
Those Last Shards

The next few days found Luhan stumbling through the thick snow that covered most of the pavements, struggling to get some food for his new, puppy friends. He was scared and tired and he was getting weaker as the hours slowly passed. It was so, so cold when he finally spotted a small bakery on the other side of the door. He had found a few coins on the ground some time ago and finally, he could buy something now.

But just as he set one foot on the pavement, something knocked him done. He hit his head hard and he could feel the cold ground hug him welcomingly. Doe-like eyes were fluttering shut already as he saw someone, someone familiar lean above him worriedly.

"Hey, are you okay? Hey, talk to me. Mama, the funny boy from tomorrow is bleeding, Mama!"The other boy shrieked, his voice piercing Luhan's sensitive ears.

"No loud." The smaller boy pleaded, tears staining his already dirty cheeks."No loud, please..."

"Sh, it's okay. Mama's gonna help you. I'm sorry for calling you funny. Mama will give you food and you can clean up, okay? It's gonna be fine."

The small boy only nodded a little before he finally gave in to the inviting darkness. There, he was warm and happy, again.

And this is where our story stops for a while. Because right now, there are others things you, readers should see. Never forget what you read here, but read, and learn.

The cold wind rushed passed the bare trees, rustling their branches lightly. A soft chuckle could be heard as a woman walked through the forest, her hands lightly caressing some of the frozen plants.

"It seems like our eternal winter is still intact." She said, her voice breaking the gentle silence of the forest."Although, I feel like I need someone, someone to toy with..." Her hair was picked up by the wind lightly and she just shook her head as icy crystals covered it slowly. But not much later, it was dark, dark as the sky on the coldest of nights. Her once pale, blue lips gained a soft pink color and her cheeks were soon a gentle red.

She looked just like any other woman of villages or towns. Although her gown was expensive, no one probably knew of her existence anymore.

And to her, it was perfect. She only had to find the perfect puppet. But, to get him or her, she needed something else, too.

A mirror.

Oh dear, maybe now I told you too much. I don't know, I don't really know what you, as a reader, wanted to know because this story might be too complicated for our mundane minds. But oh well, fairytales are just that, nothing more.

Luhan woke up in a warm room. His tiny, frail body was wrapped into a thick blanket and something fluffy seemed to be hugging his form, too. Also, he could smell something incredibly sweet. Just by the scent, his mouth watered. Ever since he had found the puppies freezing to death, he barely ate anything. He gave whatever he found to the small animals, wishing that someone would pick them up and take them home.

What he didn't know, was that the exact same thing had happened to him.

Right now, he didn't really care. He was safe and warm and oh, so content right now. For a while, he decided to let himself relax.

"Mama, do you think he will be fine?" Sehun asked his mother softly as he peeked into the room. He might have laughed at the small boy before but the moment he saw him collapse just because they bumped into each other, something broke in him.

Now, you might be wondering why Sehun changed so quickly at that time. But please, reader. This tale is about and angel and his human or a human and his angel; however you prefer it. Of course it will be odd and absurd, of course it will make you think "god, this is going too fast for me". But bear in mind  that at that time, Sehun was nothing but a child. He was terrified to see someone being so hurt. Of course he had yelled for his mother in hope of her helping the small boy.

"Of course, sweetie. He hit his head a bit, but he doesn't seem to be hurt too badly. He just needs some sleep and then, he can go back to his...home." The woman answered. She felt a little guilty for leaving the child out in the cold like that a few days ago. Now that she had looked at him closely, she was slowly realizing that he was just as sweet as any other child she had met.

Only, the poor thing didn't have a home.

Luhan slowly rolled out of his haven of many blankets, deciding that he should at least look around the place he was at. He knew that soon, he would have to go back to his cold, cruel home, and he desperately wished to savor all of the moments he could spend in such a beautiful house.

The room was small but cosy and very, very blue. From the walls to the furniture and the windows, everything was in different hues of blue. Even the blankets that now laid forgotten on the ground were that color.

"Wow." Luhan mumbled to himself, eyes wide and filled with wonder."Is this a sea-place?" He asked himself out loud as he jumped from one corner of the room to another. Even if he was hungry and his head ached a bit still, his childish curiosity got the best of him.

In the end, he even climbed onto the top of the huge, royal blue wardrobe so he could look around from the top of the world. Of course, getting down proved to be much harder, so in the end, the boy decided to stay up there.

Quiet sniffles escaped him as he looked down, too scared to ask for help or try to get down.

