Chapter 10

Rival Secret
"Stop before I kill you."
Hoya stopped dead in his tracks as he tried to reconize the voice. It wasn't  a voice he knew at all, but somehow felt that he knew. He could only see a gun out of the shadows, and a broad and muscular figure. It scared him to think it was one of the fighters from up north, but why would north fighters be here?
"Lee Hoya, how nice to meet you for the first time." The figure said.
Hoya kept his eyes to the ground. If he moved now to get his knife, he would be shot dead instantly.
"Who are you?"
The figure chuckled,"My, how can you not know me from the sound of my voice?"
As the figure stepped out, Hoya lifted his head to see, and immediately regretted it. It was GDragon of Big Bang. How could he not reconize him by his voice? His voice had sent chills through his spine the first time he had heard it through a recording. It was like a thousand icesicles stabbing him.
He calmly stated. GD smirked, but never removed the gun. 
"You seem to be annoying my Hyuna. If I were you, I would just give up on the diamond, and just go home. Don't you think that's a better idea?" He said tilting his head a little.
"If I am annoying Kim Hyuna, that must mean that I'm doing a pretty good job right?"
Before GD could respond, the door burst open, and Hyuna walked in.
"Not really, because if I'm getting annoyed, you will regret it."
Hyuna kicked Hoya in his inner knee, and made Hoya kneel in pain. She came over and stood next to GDragon and looked down at him. She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes, that made Hoya feel uncomfortable. Anything involving Hyuna was pretty much dangerous for him. She whispered something in GDragon's ear and he nodded.
"The others will be taken care of by my crew. Don't worry, I'll take care of them."
She nodded and looked at him.
"Well, then, let's do this."
Before Hoya could react to anything, Hyuna spinned and kicked Hoya straight on the head, knocking him out.
"Anything WooHyun?" SungKyu asked over the phone.
"Nothing. I contacted the others except L and Hoya. I don't think it's in here. So far, all I found were guards and rooms. Nothing else really valuable in this house. Minhyuk's a smart kid, I don't think he made it easy for us."
SungKyu looked around the room that he was in and decided to step out. 
"I can't find anything either and I've looked into about fifteen rooms. I'm pretty sure the other members looked into most of the rooms in this house, and so far, no luck. How about we go for the south house? It's the second biggest and we still have time. Sunset's in about 3 hours."
"Yeah, I think that will be better. I'll call the boys and let's meet up in the atrium. The last time I checked, there were no guards there, and if they were, I'm sure the boys took care of it."
"Okay then."
He hung up and thought for a minute. If the diamond was not in this house, he sure hoped it would be in the south one. He hurried towards the atrium to see most of the members gathered there.
"Hey! Where's WooHyun?"
"He's coming soon. He called L and Hoya, but Hoya wouldn't pick up, and L needed some help with guards. L's really pissed at his arm and Hyuna right now." SungJong informed him.
As if on cue, WooHyun came in with L, who had a really angry expression on his face.
"Is Hoya still not here yet?" WooHyun asked.
They shook their heads as they became more and more worried.
"Where is he? He won't pick up and I'm really starting to worry."
They whipped their heads around to see Big Bang in front of them. Infinite tensed as they sensed a fight coming on.
"GDragon. What are you doing here?" SungKyu asked.
The leaders were in front of their gang and were facing eachother.
"Oh nothing, just helping a friend on mine."
"Yes, I'm sure you know her. Her name is Kim Hyuna."
They tensed up more at the sound of her name. Of course she would be behind this, why wouldn't she be? She's one of the best gangsters in the town.
"Should have expected, I'm terribly sorry for not knowing earlier. However, I'm very curious on where you have Hoya."
"Why do you think that we will have him?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Maybe so, unfortunately for you, we don't.  What we do have is a fight if you're up for it."
SungKyu looked back at his crew and smiled.
"Always up for a challenge."
He was doing this particularly for Hoya. He didn't believe GD when he said that they didn't have him. He had said that he was helping Hyuna, so that must mean Hyuna isn't here right now. Then who could have him? Of course it would be Big Bang! The two groups charged at eachother. Bullets were fired, knifes were swung, and voices yelled. It wasn't unusual, they were gangs. It was only natural for them. Nature that could cost them their life.
(Trouble Maker)
When Hoya woke up, he was tied up in a chair with Hyuna right at his face.
"What the in the world!"
She casually smiled and leaned away from him.
"Took you awhile. I was wondering if you were dead. I mean, my kick isn't that hard."
Hoya glared at her. Why did she kidnapp him? What was he any good for?
"I kidnapped you for a reason you idiot." She said as if she was reading his mind.
"Don't worry. I don't plan on killing you, although Hyunseung might when he comes home. Whatever I do, is all for a good reason, so don't you worry,"
Now he scoffed at her. He SHOULD worry. It was Kim Hyuna for Heaven's sake, the most mischievous girl in the world.
"Like that would be easy."
She smiled as she got up. He looked around at the unfamiliar surrounding and back at her. She always had a gun with her and a dagger. Why couldn't all girls be girly and perky? He would rather have that than this. He noticed the tattoo on her wrist of the  Trouble Maker sign. Everyone had one of their group, but people also had one of their family. It wasn't really a tattoo, but a different sort that stayed. He had one, but he didn't need it anymore. He's family was dead. Hoya wondered if Hyuna had one. 
Hoya snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Hyunseung's voice. Now was when death torture would probably begin. He sighed, so much for his life.
Hey guys! Happy New Year! I'm doing it by U.S time. I hope you have a wonderful 2014! Thanks for reading! Also, to my wonderful subscribers and commenters! I LOVE you guys! You guys are the best! So and HUGE thank you on that. Thanks for reading again and have a Happy New Year!
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hennyrestu #1
update please... i really miss your story...
vita27 #2
Chapter 27: I hope hyun w Hyunseung, i luv their chemistry here ❤❤
Chapter 27: i want one about hyuna hoya
Chapter 27: Yeah . Great story . Thank you autornim . Always read hyuna fanfics . And thank you
Chapter 27: Ok, didn't mark this as complete which makes me worry that something bad will happen,2. I still can't decide if hyunA should end up with hyunseung or Hoya...
Totomatoes #6
Chapter 27: Aaaand now, it's time for Hyuna to choose between Hoya and Hyunseung. (I HOPE SHE CHOOSES HYUNSEUNG)

Love the frying pan (I'm going to assume it's referenced from Tangled, I love Tangled) and thank god everything's fine... I hope... OR WILL THERE BE ANOTHER GANG WHO'LL APPEAR AND MESSES EVERYTHING UP. There better be none.

Anyway, I love the story and I guess it's coming to its end. I'm excited to see who Hyuna chooses and how Infinite warms up to Troublemaker. (but seriously... CHOOSE HYUNSEUNG HYUNA, PLS. I ship them so hard it's unhealthy~!! ㅠㅠ)
Chapter 22: this story is so suprising!
vip4nia #8
Chapter 26: Arrrgg woohyun ! No ! Please safe my BB hyuna T.T
Chapter 26: Drats you Woohyun!!!!!*sigh*maybe that's what they get for not hitting him with a frying pan when they had a chance....XD
Lol I sorta imagined them useing the frying pan as a hammer and the infinite members with the chips as whack-a-moles!XD
Chapter 26: Nooooo..... I hate woohyun... But this chapter is hilarious.. Especially about the frying pan. Keep update.