A Night to Remember

Heart Attack


*Hi Guys sorry it took so long to update! I was sick and I had a lot of projects to do but it's christmas break soooooo I might be able to update more! Enjoy!*

You were sitting together hand in hand waiting to board your plane. Both of you were so happy that you got married, if just felt so… right.

You rested your head on Sehun’s shoulder as you started drifting to sleep. Sehun’s eyes slowly drifted down to your sleeping face. He couldn’t take his eyes off your beautiful porcelain skin, and your perfect facial features. Sehun was enchanted by your beauty. He slowly leaned down to kiss your head, but as the did that the pain in his chest arose. he struggled to get a pill into his mouth without waking you.


As the pain subsided, an announcement went on. Would all passengers boarding British Airways please proceed to gate 5. All passengers please begin boarding. You felt someone shake you as your eyes fluttered awake.


“It’s time to go.” Sehun said softly.


You lazily lifted your head still half asleep. Sehun chuckled at your cute behaviour.


“Let’s go.” Sehun said as he stood up.


The both of you got out of your seats and took you your boarding passes and passports. You headed to the gate and got on board.


-In London-


After an 11 and a half hour flight, you had finally arrived in London. The both of you were exhausted but you were still excited for this trip. The two of you had headed off to pick up your luggage and then proceeded to your taxi.


As you drove to your vacation home, you were amazed at its beauty. Soon after, snow started to fall. As the snow landed over the buildings and the ground, it sugar coated the city.


The drive was long, but you eventually made it to your vacation home. When you arrived you saw a beautiful townhouse with a white bottom and a second story that had a small balcony.


As you entered through the tall black door, you had found yourself in a cozy living room with a fireplace and a big couch. You took of your shoes and your coats and explored the place.


You walked into the next room and was greeted by a beautiful vintage kitchen with a nice stove and fridge. In the middle of the room was a wooded island that brought all the colours of the kitchen together.


You walked upstairs  and entered through brown wooden door. You walked in and found a king-sized bed and a large window that led to a balcony. As you stepped out onto the balcony it overlooked the beautiful city of London. The christmas light’s had created an even more spectacular view.


Sehun stepped beside you and leaned against the railing. As you looked at the city lights you felt peaceful.


“It’s so beautiful.”


Sehun stared at you with soft eyes.


“Yeah, it is.”


Sehun stepped back into the house as you continued to gaze at the beautiful scenery.


“Come on JunHee, it’s cold out.”


You soon followed behind still mesmerized by the amazing view.


“We should get ready to leave soon.”


“Yeah, we should.”

After the both of you had gotten dressed you headed out on the streets of London. As you stepped out you saw a canopy of christmas lights above you.


“Woah! It looks so different down below. It’s like a whole new world.”


Sehun chuckled at your cute behaviour.


“You’re such a child” He said while ruffling your hair.


You slapped him playfully and giggled.


“No I’m not.”


Sehun grabbed your hand and stuffed it into his pocket. You glanced at him and shook your head. You just loved him so much. He was caring and loving but he never knew how to express it properly, but you knew how he felt. He doesn’t usually say I love you but when he does it means a lot. That’s what you loved about him.


“What do you want to eat Hun?”


He stopped for a second and pondered what delicious food he should eat.


“Oh! Let’s eat fish and chips.” He said excitedly.


You looked at the huge grin on his face as he hopped up and down. His pleading eyes glued to yours.


You giggled at him and continued walking.


“And you call me a child.”


Sehun’s eyes lit up and he leaned down to kiss your cheek.


“JunHee you’re the best.”


“You’re such a dork.”


Sehun stood up tall with a big idiotic grin on his face.


“But I’m your dork~”


You let out a sigh and started to walk to the restaurant.


When you arrived at the restaurant it started to snow again. As you swung the doors open a bell rang.


“Hello! How table for how many?” a girl with blond hair asked.


“Two please.”


“Okay, follow me.”


The waitress led you to a corner with a small table that fit the two of you perfectly. She had passed you a menu and left.


“Hun, what do you want to eat?”


“Order for me.”




When you were ready the waitress came back with a pen and notepad.


“What would the two of you like this evening?”


“We would like um… two cod fish and chip meals and two cokes please.”

“Is that all for you.”


“Yes thank you.”


When the waitress left you found Sehun staring intensely at you.




“You never fail to impress me you know that.”


You just giggled and glanced away. When the food arrived Sehun thought of nothing but eating and inhaled whatever was on his plate. When the both of you finished you left and walked around.


The two of you were leisurely walking through the streets as the snow was falling.


“I never expected it to be this beautiful.”


“Neither did I.”


“Thanks Hun for bringing me here.”


Sehun stopped walking and turned you so that you were facing him. You stared at his eyes as you felt his arm encircling your waist. His face drew closer and closer to yours and before you knew it his lips were pressed against yours. His kiss was gentle and loving, and you could feel his emotions through it. He broke the kiss and smiled at you.


“JunHee, I love you, and I’ll never stop.”


“Hmm where did that come from.”


Sehun blushed but kept his eyes on you.


“I love you too Hun. No matter what.”  


*I hope you guys liked it! Have a good holiday! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I wonder how this story will progress. We'll see ^_^*

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Chapter 4: “I love you too Hun. No matter what.” I know you do.. I know you do..
Chapter 3: what's wrong with sehun? plz don't let him die plz?