This is how Sehun found him; teary eyed and high up in the air.

"Mama, the boy is on the wardrobe, he can't get down!" The younger boy yelled as he climbed onto his bed."Hey, it's gonna be okay, mama's gonna help you with getting down, okay?" He added soothingly with a sweet smile as he reached up to pat the boy's legs comfortingly.

Teary-eyed, Luhan nodded."My... my name is not Boy." He whispered as he bit into his lover lip, struggling to wipe his tears away."I... I'm Luhan."

"Are you? My name is Sehun." Sehun grinned brightly at the smaller boy, giggling quietly when his mother stormed into the room, obviously worried.

"Now please tell me how you got there." The woman said, her hands sliding down onto her hips as she looked up at Luhan, wandering how the tiny boy even managed to climb up so high with being injured and weak.

"There." Luhan pointed at a chair that he had pushed against the wardrobe." And then I pulled myself up like this." He continued, lifting his arms and imitating what he had done." And then I was up. But now I can't go down."

"Oh my, you are one little troublemaker." The woman said as she shook her head."And why did you climb there again?" She asked, easily pulling Luhan down with the tiny boy landing in her arms.

"I like the sea-room." The small boy mumbled, nuzzling his tiny nose into the woman's neck by instinct."Can I stay like this for a bit? You're like my momma." He felt so warm and safe suddenly, he didn't ever want to leave, not when there was someone near him who reminded him of his mother. Without him even noticing, his skinny arms found their way around the woman's neck as he tried to snuggle even closer to him.

"Aw baby, of course you can stay like this. By the way, we have two little friends waiting for you. I guessed that you wouldn't want your friends to be left alone." Sehun's mother loved Luhan already. The small boy who was now clean and clothed - she had gave him a quick bath when he was still asleep - was adorable and incredibly sweet. She couldn't help but want him to stay with them and complete their little family.

"Mama, his name is Luhan by the way." Sehun mumbled suddenly."So it's not boy. And can the puppies stay? And when can I play with Luhan?"

"Sehunnie, first of all Luhannie here will meet his little friends and then he will have some dinner. You two can play after that, okay?"

Luhan's eyes lit up at the mention of dinner. He was starving... Although at first, he wanted to meet his puppy.

"Okay mama. Let's go now so we can play soon." Sehun dragged the two of them away with a wide grin,happy to have someone who would finally be willing to play with him.

And like this, years passed. You would think that this is the happy ending of the story, that everything went well after that. Luhan had a home, Sehun had someone who he liked, the family was complete... But sadly, things never, ever go as expected. Not here, in our reality dear reader, and not in their magic-filled, lovely world.

Luhan, now older and much-more healthy looking stared at Sehun sadly as the boy was hugging a woman. She was beautiful, sure. Her hair was dark while her skin was as pale as the snow and well, her eyes were strikingly beautiful.

Luhan hated how jealous he was of the woman when he was nothing but a brother to Sehun. But he had already got used to this painful sting in his chest although he hated it.

"Luhan, we're getting married." Sehun said one day."And then, we're moving away. Far far away from here." His voice was a little weird. Although it was cheerful, it was somewhat..empty. Ever since this woman had appeared, Sehun had been acting like this.

He smiled and grinned and sometimes he still spent some time with Luhan, but he was different. He could only talk about his girlfriend and well, now fiancee. Usually, he would just boast about how pretty his girl was, how sweet, how loving she was.

It was odd to Luhan because Sehun never loved anyone like this.

"You're just an idiot." He whispered to himself as he hit the wall with his shaky fist, wincing at the pain that shot up his arm."Seriously."

"Luhannie, are you okay?" Sehun's mother as always, rushed to her other babies' aid. She sighed softly as she saw the sad, lost look in the boy's eyes."You will find love, too Luhannie. Trust mama on this."

The woman looked so much older now. Luhan's heart broke at this. So many bad things had happened to their family that made her grow so old in just thirteen years. Her hair was now as white as the snow and her once flawless face was marred by wrinkles. Even her eyes looked much duller...

Oddly, she changed once that woman appeared, too. Even just a year ago, she had been lively and happy. Of course, she was barely over forty now, she should have still been like that.

But Luhan knew that only his jealousy was telling him to blame everything on Sehun's girlfriend. Because she had broken their peace, their love but... she made Sehun happy.

Luhan should have been happy, too.

