Chapter Three - Make a Move

Coffee Shop


Dec 18th

I have been going to the cafe like I always do every morning but now I go to see my blue eyed Mona Lisa who comes to the cafe at exactly the same time to have the exact same thing and leaves at the exact same time. I commended her for her punctuality and it was nice to know exactly when I would see her. Because I had fallen into the habit of drawing her on the napkins on the table. I found that whenever I saw her my hand moved on its own and I just kept drawing all her expressions. Even the most subtlest smile didn’t go unnoticed by my hand. But today something was different.

She had walked in late today by almost half an hour and I had started to worry. But when she did walk in she didn’t have that bright smile on her face like she always did. I wasn’t the only one who realized because Anne asked her as she sat down at the counter, “Hey love, what’s the matter? You look a little dull today.”

“Its nothing Anne. I’m just a bit tired from work. I had more work than I could handle and I ended up staying up really late last night,” she replied with the same melodious voice I had grown to recognize in the matter of seconds.

“Aw poor baby. Here love eat up and take that world by storm. I know you can,” Anne said as she pushed a plate full of extra toast, eggs, and bacon with a large cup of coffee.

“Hahaha! Anne you are so sweet.” Sigh that laugh always made my heart melt. I had given myself a pep talk the night before that I would talk to her today no matter what, so I got up...

“Hey there blue eyes, names Daehyun?” My heart sinks as I realize I lost my chance. I look up to see a tall, chiseled, and well built guy with wavy brown hair and deep blue eyes. In my artistic point of view he would be the perfect reference to paint a god.

“Hey yourself, blue eyes.” She actually replied to him. That made my stomach twist. Why couldn’t she have ignored him. Did she actually like him? Maybe even know him?

“So blue eyes..”

“I have a name you know.”

“So do I but right now what’s important are my feelings for you and your feelings towards me,” he cuts her off with a charming smile that would make any girls heart skip a beat. She smiled back with glittering eyes as if there was an inside joke only she and this man knew.

“Alright. And what might those feelings be?”

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

(Sonnet 116, Shakespeare)

“Oh my.. That was so sweet. Thank you.”

“So blue eyes would you like to go out for some dinner tonight,” Daehyun asked with another blinding smile that showed all his teeth. There was actually a glint off his canine like those cheesy movies.

“I’m sorry Daehyun, but I’m not one to fall for writers. I’ve learned from experience they usually have ulterior motives,” she replied coolly. I was so happy hearing her reject him, but then a sudden thought hit me. What if she didn’t like artists either since writers and authors weren’t so different.

“Oh come on love. Even if I said it was just a friendly dinner?” Another flash of white sparkles.

“Uhm….” she said as I saw her eyes flicker in my direction. If Daehyun had seen it he didn’t let on. "Sorry Daehyun but it's still a no. I'm just not interested."

"Then do you have someone else you're interested in then?" He edges towards her as he asks his question with an innocent smile.

"Not particularly." Again I see her glance at me or was I imagining things?

"Well if your gonna reject my dinner offer than is it at least ok to sit with you for breakfast?"

"Yeah. That's ok," she says as she flashes him a smile. The same smile pierces through my heart as all that confidence I had built up last night disappears.




Dec 18th

He just won't make his freaking move!! I've been watching this guy for over two months now and he refuses to go talk to her. Every day I come in to enjoy my coffee and I leave everyday frustrated that he keeps staring at her but not even attempting to talk to her. And the girl is no better. I see her walk in and glance at him. She sits down and glances at him. She eats while stealing glances at him. These stupid glances they keep exchanging but never realizing they are both interested in each other is driving me insane!!! I need to do something or else my novel I started based on these two will just go on and on about their stupid glances.

So I finally made my move. This morning I walked up to her and started flirting with her. I figured if I at least made him jealous he would take some sort of action. I'd even get punched if that would mean moving this story along.

“Hey there blue eyes, names Daehyun?” I said with my most charming smile. I could feel the guy’s eyes burning into me as I talked to his girl.

“Hey yourself, blue eyes," she said with a smile starting to flirt. I mean come on who can resist me. I still didn't understand why this guy missed out on the blond beauty over this girl. What was so special about her.

“So blue eyes..”

“I have a name you know.” Like I cared.

“So do I but right now what’s important are my feelings for you and your feelings towards me,” I said cutting her off. I really didn't want to know anything more about her fearing I would include too much of her true self in my novel.

“Alright. And what might those feelings be?” Oh crap. That caught me off guard. I thought she would brush it off or ignore me seeing as to how interested she was in that other guy. And this whole time I could feel him staring at us not even concealing his hatred towards me, but I realized she must be using me to make him jealous. So  it played along. I wasn't going to ruin her fun and besides I liked this cunning side of this girl. So I recited the first Shakespeare sonnet that came to mind.

“Alright. And what might those feelings be?”

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

(Sonnet 116, Shakespeare)

Ok so that may not have been my best poem but hey you gotta give me props I didn’t have time to prepare. And she seemed to love it.

“Oh my.. That was so sweet. Thank you.” I took this chance to ask her out. Maybe this would finally make him make a move.

“So blue eyes would you like to go out for some dinner tonight?,” I asked her flashing her one of my famous lets have fun together smiles. Unfortunately no. There was no reaction. Not even a flinch. He seemed to be holding his breath waiting for her answer. I guess no matter what I said it seemed wouldn’t affect him until she responded to it.  

“I’m sorry Daehyun, but I’m not one to fall for writers. I’ve learned from experience they usually have ulterior motives,” she rejected coolly. Ok now this girl was starting to get me interested. She was the first girl since Alice to reject me and that fact  just brought back so many unwanted memories I wanted to leave but I had to keep going until this kid made a move.

“Oh come on love. Even if I said it was just a friendly dinner?” I gave her another flash of my pearls.

“Uhm….” she said as I saw her eyes flicker towards him. Ok if he missed that glance then this guy was truly blind in more ways than one. "Sorry Daehyun but it's still a no. I'm just not interested." Ok now that stung. She could have at least said yes to a friendly dinner. I mean now my whole flirting charm was already off, damn it.

I still couldn’t give up. Not yet. It would be too weird if I walked away now. A handsome writer like me who could woo anyone: why is this girl being so difficult? Even if she does like this guy.  "Then do you have someone else you're interested in then?" I said as I edged closer to her. Maybe getting a bit physical with her would get a reaction.

"Not particularly." She said this while glancing at him as if she were gauging his reaction. Evaluating his feelings. This just pissed me off. I’m probably the hottest guy that has ever flirted with her or even will so why is she still so interested in this other guy.

"Well if your gonna reject my dinner offer than is it at least ok to sit with you for breakfast?"

"Yeah. That's ok," she said as she flashed me a smile.

Ok so this was a start. I sat with her and enjoyed the rest of our breakfast and I realized she still wasn’t paying attention to me. She was still glancing back at the artist. He was no better either he kept glancing at her too and his right hand still kept moving.

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ShinjuHime #1
Chapter 4: WOW! This is a very good story. You should contintue with it, I enjoyed these first few chapters a lot.
boraswife9096 #2
first to comment!!!!!