was also falling asleep but she wanted to stay awake since her exams are coming up. Seomin just sighed and the lessons continued.


It was the end of the day. Seomin was excitedly joggin towards the library to meet Jiyong. Her phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered without checking the ID number.

"Seomin-ssi," it was Jiyong.

"Jiyong sunbae, are you waiting for me?" Seomin excitedly asked.

Jiyong took a moment, "Uhm, Seomin-ah, I'm really sorry but I can't attend today."

"Huh?" Seomin's heart felt so disappointed.

Jiyong sighed, "I had P.E and I twisted my ankle so I'm in the hospital right now... I'm really sorry."

'Hospital? Is he ok? How did he twist his ankle?' Seomin was worried and forgot about her disappointing feeling, "Sunbae, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm going home tonight and I might not come to school tomorrow just to have a rest," Jiyong explained, "Sorry."

"It's ok, I'm on my way home anyways," Seomin lied.

"Oh ok, I'll talk to you later then, bye," he hanged up.

"Bye sunbae."

Seomin sighed and walked to her house instead of taking the bus. She strolled down the street while thinking about Jiyong, 'I hope he's ok.'

Just then, a guy bumped into her. Seomin fell on her bum, "Ouch! Yah! Watch where you're going."

She looked up and saw his shiny blonde hair. It was the new student, L.Joe.

"Did it hurt?" he asked sarcastically.

Seomin stood up and dusted her skirt, "It did so please stay away from me so I won't get hurt, ok?"

L.Joe smirked, "How can you be so tough in front of me when you've only seen me for a day?"

"That's because you're a new student," Seomin said without thinking, "New students are mostly bullied... It's part of the experience."

L.Joe laughed, "Experience? You wanna talk about experience?"

Seomin just gave a brave face and glared at him. He smirked and leaned in closer to Seomin, "I don't really know your name but I like your attitude... You're not like other girls who's ty and way too easy to catch."

She was really angry, she glared at him for the last time, "I'm going to say this once and once only... Go away!" Seomin walked off but L.Joe grabbed her wrist for the last time, "Once you say 'go away', I'll start following you."

Seomin rolled her eyes and walked off, 'Aish! It's a bad enough day that Jiyong sunbae didn't attend the tutor session and he got injust and now this new gangster student is acting all creepy and stuff.'

She walked to her house and went to her bedroom and wrote all about her bad day in her diary... She was writing pages and pages that she got sleepy and slept on her desk without eating dinner.

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miyi_strawberry #1
nice<br />
please update soon
harmony101 #2
this FF seems interesting, update soon! :D<br />