“Girls sure are scary…”

The Boyfriend Talk

“Hey, you guys…”

Whenever Yunho spoke in this tone, they knew something was up in his head. Something they would talk about in loops, something they would think about even after three days had passed after the conversation. They knew better to just avoid it using every ounce of their manpower.

“What do you think about—”

Changmin stood up, noticing Yoochun and Junsu were looking at him like a ing knight in shining armor. “Yoochun hyung, let’s go buy some hot potatoes and takoyaki.”


“Hey, I haven’t said anything yet!” Yunho protested.

“Min, can I come too?”

“You guys are the worst friends!” Yunho said with a scowl. “Hey, haven’t this happened before?”

“No?” Junsu half asked. “It happens every time you start a topic, Ho.”

“So it happened before,” Yunho said again.

“I was being sarcastic.”

“My sister came into my room crying today, saying she got heartbroken,” Yunho said, ignoring Junsu’s previous words, “Her teacher whom she crushed upon gets married.”

Changmin cringed. “Ouch.”

“I wonder how it feels like to get heartbroken.”

“Why don’t you try it? Pair Jaejoong with a hotter, better man, watch them get married and have kids and good life and live happily ever after,” Yoochun said frankly.

“What the—no way. It’s…” I love him too much to actually let it happen. “So much work to do on that…”

“We’ll do it for you,” Changmin said. “Really, I want to see how your teary eyed face would look like.”

“My brother won’t like it, Min. As cheesy as it sounds, they really love each other and practically should not be separated like animals in their mating season.”

Yunho blushed a little. “Then… Junsu, have you gotten heartbroken before?”

“No? I fell in love, yes, but I felt nothing as I watched her got together with my football teammate, since I knew she didn’t really liked him,” Junsu said, “Ask Yoochun, he had girlfriends before. Maybe one of them did break his heart.”

“No. The one who broke my heart was a girl I didn’t even like,” Yoochun uttered with a sigh. “It was when I tidied up my things before going home, and then there was this girl coming to me all hasty and red faced into my class. She said something like ‘Yoochun oppa, I really like you!’ and then ran away. I thought that was cute, but the next day she came again to me, also red faced, then apologizing, saying it was from truth or dare.”

“Gosh, that’s cruel…” Changmin tried to sound sympathetic, but ended up laughing so hard his stomach hurt. Yoochun scowled at him.

Junsu frowned. “Girls sure are scary…”

“My sister has this gang who group up against my burly cousin. They shaved his beard off,” Yunho said with a shiver. “I heard they did his chest hair too.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“Yeah, I know.”


“You’re okay?”

“Uh… yeah?”

“You don’t look really well. Is the food no good?”

No, the problem wasn’t on his food—onion rings, coke float, custard pudding, and beef burger—all were his favorites. The problem wasn’t on Jaejoong who looked so edible and handsome and illegal in his shirt and dress pants, and tie, and tie, and tie, gosh, take off the tie, please take it off—actually no, don’t take it off, please don’t take it off.

The girls.

There were girls sitting a table away from them, clearly checking him and his boyfriend out. One of them was holding a phone, camera pointed toward him. He took another quick glance to them. They took a picture.

No, please don’t. Stop. Look at the other direction, you dimwits!

“Hey, if you really are sick, don’t force yourself, okay? Let’s pack it up and I’ll take you home.”

“No, that’s… no. I want to eat here.”

“Don’t force yourself.”

“I don’t.” He smiled at the elder; playfully stole a few of the latter’s French fries. “I’m just… my physics teacher had this pop quiz and I couldn’t stop thinking about this one question, which I obviously answered wrong, and I jumbled up the consta—”

“Yunho, relax,” Jaejoong chuckled. “Pop quiz are meant to pressure you so you think you should study more, so don’t fall prey, okay?”


“I’ll help you studying later.”

“That’s… no, that’s okay. You should go home and have some rest. I’m going to study German anyway.”

Jaejoong frowned. “You study German now?”

Genius Jung Yunho, genius. “I thought you studied Japanese.”

“Right, Japanese. Sorry, I messed up my speech.”

The girls weren’t occasionally lowered their phone anymore—were they recording videos? If so, then it was much worse than pictures.

Speaking about matters getting worse, Jaejoong grabbed his neck nape and gently tilted his head to a side, kissing his lips as if they weren’t on public. Yunho’s eyes widened as he heard some ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’s and camera snapping sounds and the girls, the witnesses.

He didn’t want to push Jaejoong away, but he had to. But he didn’t want to. So he didn’t.

Jaejoong pulled back a little. “So many people, yeah?” he whispered, laughing a little as Yunho’s cheeks reddened. “Strange enough that I noticed them just now. I saw only you back then.”

“I don’t want them to see you,” Yunho replied in mere whisper. “I… hate it that they’re staring…”

“I see.”

He pulled back completely, smirking at Yunho’s look of disappointment. “Let’s just eat and give them no more satisfaction of seeing two cute guys getting all flustered on each other, okay?” he said, loud enough only for the two to hear. Yunho nodded.


The next day, on his way home after an extra Japanese class, Yunho told Changmin the little thing happened yesterday.

“So you were getting jealous by a group of girls who admired you two’s handsomeness in a fast food restaurant?” Changmin asked, stuffing a takoyaki into his mouth.

“Kind of…”

“No, that’s not a ‘kind of’ kind of jealousy,” the younger said. “It’s okay, jealous lovers are faithful lovers.”

Yunho smiled to himself, ignoring Changmin's strange look.




A/N: …sorry, this AU is so addicting to write...

P.S: I'm one of those authors who would love to know what do their readers think about what they write :) Thank you for subscribing and reading!

Have some twister Erwin Smith edition...

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So... I add a chapter, kind of a continuation about how their vacation turned out


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hymeki #1
Chapter 6: Hahahaha,,
It's fresh story,, I never find this character and image for both of them before.. it's really interesting.. like it ^^
Chapter 5: Wow! Nice story
mistressofsecrecy #3
Chapter 6: lol they are hilarious!! ahahaha Loved it!!
so erted while JaHo were being innocent...lol Poor Jae though :D and Yunho :P

thanks!! for the update and awesome storyline! ^^
Chapter 6: Aahahahahah that funny ^^
this is soooooo cool and funny^^
thanks dear^^
Chapter 6: LOL these guys are so funny.
Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 6: Hahaha those three are really brats ... but iam curious like minne does yunho like plunging or to be plunged ;)
Kattan69 #7
Chapter 6: This is so funny..their conversation...LOL...^0^
Chapter 6: more please hahaha XDXD though love love this, so cute and funny ^-^
Chapter 5: Wait- it's over? B-But I love this universe! I demand more Jaeho fluff and crack! ;-;