Game 2

Hide and Kill

"Aish! Do we need to wear this school uniform when we do this project?" Sunggyu complained.

"We have to Sunggyu ah. Formal is important in this school right?" Hyunseung said while gluing the block.

"This project is troublesome." Woohyun muttered.

"Yah, let's do this quick. We only have today to complete this project." GD said as the leader.

"Arra. We must finish both of this Heat Detector project today. But, why they ask us to make this project two? One is enough right?" Junhyung said.

"One is for this school. And another one is for competition." GD said.

"Ah.. So that's why." Seungri said. After 3 hours they finally finished their project. The door opened and Mrs Song comes in with food in her hands.

"Anyeong Sonsaengnim!" Woohyun greet.

"Annyeong! Okay. Looks likes your project have finished. But still, you guys have to stay until next morning. Moreover, our school is on holiday this Monday right? Here is food for you. And, I have a bad news. I have to go home because my daughter fell sick suddenly. So, GD as a leader is responsible in taking care of you guys. There is instant noodle and other snack. So, you guys can eat it when you hungry. I promise I will come back tomorrow morning. Okay?" Mrs Song said. They nod. Mrs Song leave the food and walk away.

"Looks like we are alone tonight." Seungri said. They nod. They eat the food and go back to their class where they sleep.

"Ah! I don't want to bath at night!" Dongwoo said while rolling on the floor.

"Guys! Before we wash up, let's play Hide and Seek!" GD said. They lit up!

"Good idea! Moreover, it is so boring now!But I wan't to play The Killer." Sunggyu said.

"Agree with Sunggyu! Let's play The Killer! Hide and Seek will make us tired!" Seungri said.

"No! Let;s play Hide and Seek! More adventure!" Junhyung said.

"The Killer! Hide and Seek will make us sweaty." Woohyun said.

"But! The Killer will make our clothes dirty with powder." Dongwoo said. Only Hyunseung remained silent.

"Hide and Seek!" GD, Junhyung and Dongwoo said.

"The Killer!" Seungri, Sunggyu and Woohyun said. And they continue like that.

"SHUT UP!" Hyunseung shout and they stop their argue.

"We will play both of them." Hyunseung said.

"How?" Six of them said in unison.

"We will play Hide and Kill." Hyunseung raise his eyebrow.

"Here. In The Killer, there is 'Police', 'The Killer' and 'Public' isn't it?" They nod.

"Okay. Hide and Seek, the person who is the last one to be out will have to seek the other people right?" Hyunseung said and they nod.

"Okay, in Hide and Kill, we will follow The Killer's rule. Now, we will have to choose our own paper. Just follow my instruction." Hyunseung said. Seungri tear one by one of the paper and write 'Public' in 5 piece of paper, 'The Killer' in one piece while 'Police' in one piece. Seungri throw the papers at the floor and they snatch their paper. They open it. Sunggyu laugh. Hyunseung shook his head while the other have their poker face.

"Sunggyu must be 'The Killer' isn't it." Woohyun said. Sunggyu just laugh. "I'm not." Sunggyu sang.

"Okay. Now, 'Police' will be the Seeker. And 'The Killer' still have to kill Public. Police must find Public before The Killer could kill Public. Its mean, Police is the saviour of Public. Public have to be careful because Public don't know who is The Killer and Police right. So don't be tricked by The Killer. Or else, Public will die." Hyunseung said.

"Got it?" Hyunseung ask.

"But, how The Killer wants to kill if everyone have to hide?" Sunggyu ask.

"Only The Killer and Police will move. The Killer have to be careful or he will be caught by Police. The Killer have to act so that he will not be caught. And the Police have to be clever so that he will not easily be tricked by The Killer." Hyunseung said. They nod.

"Ah! One more thing! You guys can run as long as you the powder didn't touch you. The powder means you are dead."Hyunseung continue

"This is more interesting." GD said.

'It is interesting'


They move and find their place to hide with powder in their hand.

"Woohyun ah. Where are you going to hide?" Seungri ask.

"Molla. Yah, hide somewhere else. Who know, you are The Killer." Woohyun said. Seungri pout.

"I'm not. Believe me. I'm a Public." Seungri said.