"Mama, do you think he still loves us?" He asked suddenly as his step-mother held him close, rubbing his back gently.

"Of course baby. He loves all of us just like before. Just, she is more important to him right now. They want a baby soon, you know."

"Hope he or she will be like Sehunnie." Luhan whispered softly as she clung to the frail woman, hating how small and fragile she felt. She had changed, so much.

"Well, who knows. You know well Luhannie, that you can't just look like your mother or father." The frail woman chuckled gently before pecking the boy's forehead affectionately." Now, come on, we have to feed those little friends of yours.

"They are not little anymore, mama. Neither am I."

"Of course, of course. In my eyes, you are still the tiny seven-year-old who got stuck on top of the wardrobe."

That winter, it was much colder than before. The dogs Luhan had saved so many years ago were still with him, albeit old and sickly now. They would still greet their owners happily, but the snow was making them sicker and sicker.

Luhan didn't want to lose them, too. It felt like they were already family to him. They once, many years ago, had been taken in together. And he wanted to stay with them.

He knew that it was impossible but he wished for it every day and every night as if that would help him. He wished that Sehun would love them again, too.

One day, he was walking out in the cold. He was only wearing a think jacket over the sweater his mother had knit for him, but he didn't really care. As the cold snow enveloped him, he could feel a little happy again, because he forgot about everything that was troubling him.

Little did he know, that someone was watching him.

Luhan, silly little Luhan. See, readers? He was just like us once, mortal and foolish. His world too, was like ours. He suffered and loved, he wished and longed. However, he never noticed what he should have. Maybe if he had, this story would have a different ending. Better or not, it shall still be unknown to us. Not only you, reader, but to me too.

The queen was sitting on a chair, her eyes filled with annoyance."The love he has for that kid is too much for me to simple erase." She mumbled. A boy stepped up to her, eyes dull and grey but hair a vibrant pink.

"I'm sorry your majesty but it seems like you can only earn his heart like this. I wish there was an easier way for it, but there is not." He said as he bowed down, some of his hair falling into his eyes.

"There might be, actually." The woman said with a sigh."I prefer playing clean though."

"But your majesty, what could help you?" The boy asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"My mirror, of course. Have you forgotten that once again, I made one? It might have been many years ago, but I'm already tired of waiting for him to forget that little idiot. I finally found my king, don't you think I should be with him already?"

"Your majesty," the boy stammered, biting into his lower lip as fright struck him," Your mother was defeated because of that... Those mirrors... they might be powerful but they can be shattered, they can be...melted."

"Yeah, yeah, my mother wasn't strong enough to handle that little 's love or what, I know. But I'm smarter than her, trust me. I might have accidentally lost the mirror she gave me, but they can be made again and again, don't you know? This kingdom needs its king, it's crying out for him, can't you hear it?"

Can you see it now, can you see what Luhan should have? What he never noticed when it was in front of him all along?

Luhan sniffed as he held his mother's hand tightly, his eyes falling shut as he listened to her even but weak breathing. Sehun was nowhere to be seen and again, the woman was very ill.

"Please mama, you have to get better." The boy whimpered."You promised to stay with me. I don't want to be alone, mama."

"Hush, Luhannie. It's going to be okay...Just please sweetheart, sing me to sleep..."

And as Luhan sang, life slowly left the woman.

Sehun was having the time of life at that moment. He never noticed the tightness in his chest or the overwhelming sense of darkness that embraced him.

"Sehunnie, please, wear this." His beautiful, beautiful fiencée said with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling. She was holding out a simple, silver necklace with a small bottle that held a small shard of glass as a pendant. It was unusual and a little creepy because the shard seemed to give off a weird light, but the boy, well, man, just couldn't say no to his love.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart. It's lovely." He said before quickly putting the necklace around his neck and smiling at the woman joyfully.

"Is it? I know that it's nothing special but I've always wanted to give something to you..."

"It's perfect. You are perfect. I wish time would stop and everything would stay like this forever and ever.

"Your wish is my command." A dark, cruel chuckle escaped the woman as her lips turned into a twisted smile. Before he could have even reacted, Sehun's body was enveloped in a thick, cold blanket of snow.

But he was happy because his love was with him.

Reader, are you sad for Sehun? Do you feel bad for him, because he left everyone, because he chose the beauty of a woman over the love of family... Or are you mad at him?

Luhan's tears finally stopped as he kissed his mother's cheek one last time."I love you, mama." He continued to hold the cold body for a while, wishing for its warmth, just one more time

Soon, she was going to be buried. Soon, she was going to disappear like everyone. Luhan wished to leave everything behind, too.

