
Heart Attack




Hey Guys! I hope you enjoy my fanfiction! I used some ideas from K.Will's you don't know love ( The one with Chanyeol) I hope you like my cheesiness and fluffyness! It's only my second fanfiction so don't expect too much. But enjoy!


His heart was beating uncontrollably, his breath grew heavy, and his legs grew weak. He took out a single rose and got down on one knee. You stood on the beach awestruck. He took your hand and placed the rose in your hand. He released it letting a ring drop onto your thumb.


“JunHee.” He said with a gentle smile, “Will you marry me?”


You looked into his loving gaze and drowned in them.


“Yes! Sehun Ye-”


Before you could finish your sentence Sehun got up and pressed his lips against yours. He s his hands around your waist and pulled your body into his chest. He broke the kiss still embracing you. His lips curled into a sweet smile that melted your heart.


“I Can’t believe I get to marry my first love. The girl of my dreams.”


You blushed and looked up at him, captured in his gaze. You smiled gently at him and pecked his lips catching him off-guard.


“Neither can I.”


Sehun pulled you into his chest embracing you once more. His warmth encircled you as you inhaled his sweet scent. He kissed the top of your head then let you go. He intertwined his fingers with yours and started walking down the beach.


The cool winter breeze brushing your cheeks, and the soft sound of waves washing upon the shore. This was the perfect night for the most perfect proposal from the most perfect man.





You entered your apartment and took your shoes off, and slipped your feet into your fuzzy slippers. You opened your room door and plopped yourself on your bed. Is this really happening? You couldn’t believe it. He was going to be your husband. The man of your dreams, someone you never dreamt to marry, let alone be in a relationship with.


You were so excited and happy that it was impossible for you to fall asleep. All you could think about was Sehun. Sehun. Sehun. Sehun. Just as you were about to fall asleep you heart your phone’s text tone. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and saw the name Sehun displayed on the screen. A smiled played on your lips as you opened the text.


Sehun: Are you asleep yet? I’m so happy that I can’t fall asleep.

You: Me too… I miss you already…

Sehun: You’re not the only one <3

You: You better get some sleep though you have an important meeting tomorrow.

Sehun: Fine, but I want to keep talking to you.

You: Just ok to bed okay.

Sehun: Okay, I will but make sure you sleep as well. Night.

You: Night, I love you.

Sehun Love you too :*


With that you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. That was the best night you’ve ever had and you would never replace it with anything else.


2 Months Later~


It’s been two months since you’ve been engaged to Sehun. The wedding is two days from now and you were nervous. You have been working crazy hard planning and organizing the wedding for the past two weeks. You still had quite a lot to do but for some reason you weren’t stressed, you were nervous yes, but not stressed, you just couldn’t wait for you wedding.


The next day you went to pick your wedding dress. Although you made a mental not to pick your wedding dress first, but you still got distracted by other wedding preparations. Hence, your current situation.


As you were trying the wedding dressed on, you heard your phone ringing. When you saw the name on the screen you smiled and picked up the phone.




“JunHee! What are you doing now?”


“I’m trying on some wedding dresses and then I have to pick up the flowers.”


“You’re working too hard JunHee. Make sure to get a lot of rest, I don’t want you getting sick before the wedding day okay?”


“Yeah, I will. I’ve got to get this done okay? See you later! Love you.”


“Love you too. Bye.”


You hung up and continued trying on more dresses.


Sehun hung up and smiled. I’m going to marry the love of my life tommorrow. he was lost in his thoughts of you when he felt his chest hurt. He put a hand over his heart and popped a pill in his mouth. His chest started to hurt even more causing him to clench his chest harder. he bent over in pain as the pain grew worse. Sehun stood in the middle of the apartment until the pain subsided.


When the pain left he sat on the sofa and breathed heavily. His hand moved with his chest as it was heaving up and down. As Sehun started to calm down he stretched his body on the couch and placed his arm over his eyes. I’m fine. I can’t burden her with this. I’m fine.


As hard as Sehun tried to convince himself that he was fine and that his heart condition was better he knew it the reality of it. His heart clearly wasn’t okay and it wasn’t getting any better either. Sehun started thinking and soon all kinds of thoughts were running through his mind. I haven’t told her about this yet even though we have been dating for so long. Is it wrong to marry her?I shouldn’t have proposed to her, I’ll hurt her… But… I love her… as those thoughts kept repeating in Sehun’s mind tears started to stream down His face. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he loved you. No! I have to be strong for her! I must…





After finishing the wedding preparations you headed home waiting to see your other half. When you arrived home, you were greeted by a sleeping Sehun on the couch. You slipped off your shoes and tip-toed towards him. While you were approaching him, you saw him stir in his sleep. When you arrived at the sofa, you knelt down on the floor and started at his face. Sehun’s features were perfect. He had long eyelashes, a nicely shaped nose, full lips, and to you he was just… perfect. Snapping out of your thoughts, you poked his face.


