
My Bad Boy
    I backed away, not knowing what he was going to do. He saw what I was doing and pulled me to him. I looked at him, he then hugged me. 
"Luna why didn't you tell me you have Aichmophobia ( fear of sharp objects )and Angrophobia ( fear of anger ) ? " He asked in an irritated voice. I stared straight ahead. How did he know all this? I told my mom never tell anyone outside our family. My breathing got heavier. There was a reason I never wanted people to know. They either took advantage of me or looked down at me.
I knew I shouldn't be mad at her, it wasn't her fault. She had the right to not tell me, but I couldn't help feel a pang of anger. I wish she could just trust me. 
Just thinking about how I was yelling at her a few days ago, I was mad again that she didn't tell me. 
"LUNA! Why didn't you tell me. You could have seriously been hurt because of me!" I couldn't help but yell at her. I immediately regretted it, she had a blank stare on her face. I quickly pulled her into my arms. 
"Luna, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry," she didn't say anything or do anything. Her body was stiff. I pulled away from her but held on to her shoulders. I reached up to touch her cheeks, she had no reaction.
I closed my eyes. How could I hurt her? Why was I yelling at her? Just seeing her face made me want to hurt myself. 
"Luna, please say something," I begged. She suddenly walked past me and sat down on a bench, her face was still emotionless. I walked over to her and I looked down at her. I softly took her face in both my hands. 
"I didn't mean to hurt you like that. You can be mad at me but please don't leave me. For now this is a one sided love, but I will show that you can give me your heart." I said in sincerity. She still didn't say anything. I sighed," Let's go. We need to get back to school," I said. I turned around and started walking. 
"Autophobia," I suddenly heard her say. I turned around to see her staring blankly at me. I walked back to her and sat next to her. I didn't know how to respond to what she said but I wanted to hear her voice and what she had to say. I think she got the message because she continued. She looked down at the ground,"I also have autophobia along with the two you already know. It's a fear of being alone. When you were yelling at me I felt sad, but when you left me I felt even sadder. Why? I don't know, maybe because I didn't want you to leave me. But I was shocked when you brought up my phobia's, I never told anyone about those. Yet you managed to find out, I was wondering how you found out," She stopped and looked at me then smiled. Something lit inside of me and I felt something I haven't felt in a long time, happiness. Then she continued,"Kris, you're the first person to actually care for me besides my family. I was hesitant to trust you because the only thing I knew about you were what everyone else was telling me. I realized that your the only boy that made me sick at heart when you would leave." 
I looked at her beautiful face and pulled her into my arms but this time she wrapped her arms around me. I hid my face in her hair. Then I realized something.
I pulled away, only a little I didn't want to be to far from her. She looked at me and I smiled.
"If you say all this, then why did I hear you shout at your mom saying I'm a jerk," I asked.
She suddenly started laughing," I love my mom, but it gets annoying when she tries to get into my love life." She said.
I leaned down to the point where my face was a few inches away from hers.
"If I were you, I'd listen to your mom and get to know me better," I said. She smiled. I leaned in and I kissed her.
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Lol999 #1
I finally found this story after like 6 years!!!!
Chapter 37: Really like this story!
Chapter 37: it's alright to me. I really loved this story, but honestly when I just saw this update I was like; wasn't it already completed?
And hey, life comes first y'know? If some readers don't understand then that's their problem. If you would make a sequel then how about showing them a few years later? Ready to move in together and the other members finding love or something. Just a few chaps or something and it's a nice ending <3
Chapter 37: Cant wait for the next update hwaiiting :)
Chapter 36: Bwahhahah thirsty hoes ...
Amblhama #6
Chapter 34: KrysNa *w*
Chapter 34: ahahahaha xD Go author! you can do it! hahaha i'm excited for a krislun rated m. <3
Chapter 34: luhan and kris so.cute
Chapter 32: KrisNa is back baby!!! <3 I love them <3
brosicka #10
Chapter 32: Yaaay an update :) seriously in love with this right now