EP1: Minseok / Xiumin

Just Answer Me 2014

At exactly 6:00 in the morning, Minseok stopped his buzzing alarm clock, checked the time and got up enthusiastically from his bed. He fixed his beddings, took out the clothes he prepared last night and showered with the heater at 37 degrees C, after which he brushed his teeth with a total 22 up and down and 18 right to left .


At 6:30AM sharp, he was already checking himself in the mirror; slightly pleased with how the precious necktie Kyungsoo had given him for Christmas matched his baby blue polo. He caressed its white and gray polka-dotted patterns arranged evenly in a horizontal line as he fixed its knot with 4 precise moves and placed it under his dark blue sweater, all the while thinking about the heart-shaped smile he hoped to see later.


Minseok’s morning started just about any other day; counting movements, following patterns, and getting things done on schedule. He trusted these habits more than himself, and became engrossed in replaying them every day ever since he can remember. Consistency is Minseok described in one word, and whatever he plans, he delivers. So today, he trusted to execute his plan perfectly, after carefully planning it 12 months, 3 days and 8.5 hours ago when he realized his irregular heartbeat and adrenaline rush in front of a certain wide-eyed male with a captivating smile.


A blush crept on his cheeks, as he pulled his bedside drawer and found a light pink envelope containing a handmade card he slaved on for 7 days. Beside it was a small business card of the newly opened flower shop near their University, where he planned to stop by to get a dozen pink roses on his way to work.


Giddy and extremely nervous but inexplicably optimistic, he shortly left his apartment at the dot of 6:40AM, after leaving one last glance at the calendar hanged on his wall, where a red mark circled the 14th of February.

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Ankzara17 #1
Chapter 9: Each chapter is very interesting to read! It makes me really curious as to what would happen. Is it wrong for me to want SuBaek/ BaekHo in this fanfic. Both seem broken and lonely. TaoHun/ SeTao is toooo cute!!! Love this story. Author-nim, please update soon~~
Chapter 8: Woooooahhh. Your story is good. I will love to read an update again. Daebak! <3 Love the story~