Chapter Two- First Sight

Coffee Shop


Oct. 25th

My mother contacted me last night to tell me I was having a blind date today. “Hey, honey. Remember your promise that you would go on a blind date.”

“Yeah mom. I remember. When do I have to meet her,” I said in an exasperated tone.

“Don’t be so snarky with me. She is a very nice girl and I think you guys would really like each others company. Plus you need a girl in your life. You are becoming too introverted these days and it’s really not good for your health. I want you to be healthy!,” the worry in her voice was evident and I felt bad so I had to agree.  

“Alright mom where do I meet her?” I was always introverted so I don’t understand where she got the idea it was bad for my health nowadays… Although other than the coffee shop and my studio I don’t really go anywhere or hang out with anyone…

“I told her to meet you at your favorite coffee shop tomorrow morning at eight so don’t be late. Kay honey.”

“Kay mom. Bye, love ya.” I bid her good night and ended the call.

So this morning I wore my best white shirt with a pair of clean black jeans. I had never woken up this early to go to the cafe before, but this was a special day. As I walked into the cafe and sat down in my usually spot facing the door next to the clear glass windows I noticed the leaves were starting to change colors. This was my second favorite time of the year when the weather is getting a little bit more colder and the colors of the world showed so brightly before they disappeared. As a professional artist these colors made for a beautiful canvas.

I was staring out the window daydreaming when I suddenly felt a presence in front of me. I looked up to find a sophisticated woman staring back at me with golden brown eyes. She was wearing a light gray suit jacket with a navy blue button down blouse which complimented her golden hair which was pinned back on either side behind her ear. She was above average in appearance and by the way she was studying me I realized she was incredibly intelligent. She also exuded an air of confidence and strength.

“Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Claire. I’m the girl I believe your mother spoke to you about last night,” she said introducing herself.

“Hi, yeah she called me last night. My name is Youngjae by the way,” I replied.

“Yes, I know.”

“Okay..” I said dragging it out, “How did you know it was me?”

“Your mother told me last night that if I saw a handsome brooding man sitting near the window staring into space then I had found her son,” she said with a hint of amusement as if my mother’s description was spot on. I hate to admit it but I guess all of what she said was true.

“So what kinda work do you do?,” I asked trying to ignore the snarky comment and trying to start a conversation to fill the silence.

“Oh its nothing interesting really. I am a career woman who is currently working for a big law firm…..” Thats all I heard her say while the rest of it became background noise. This was the moment she walked in and changed my life.

Her golden brown hair glistened in the morning sun as she pushed the door to the cafe open and walked straight into my heart. She looked over at me with her electric blue eyes and then sat down at the counter. Most girls would step on the footrest and plop themselves down into the chair. But instead this girl sat with the elegance and grace of a goddess. Her lips formed a perfect cupids bow when she smiled at the waitress Anne. Her earrings caught the sunlight and made light dance around the room as she brushed her hair behind her ear with delicate hands. I was so busy staring at her I had completely ignored my date. The annoyance in Claire’s voice was evident when she asked if she should leave.

“I’m sorry,” Claire said dragging out every syllable, “am I a bother, a bore, or would you rather spend your morning staring at that woman.” I quickly looked back at her ready to apologize but she got up collected her things and left. I felt guilty as hell that I had been so rude to Claire but I quickly forgot as my eyes found the girl at the counter again.

She wasn’t extremely beautiful and if you ask me Claire might have been ten times better looking but this girl had a certain attraction to her I couldn’t quite place. I didn’t know if it was the way she moved with the grace of a swan, or if it was the golden brown hair, the way it fell on her shoulders and down her back or if it was just the way she made the room glow brighter than it already was.

The golden brown haired goddess seemed to be a regular here because the moment she sat down Anna brought out a plate of toast and eggs with a huge cup of coffee. The girl thanked her and the both of them started up a conversation. I was a bit too far to hear but I was captivated by the way she smiled, the way she laughed, and the way she moved her hair out of her wondrous face with a gentle sweep to the side with an elegant hand. I realised I had completely and unconditionally had fallen in love with her. And unconsciously I had already begun to draw from her and for her and her in general.


Oct 25th

It was like any other morning for me. I walked past the hypocritical clothing store that preached about inner beauty on their logos and slogans but all they advertise are provocative clothing which will turn heads no matter who wears it. I passed by my favorite place in the world, the library: with its infinite amount of knowledge in every page turned. I strolled past the park with its colorful swing set and monkey bars. I finally reached my morning destination. The cafe a block from my home. I needed some caffeine to wake me up from last nights party.

I walked in and took my usual spot where I was pretty much inconspicuous. It was the corner of the shop and not a lot of light fell in that corner. However I could see the entire coffee shop from my seat facing the door. I liked coming here because as a writer I can observe many different types of people. This cafe may be big and well known in the city but it doesn't have too many regulars so there are always different types of people of all ages who show up here in the mornings to have coffee and a light breakfast.

“Hey love. What would you like this fine morning?,” the waitress Anne greeted me.

“I’ll just take a cup of my usual coffee love,” I winked back and flashed her my most charming smile. She winked back and left to get me a coffee but I knew from experience there was going to be a house special pastry, cake, or of the kind, compliments of the chef. They seemed to love it when I came because although I was inconspicuous inside the store, people outside had a clear view of me and some of the ladies would come in just so they could sit at the counter and flirt with me.

Today was no different I thought as I saw a blond beauty walk through the door wearing  a light gray suit. Even to my standards she would be considered a goddess. The moment she walked in I began formulating how I would play. Should I be cold and out of grasp, should I be cool and a little giving, or should I play the unconditional flirt since some women seem to like that. I was getting myself ready and preparing what I would say when she walked straight to this other guy a few tables in from of me and sat down. Without even glancing at me! Me! Can you believe this? You probably can’t if you knew what I looked like. My wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes drive girls insane. My winning smile and defined jaw line makes every girl drool. Thats the kind of guy I was and seeing this girl who just ignored me just made me angry.

So I began staring at her and the guy she sat down with. I saw their little exchange and I saw how confident she was in herself and how the guy had started squirming while he was talking to her. These other guys have no idea how to treat women. Its really a sorry ordeal.

But to my surprise the guy wasn’t even paying attention to the goddess in front of him but was staring at some average girl next door who had walked in a few minutes ago. The golden goddess in front of him must have realized where his attention was and left with a few quick annoyed words.

After she left I expected him to maybe get up and talk to her but he didn’t. He just kept staring at her and I noticed his right hand moving on top of his table at a dizzying speed and accuracy. I kept staring as he moved his hand with the grace of… Oh damn. I’m a freaking writer and I can’t think of a word to describe what I was seeing. It was magic. Thats the closest I can get to what I saw. A few moments later he looked down and I followed his gaze. I saw him put down the pen he had in his hand and lift up the white napkin. On it I saw three drawings of the same woman. The woman sitting at the counter. The three drawings of her were different expressions she had given in the time she had been there. She had been talking to Anne and she had laughed, gazed, and zoned out within that time and this man had caught it all. Not on camera but by the sheer magical power that existed in his hand. The hand of an artist in love.



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ShinjuHime #1
Chapter 4: WOW! This is a very good story. You should contintue with it, I enjoyed these first few chapters a lot.
boraswife9096 #2
first to comment!!!!!