
My Bad Boy
The whole week Kris and I practiced day and night. The song kept popping up in my head, it wasn't until Wednesday that I decided to write the lyrics. I had Kris read it and he seemed impressed. 
"The Lyrics, I like them," he said. 
Kris hugged me then whispered in my ear,"I love you."
I hugged him back,"Why?" I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders,"I don't know. Maybe because I feel different around you. You have the brightest smile I've ever seen. There's just something different about you Luna. I gravitate towards you without noticing," he said with a smile.
"Thank you," I simply said.
After our classes ended we all left to our dorms. Everyone was excited especially Krystal and Xiumin.
"Oh My Gosh, I'm so excited about the trip to Jeju. The clothes and jewelry are wonderful!" Krystal practically screamed.
~SeHun and Xiumin's Dorm~ 
Xiumin was too busy getting excited about the trip to Jeju to concentrate about his surroundings. He bumped into SeHun, who seemed really distracted. 
"AYY Hyung!" The youngest complained.
"Sorry SeHun, I'm so happy. Do you know how much food of different varieties we can eat there?" Xiumin asked.
SeHun rolled his eyes. Suddenly Lay walked in looking confused.
"Am I missing something?" Lay asked.
SeHun grumbled,"How would we know?"
Lay then turned to Xiumin.
"Underwear?" Xiumin asked.
Lay shook his head,"I forget easily, but I'm not stupid."
"You forgot your toothbrush Lay,"LuHan said as he walked in.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready? In your own dorm?" Xiumin questioned.
"Then why is Lay here?" LuHan asked.
"Bec.." Before he could finish Kris walked in the room.
"Great more people," grumbled SeHun. 
Kris looked at LuHan, who just shrugged his shoulders.
"You okay?" Kris asked.
"I don't think my gift for MyungJi is enough," he confessed.
Xiumin scoffed,"You bought her $200 worth of stuff, why are you so worried?"
Kris tried to get a hold of what was happening.
"Wait what? You bought all that? Why do you care so much? Oh wait," Kris said as he realized what was happening.
"YOU WERE THE ONE THAT LUHAN AND CHEN WERE TALKING ABOUT? This is great, just great. What if Luna losses it? What if she thinks that your going to hurt her sister? What if she blames me? What if she leaves me because of this?" Panicked Kris.
"Wow, calm down. Luna's protective of her sister but she trusts you, remember?" Xiumin reasoned.
Kris nodded."Don't screw things up," LuHan said in the background.
All three gave him a warning glance. He raised his hands up as if to surrender,"Hey Chen told me to say it to a person who has been worrying. He says it eases the mind," LuHan explained.
"Obviously Chen has been trolling you, because that doesn't ease my mind. It makes me want to hurt you," Kris said.
LuHan quickly walked out the room whispering to himself, "curse you Chen."
Kris eyed SeHun,"When did you start liking MyungJi?"
"Never said I did," SeHun stated. 
"You don't have. The way you've been acting... It explains a lot. Every since you bumped into her in the hallway the day she came to see luna, your thoughts have just been everywhere...but here," Xiumin said.
Kris sighed,"Just don't do anything stupid, alright?"
"I should be the one telling you that," SeHun said.
Xiumin starts laughing.
"But your right. I wouldn't want to scare her off now would I?" SeHun asked sarcastically.
Xiumin laughed harder.
"Just lay low for now," Kris grumbled.
~Victorias Dorm~
"What did you and Nichkhun do on Saturday?" Questioned Krystal.
"Something your young ears aren't allowed to hear," teased Victoria.
Krystal made a disgusted face. Victoria burst out laughing.
"Nothing. We went to somewhere quieter, talked about our week, and the next time we should go on a date," Victoria answered.
"Boring!" Amber shouted.
Victoria threw a shirt in her face,"Just pack."
I turned to Sulli,"Are you excited?" I asked. 
"More then you will ever know," she said.
Sulli's face turned serious,"Is something bothering you?" She asked.
I laughed then nodded,"It's just what LuHan and Chen said about someone liking my sister. I'm really bothered by it."
She gave me a wary look. I knew exactly what that meant.
"You know who it is don't you?"
She nodded slightly.
"But you don't want to tell me." It wasn't a question.
"I think it's better if this person told you themselves," she said.
I nodded because I knew she was right.
Amber suddenly turned around and asked us the weirdest question ever.
"What was the man who discovered milk doing?" She asked.
"You know what I've actually wondered that my whole entire life. What was he doing?" I said.
Victoria and Sulli burst out laughing.
Krystal was more then happy to explain this to us.
"Obviously, the farmers wife left on their wagon to head to the city and buy something.She got lost on the way there, the farmer couldn't go and search for her well because he didn't have a wagon. Since they didn't have phones back then, you know, he couldn't just call her and ask "Hey where you at?" So he had to walk all the way down to the farm without easy transportation. By the time he got to the farm he fell from exhaustion. He looked up and there, standing in front of him, was the cow. He was so thirsty he reached out and.."
" Okay thats enough," Victoria said before Krystal could finish.
I shook my head and realized Amber and I were actually caught up in Krystal's crazy explanation.
"Ahh come on Vic, she was almost finished," complained Amber.
"You guys are impossible," Vic said with a sigh.
When we entered the airport I could see my parents waiting for us. 
When my mom saw us she ran toward our direction. "Hello! I'm so happy you guys could make it," she exclaimed happily. Everyone seemed to love my moms personality.
My dad walked up and greeted all of us,"Are you guys ready?" He questioned enthusiastically.
"Yes sir!" Chen and LuHan said at the same time while saluting.
"How is school life, sis?" Youngmin asked.
Before I could answer Kwangmin interrupted me.
"Of course it . I mean it's school," he explained.
I rolled my eyes, they were too much.
"Don't mind them Unnie, they're idiots," MyungJi said.
Everyone laughed but not as loud as LuHan and Chen. I hope these two and the twins never hang out together. Life would be too much to handle.
Looking at MyungJi, I remembered what happened the other day. I looked around focusing on the all the boys face. They didn't seem to be thinking of MyungJi that way. Then my eyes settled on SeHun who was staring at her. MyungJi turned around and looked at him. He looked away and his face turned red.
Well now I know my answer.
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Lol999 #1
I finally found this story after like 6 years!!!!
Chapter 37: Really like this story!
Chapter 37: it's alright to me. I really loved this story, but honestly when I just saw this update I was like; wasn't it already completed?
And hey, life comes first y'know? If some readers don't understand then that's their problem. If you would make a sequel then how about showing them a few years later? Ready to move in together and the other members finding love or something. Just a few chaps or something and it's a nice ending <3
Chapter 37: Cant wait for the next update hwaiiting :)
Chapter 36: Bwahhahah thirsty hoes ...
Amblhama #6
Chapter 34: KrysNa *w*
Chapter 34: ahahahaha xD Go author! you can do it! hahaha i'm excited for a krislun rated m. <3
Chapter 34: luhan and kris so.cute
Chapter 32: KrisNa is back baby!!! <3 I love them <3
brosicka #10
Chapter 32: Yaaay an update :) seriously in love with this right now