"Please, whoever you are up there, looking after us. Help me. I want Sehun to be happy with his fiancee. He is the only one I have left, he has to be happy."

The boy fell asleep like that, sitting on the cold ground. He dreamt of spring and love, and of Sehun coming back to him. He knew that it would never happen yet he still craved for it, even deep down in his mind.

But when he woke up, he wasn't in his home anymore. He was sitting on the cold ground where he once had been found. A boy was sitting in front of him, lips curled into a smile.

"I'm sorry, but I had to do this. The queen had lost her mind, she had become too obsessed with that human..."

"What... what happened?" Luhan asked, eyes widening as he realized that his voice was much more high-pitched and scratchier than before. His hands, too, were just as tiny as they had been when he was a child.

"The queen should have found you. It should have been you who she chose as her future spouse, but because you had a home, she fell for Sehun instead. Please, don't cross the street today and everything will go as it should have..."

Luhan just nodded."Mama will live?"

"Yes, she will. And you won't suffer too much longer..."

With that, the boy disappeared.

Not much later, a beautiful woman walked close to the freezing child."Hey there, would you like to come home with me?" She asked sweetly.

Luhan nodded numbly, tears shining in his eyes. He felt the woman clasp a necklace around his neck and then, he was gone.

Much later, as an adult, Luhan was sitting on a throne. His hair was white and his skin paler than the snow. He was clothed only in a thin shirt and a pair of loose pants, but he wasn't cold.

Only once in a while could he remember what had happened to him. On those days, he would sneak out of the palace, out of the cold and walk around. No matter where he went, no one noticed him anymore. He was an angel, or so he liked to think. Sometimes, he would think of Sehun

And then, he would cry, because he missed him. Luhan missed mama, he missed his puppies, he missed everyone.

It was only him who was never missed.

And this is how our story ends... or maybe not. Because this is where our beginning finally makes sense, don't you think?

A boy rolled his eyes as he flipped through the pages of the old book he had just found. The scent of dust and aged paper itched his nose, making him sneeze again and again, but he was far too bored to abandon the last thing that could entertain him.

The dim light of the small lamp of his room barely gave enough light for him to make out the words that seemed to have been written in a rush, scrambled and just simply messy, but it wasn't like he had another choice. He couldn't as the snow was once again falling a bit too heavily, and of course, there was no computer or television in his grandparent's house.

So, what else could he have done?

Sure, maybe reading tales was quite childish, but at least he wasn't that bored. Or well, he tried to convince himself that he wasn't. He hadn't read anything in a while, anyway.

With a sigh, he once again flipped through the pages, the title of one tale catching his attention.

The Snow Queen

Shrugging, he started reading the tale. Little did he know, that a pair of wide eyes were staring at him, filled with fright. If he had turned around just a bit, he would have seen the small boy's reflection in the mirror, and he would have heard those heart-wenching pleas, too.

How ironic that Luhan was there that day, finally finding Sehun after such a long time. For him and me, centuries had passed but for the other boy, it had only been years. And he never heard those desperate cries...

He would only find out why he should have never read the story later.

When? Who knows... Maybe when he realized what he had lost.

Please, mortal beings of this world, remember this: love, wealth, beauty... they all can be deceiving. Never forget those who had always been there for you because in the end, they will be the ones who will sacrifice everything if needed.

Maybe once, Sehun would realise this, too. And then, he will save Luhan, just like the boy saved him before...

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Chapter 2: why did i only find this now? deeming this a great story is an understatement. i hope you continue writing stories like this!
Niechahyun #2
Chapter 2: It's a little confusing and too short but you wrap it up well~~
I could say that it's well-written. ^_^
gender #3
Chapter 2: The story is very beautiful but I'm very confused right now........................
Chapter 2: Wow.. It is so different from other stories Specially the way it written.. It is perfect.. I have a strong mysterious feelings from the start and a little confusing.. But after read it for r two times I finally understand it.. thanks :)
Chapter 2: Complex and beautiful. Different from whatvr i ve read!!
TaoRisHunHan #6
Chapter 2: ...
( O 0 O )
I have so many thoughts that I want to say... but I can't... I just... *speechless but reads again*
Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Romance at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/748372/
Have a wonderful day! Karma~
MayaWith #8
Chapter 2: Oh my god.......this story........amazing....i have no words.....