News and reactions


Hi everyone this is co-author UknowMi,  sorry for the late update, some things just happened in our lives, but anyways here's a new update that we made, hope you guys will like and enjoy it, our dear sakuramochi5 is having a net problem as of the moment, so here i am posting on her behalf, she also sent her love for you all and hope you guys won't kill her for late update, hahaha XDXD anyways enjoy ^-^


There was palpable tension in the atmosphere. The two sitting on the loveseat were surrounded by a horde, looking ready to jump on them. Yunho gently squeezed jaejoong's cold and sweaty hand, smiling assuringly at him. Jaejoong returned a nervous smile, gripping tightly onto Yunho's hand. Yunho took a deep breathe and looked at the faces in front of him. Expectant eyes looked at him and even were starting to feel nervous. Maybe it would have been better to tell them individually.


'We have something to tell you',Yunho started. Jaejoong's hand trembled lightly.


'We already figured that out,Jung!', Heechul pipped from the corner, rolling his eyes.Yunho ignored him and looked at the two sets of parents sitting in the middle. Mrs.Kim and Mrs.Jung were holding each other's hands tightly, ready for the worst. Mr.Kim looked calm and benign. While Mr.Jung looked on coolly.


'Get on with it already,Yunho', SooYoung said, holding her husband's hand. Jaejoong was starting to feel a bit nauseous at the awkward atmosphere. And his elder sister's words didn't help. He and Yunho exchanged glances and Yunho again took in a deep breathe.


'We are going to be parents'.


*drum rolls* Yunho continued in same breathe.


'Jaejoong is pregnant'.


A pause. Deafening silence. The only sound the couple could hear was their heart beats and breathing. It was rather a comical sight, as jaws dropped, one by one. Silence in the room continues. As if everyone's vocal chords had boycotted hearing the news. Jaejoong glanced around, his panic increasing. His sisters wore identical expressions of disbelief and surprise. Junsu Yoochun and Heechul wore comical expressions of disbelief mixed with joy. And their parents were another thing.


Both their mothers were wide-eyed. Mrs.Kim had tears in her eyes and Mrs.Jung was itching to throw herself upon the pregnant man, Mr.Kim was looking mildly surprised, his calm composure a soothening to Jaejoong. But Mr.jung looked as if he was about to burst. A nerve near his temple was twitching and his face was rapidly changing color, from white to pink to red to a slight lavender. It would have been fantastic to watch the rainbow, had it not been for the deafening silence stretching to a breakable point.


'Please say something',Jaejoong whispered, clutching onto Yunho. And suddenly Jaejoong and Yunho found themselves among bone-crushing hugs and female squeals surrounding them as Jaejoong's sisters fangirled over the news.


'Kyyaaa!I am going to be aunt!'.


'My Joongie is going to be the most adorable mommy ever'.




'Jaejoongie, I’m going to plan and give you the best baby shower in all the baby shower history!'


'OHMYGOD!I should start shopping now!'


'Kyaaa!My niece is gonna be as cute as her mommy!'


'How do you know it is going to be a girl?'


'What if they are twins!'


Jaejoong looked helplessly from among the many pairs of arms engulfing him to his husband who was in a similar state as him, which was surrounded by half his sisters.


'Easy girls,let them breathe', Mr. Kim said. The ladies reluctantly let them go and YunJae sighed in relief, able to breathe again. But not for long. Jaejoong found himself with again engulfed by two ladies. The Kim and Jung umma’s had apparently decided to relieve their feeling by crying and kissing the couple all over their faces. Mrs.Jung was crying openly as she crushed Yunho in a hug. Jaejoong looked at his mother and was touched to see her eyes shining with gentleness and tears. She kissed him lovingly on the forehead.


'I can now die peacefully,with all my children's children', She whispered,making tears drip from Jaejoong's eyes too. He hugged her.


'Aww,Joongie!I am so happy!I am going to be halmoni!', Mrs.Jung cried, pulling Jaejoong into a bone crushing hug. Yunho laughed seeing his mother squeal’s and fangirl.


'Easy,umma',Yunho said. Mrs.Jung looked at the blushing Jaejoong,realizing what the matter was.She and Mrs.Kim retreated back, sobbing happily. While Junsu,Yoochun and Heechul rushed to them. Junsu dolphin squealed as he embraced Jaejoong with unnecessary force.


Everyone was rejoicing to the great news,when they heard a loud thud on the floor. Turning their attention to source of the sound, only to find out that Mr. Jung was unconscious on the floor, which made everyone panic.


“APPA!!” yelled Yunho as he ran towards his unconscious father, followed by the rest.


“Wake up,yeobo” cried Mrs. Jung.Yunho,on the other hand, scooped his father on the floor and carried the latter,walking to the direction of their couch and placing his father gently on the couch.


Once his father was safely on the couch,Mrs. Kim came running towards them with Vicks in her hand and gently placed it near Mr. Jung’s nose, letting the latter to smell the mintiness of vicks, to awaken his senses.


Few minutes later, a pair of almond shaped eyes slowly opened, which made all give a sigh of relief. Mrs. Jung hugged her husband and whispered.


“What happened back there?... we’re worried about you,yeobo”


“Mianhae chagiya, it must be the mixture of my emotions, that I didn’t handle the excitement of finding out that im gonna be a grandpa.. especially since Jaejoong is a boy” said Mr. jung, in which Mrs. Jung loosened the hug and smiled at her husband.


“I know… but this just shows miracles do happen…”


“Yes and I feel blessed for our family” said mr. jung as he looked at Jaejoong who was smiling at him with tears in his eyes.


“I'm glad your fine,appa” said Jaejoong at which Mr. Jung smiled


“Sorry for making you worry.I'm fine now, plus it’s bad for the baby if you continue worrying.Let’s just celebrate Jaejoong’s pregnancy” said Mr.Jung in which everyone cheered,including Heechul who ran towards Jaejoong, almost knocking yunho in the process.


“Sorry Yunho, you were in the way..” said Heechul as he removed Yunho’s arms from Jaejoong’s shoulder and dragged the latter near the dining table as he blabbed about his plans for the future baby.


More like to turn the baby into a model or a diva just like him.


So how was it? ^-^

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yunhosjaejoong #1
Chapter 2: Authorshiiiii pleasssssse update soon
Ahmengo #2
Chapter 2: Update it! Great story so faarrr :D
mysterycodes #3
Chapter 2: This story is great.Please update soon. :)
Lady_21 #4
Chapter 2: It only chapter 2 but i soo in love with it.. please update soon..
Chapter 2: Please update!
Chapter 2: When r u gonna update again? Wanna see what happen next ! Good story :)
Chapter 2: Hahaa loveeeee it!!
Chapter 1: Hahahahaa chapter 1 is so funny ! Keep writing author-nim >_< fighting !
samirajoon #9
Chapter 2: hehehehe.their families and friends are so funny and supportive. i like them. and heechul is awesome as always.
leeyunjae #10
Chapter 2: hahaha! that's so funny and Mr. Jung already fainted by the happy news XD
the whole family are so funny 'I KNEW MPREG IS REAL!' hahaha!
and yunjae so sweet <3