
Those Last Shards

One would think that this tale started on a chilly evening of December when Oh Sehun found the book.

How falsely they would think. Tales don't just sprout out of a sudden like mushroom until the sweetest spring's rains. No, they need time to grow, time to develop until one day, they can be written in books which children will read happily.

This tale, like those, started many, many years before Sehun had even been born. Although, he does take part in this. But oh well, mundane beings like me and you might not ever discover how such paradox can actually be in a tale.

But please, dear reader, try to understand:

Fairytales like this are never based on what can happen to you now or maybe two years later. No, sadly you are too... ordinary to play a role in such stories. Oh dear, I know that you dream of the love of your love wooing you with serenades and such, but let's be honest...

You are human. He and she, as much as you would like to think otherwise, is human. We know nothing of the world that truly surrounds us; only bits and pieces that we might see now or then. You might think you are living a fairytale, you might think that you love truly, that you belong with the one you are next to right now...

But who are you, or even me to think that life on our planet - the one we actually see and sense - is worth writing down?

Only some mortals deserve such privileges. And although Sehun had been one of them, we are not.

We lack something, something that he had but only realised when he lost it.

An angel.

This angel is someone you and me might never see. But he is there, sweet voice lingering in our ears, stunning sight again and again reflecting on many, many mirror. He had done so much for love yet he had been kept as a prisoner for such a long time.

Decades, centuries or maybe even thousands of years had passed since this angel had truly been alive. But oh, at those times he had been nothing more than us...

And this is where our story starts.

With a human whose love was  enough to lift him into the sky... But for what price?

A small form huddled closer to the couple of tiny, whining puppies that were providing him with some heat. The chilliest winds were gracing the lonely town and many, many people were sitting in their warm homes, watching the sweet, warm fire, happy that in such cold weathers, they were in the safety of their homes.

This small boy though - skinny and frail, but filthy - was out in the cold, snow covering him slowly. Still, he was smiling, singing quietly as the winds whistled for him happily.

Singing and whistling, time seemed to pass. And as the bright moon slowly rose on the sky, the weather got colder. Snow started to fall from the black sky as stars winked playfully at the boy as if inviting him to join them in their seemingly endless stay up there, where, maybe they were not eternal, but close to that.

The puppies whimpered pathetically, one of the crawling onto the boy's lap. Sweet, doe-like eyes met with dark, cloudy ones."I'm so sorry, little friend. We have no blanket or mama here, but we have the sky as a blanket and the moon as our nanny. The winds will sing us lullabies and the stars will give us some light, so we won't be scared. Tomorrow, I will find you a blanket and we will be even happier than now."

The other puppies joined the small due, whimpers and whines echoing in the cold, abandoned night. The boy fell asleep like that, body curled around the animals to help them survive through the frozen winds and snow.

He awoke to a puppy sadly nibbling on his nose. Another was sitting on his legs, blinking at him sadly but the third wasn't moving, its tiny chest not rising and falling anymore.

Tears, whines, cries, whimpers.

The icy dawn's howling winds joined the mourning family as the small puppy was buried until a pile of snow, pity radiating from the sun's dull light as slowly it made its way up in the sky.

And that's how another small boy found them. Crying and wailing for their lost brother.

Oh dear, such a pathetic sight would have shattered even the toughest of hearts; but... do you know what the other little boy did?

Laughed and laughed until he was dragged away by his mother...

"Sehun, don't go near that thing!" Her shrill voice echoed in the cool morning."Who knows, it might be sick or something..."

But what happened after that? How did the boy become someone so close to Sehun?

I'm afraid that I don't have the time to tell you that... But soon my dear, you will find it out... Until now, let's close our book and go back to our mundane reality for a while...

We belong there, after all.

AN: Hi guys, this is just a teaser for now...hope it's okay, actual story is coming soon :D

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Chapter 2: why did i only find this now? deeming this a great story is an understatement. i hope you continue writing stories like this!
Niechahyun #2
Chapter 2: It's a little confusing and too short but you wrap it up well~~
I could say that it's well-written. ^_^
gender #3
Chapter 2: The story is very beautiful but I'm very confused right now........................
Chapter 2: Wow.. It is so different from other stories Specially the way it written.. It is perfect.. I have a strong mysterious feelings from the start and a little confusing.. But after read it for r two times I finally understand it.. thanks :)
Chapter 2: Complex and beautiful. Different from whatvr i ve read!!
TaoRisHunHan #6
Chapter 2: ...
( O 0 O )
I have so many thoughts that I want to say... but I can't... I just... *speechless but reads again*
Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Romance at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here:
Have a wonderful day! Karma~
MayaWith #8
Chapter 2: Oh my god.......this story........amazing....i have no words.....