“Hun~ wake up~ we have to leave soon.” You said in a sweet voice.


As you continued to poke Sehun you heard him mumble.


“mm… can’t…. hurt her.”


Hurt her? Who? Me? You were confused. What is he dreaming about? You continued poking him until his eyes fluttered open. When Sehun opened his eyes the first thing he saw was you. His lips curled into a smile as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.


“You’re finally up sleepyhead.”


Sehun sheepishly grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck.


“What were you dreaming about? I hear you say something like ‘can’t hurt her’”


Sehun was confused at first, but as he thought about it he panicked. He hesitated before he spoke.


“Uh… you see... I dreamt of me being King Kong and when I picked you up I thought I can’t hurt her.”


You giggled at his response.


“You are so silly, but that’s what makes you so cute.”


Sehun let out a relieved smile and then flashed you a cute smile. That was close.


“I’ll go get changed and then we can head out to dinner.”




Sehun walked off into his room. You watched his every move. The way he did everything somehow captured you. Even when he was just sleeping or sitting, you were always enchanted by him.


When Sehun was out of your sight, you walked over to the piano. Your fingers brushed the keys and before you knew it your fingers were dancing and making music. You were hypnotised by the music and started singing.


It all just sounds like oooh…

Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize

That you should have bought me flowers

And held my hand

Should’ve gave me all your hours

When you had the chance  

Take me to every party

‘Cause all I wanted to do was dance

Now my baby I’m dancing but I’m dancing with another man


Sehun had finished changing when he heard your voice that he loved so much. That was one of the many reasons he fell in love with you. When he stepped out he heard the lyrics of the song.


your pride, your ego, your needs, and your selfish ways

Cause a good strong women like me to walk out your life

Now you never, never get to clean up the mess you made, ooh…

And it haunts you every time you close your eyes.


When Sehun heard those lines he froze. I don’t want to hurt her, but I don’t want her to leave me. Sehun knew he was being selfish, but he loved you. What could he do about that?


When you were done the song you turned around and saw Sehun leaning against the wall looking at you with stunned eyes. You were startled.


“When did you get here?!”


Sehun giggled at your reaction, “Took you long enough.”


Sehun slowly approached you, and when you stood in front of him, he leaned in and kissed you. He stood up and patted your head. When you looked up you met his kind eyes and his gentle smile.


“Let’s go.” He said kindly. He removed his hand from your head and started to walk towards the door, “Oh! and JunHee that was really amazing.”


You blushed and followed him to the door.





You let out a nervous breath as you put your veil on. You were going to walk down the aisle in only a few minutes. Your heart was pounding so hard it felt as if it would just pop out of your chest. You walked out of the dress room and headed towards the huge mahogany double doors. You saw your dad approach you with a gentle smile, he kissed your cheek and smiled.


“Aigoo, my little girl is all grown up.”


“Appa, I’ll always be your little girl.”


Your dad felt a pang in his heart, he could feel tears threatening to leave his eyes. It hurt to let you go but he felt happy that you were going to be with the one you love.


“Mm, let’s go.”


You smiled at your dad and linked arms with his. You took a deep breath as the doors swung open. The second Sehun heard the doors he looked up and his eyes instantly locked on to you. It felt as if time had just stopped and only the two of you were the only people in the room. He was hypnotized. To him your beauty was so overwhelming, it was indescribable. Wow… I’m actually marrying her. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t take his eyes of you for even a second. You were absolutely stunning.

As you stepped closer and closer, his heart started beating faster and faster. Before he knew it you were right in front of him.


“Wow… You look… perfect…” He whispered.


You smiled at how shy and adorable he was.


“So do you.”


The both of you shared your vows and exchanged rings.


“You may now kiss the bride.”

He smashed his lips against your and kissed you until you were breathless. He was so happy he just couldn’t believe he was marrying you. Your broke the kiss and smiled. That was the kiss that sealed the bond, the bond that only death could break.


Thank you so much for readin! I hope you enjoyed it! Yes I know its a little too cheesy but I hope you continue reading more!

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Chapter 4: “I love you too Hun. No matter what.” I know you do.. I know you do..
Chapter 3: what's wrong with sehun? plz don't let him die plz?