Mr.Smiley and his band of I am pissed of Idiots

Super Junior!! Your My Oppa!!!!! wait WHAT?!?!?

I was pissed of on the plane ride here, and am still pissed off, you want to know why am still pissed of, I have two good reason's WHY am pissed of
1. I DID not know that I would be going to live in Korea with a bunch of strange GROWN MAN!!!! And 2. I DON'T KNOW WERE THE HELL AM SUPPOSE TO GO!
Yea my mom told me someone will be there to pick me up, but as I look around, guess what I see, No FREAKING ONE!!!! Seriously there is nobody here to pick me up, and you want to know the sad thing about it, I got here over a (n) Hour ago, a WHOLE HOUR!!!! And on top of that it’s getting dark.

I let out a sigh and got my bags and walked outside, I looked to the left and then to the right, gee thanks mom.  “Well I should find police stations are something, ugh these sign's are confusing!!!" you said as you started to walk.

WipPan to 3rd person real quick

As you walked along you felt like someone was following you, you turned around real quick but saw no on, you shrugged it of and just started to walk again, but know you heard foot step's, you started to make your steps a little bit quicker but the person's kept the pace....actually you heard more then one person it sounded like 3 are more people following you  ugh this is a really bad day to get gang jumped  you thought, you moved your pace up, but the people that were following kept up with you, the only reason that they could was because you had your suitcase's with you, you got tired of running so you turned around to see...

Normal Pov

"What the hell!!!!" I yelled, I really can't believe what am seeing, no seriously I think am on prank....I turn around expecting to see a gang  NOT to see a camera crew with some guy giving me a huge smile "You must be Kan Min Mi"  the smiling guy said looking at me, I just stared blankly at him for a seconded,  o wait darn, he's speaking Korean, I haven’t spoken in Korean in a long time  " y--yes -'I’m Kan Min Mi, who are you"    I asked the smiling guy, he smiled even big "I’m The host for the show, and your late, quick tell us about your self as we walk towards the Super Junior's door, you walked half way there, it's just around this corner"  Really this guy is talking way to fast for me, but at least am catching on to the key parts I heard, host show, tell about yourself, and something about a super dorm.....I guess that's all most right....  "um, My Name is Kan Min MI but rather people call me Naomi, 16 I am, nice to meet you" I said, I probably sound like an idiot I thought, but the smiling guy just keep on smiling, it was making me sick to my stomach, but out of reaction I just smiled back "well were here" the smiling guy said, I almost chocked on my spit, "you can speak English?!?!?!?" I said in shock "yes I can, I have to in order to do this show" he said I just look at him " go into that building go to the 12 floor and then go to room 13b, here you'll need this to get into the room" the guy said with a smile as he gave me the key, ok his smiling is starting to creep me out, him and his crew started to leave, but not before the camera man did a 360 of me  and my bag's  I pulled my bag's closer tom me " hey watch it man my suitcase are mine" I said giving the camera man a glare , he back up a little bit, the smiling guy nodded his head and the Camera guy started to leave but was walking backwards so he could still shoot me...wired "hey were you going aren't you coming with me??" I asked Mr. smiley " nope know hurry and go" he said pushing me towards the door I opened the door but looked back...and guess what Mr. smiley and his band of Idiots with cameras were gone Ninjas  I thought.

I did was I suppose to do and got to door 13b, I smelled food coming out from the door, along with allot of noise. I took I a deep breath put the key into the door, it made a little click sound, which made everything inside go quite. I opened the door and saw 13 eye's fall on me...." guessing your super junior??? Hehehe..."

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am trying really hard


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I randomly crossed this fic, so... update, please?
leesulbi12 #2
Love it :)
Chapter 24: thank you ^^
kanaeyu #4
Chapter 23: Pls Update soon↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 23: PALI PALI!!!!
Chapter 21: update soon :)
MaruraM #7
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaah! You haven't updated in a bit TT^TT Please update soon!

I would like to see more "y moments" with all four of Naoimi's friends. Not all at the same time tho! That'd be really weird. But you get what I mean! Lol

Update! Please!
XXXsunshineXXX #8
"Do you really want us to go?" Neko said as he garbed me by my waist to make me face him, gaaaa ual harassment!!!!!

LOL you should make more Neill-Naomi moments like this :P