"Eish! I don't believe you!" Woohyun said and push Seungri with his elbow. Seungri startled and grit his teeth.

'You're so gonna get it!' Seungri thought and walk in opposite way from Woohyun.

Woohyun walk and walk. He enter the class where GD was hiding. Woohyun walk and saw GD was hiding

"Gotcha!" Woohyun make GD startled.

"Omo! Are you The Killer." GD ask. Woohyun smirk.

"Waaahhh!" GD ran and push Woohyun. Woohyun fall on his .

GD ran and ran until he bump into someone.

Zzzaappp. GD stunned. He touch his neck.

"Enjoy this moment. Arasso?" He smile and put something at GD's body. He walk away and left GD there.

GD blink his eyes and fall on the floor. Blood gushing from his neck and his body felt limp. His eyes wide open and his mouth full of blood.

"AHHHHHHH!" A scream can be heard make all of them stunned. Hyunseung who is walking at the corridor ran to the source of the scream. Hyunseung's mouth wide open.

"GD!" Hyunseung scream and rush to GD's body.

"Seungri, what happen?" Hyunseung ask while his tears flowing down. The other of their friend except Sunggyu and Junhyung gather there.

"Molla. GD. Seung.." Seungri hug GD's bloody body. Hyunseung pick up the bloody note.

"This is just *sob beginning. Hide *sob before I kill *sob you. Hide.And you, *sob trapped in your *sob own game. From The Killer. " Hyunseung read. He grip the paper.

"Yah! Nuguya! Nugu!!! This is just a game! Wae?!" Hyunseung shout hystericly. Woohyun pull Hyunseung into a hug.

"Seung ah. Don't be like this. We have to be strong." Woohyun said. He still remember how GD's face when Woohyun startled him. Woohyun's tears flow down.

"Wait a minute. Where is Junhyung and Sunggyu?" Dongwoo said.

"Let's get out of here. There must be a lunatic killer here. Let's get out." Woohyun said and pull Hyunseung up with him.

"Seungri let's go." Dongwoo called.

"No! I can't leave GD here. I can't!" Seungri said.

"I must find Junhyung!" Hyunseung said and run away. Woohyun want to chase but Dongwoo hold him.

"No. We must save ourself first." Dongwoo said.

"Yah! Jang Dongwoo! We can't be selfish here! We have to save them." Woohyun said.

"No. We can't save them. Because one of those three. Is a Killer." Dongwoo said. Woohyun shut his mouth. He look at Seungri who is hugging GD.

"Seungri, we have to save ourselves. Lets go!" Dongwoo try to pull Seungri but Seungr is holding GD tightly.

"No! I can't leave GD! I CAN'T!"Seungri shout. Woohyun slapped Seungri.

"We have to save ourself!" Woohyun shout while holding Seungri's face. Seungri froze. Woohyun let go off Seungri's face. Seungri kiss GD's forehead and laid him nicely on the floor.

"GD. I will come back to save you." Seungri said. They ran to the gate. It was locked.

"Ahhhhhh!!" A scream come across again. They ran inside the building again. Three of them stuck together. They ran to the Block B and search for the scream. Dongwoo and Woohyun ran together while Seungri at the back.

"One has went down. Another five to go.This is the punishment for what you guys do to me four years ago." He whisper.

There is lot waiting. Stay tuned!

Thank you for your comment trisyia_shin!

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Chapter 5: hyunseung is the killer ? what a sad ending....
Chapter 4: Janganlah delete. Punyalah syok baca nak delete plak...
Sepikahhhh #3
Chapter 4: No no no no no! Dont delete it! This story become more interesting. I just about want figure out who is the killer. Please dont delete this story auther-nim. Im begging you~ T^T just keep updating okay?
AJ_Kevin #4
Chapter 4: No no no! Dont delete >< i still havent find out who the killer is and only you know who >< please dont delete. It is interesting. And they way you write the story makes me curious who the killer is. Dont delete your story and continue update for your readers okie?
Chapter 3: I hope HyunSeung is the last person who die. Maybe...
Chapter 2: Your welcome!!
Is the unknown is a guy? Of course right?
Chapter 1: Update soon!!!
Sounds awesome.