A Step Closer

I Love You

We began to relax our lungs, stop holding our breaths a little bit when, the day after I met Ji Yong in a Jongno park, during our evening meal, the phone rang.

The Police Chief called and seemed especially thrilled. His first sentence stunned me.

"Mrs. Bethani Choi. I think we've found a clue as to your daughter's whereabouts."

I didn't have to say anything, I just looked over at Seung Hyun and he practically flew to my side.

A clue. A breath of relief in the dark pressure that was starting to tear my family apart, inside and out.

"We have security footage from a supermarket and there's a child that looks like she could possibly be Mi-Na," the Police Chief Seu Jung Yun added as I was speechless.

"Oh my God. Okay. Thank you so much. We're on our way." I said thanking him sincerely before hanging up.

"I'll start the car," Seung Hyun suggested and walked away.

"Wait," I said and hugged him really hard, "I don't know how to feel. I'm so scared."

"Me too."


Sitting in chairs side by side at the police station in Chief Seu Jung Yun's office, we were shown some security camera footage. A small child wearing white pants and a white shirt like Mi-Na climbed out of  a car with a tall man who's wearing a hat that keeps his face hidden.

The child does appear to not like the man and tries to resist holding his hand, but I was not convinced it was her.

"That's not our daughter, Sir," I say when the short clip ends.

Seung Hyun jerks his head to look at me and the Police Chief straightens his back and clears his throat.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. That little girl looks to be maybe six or seven. Mi-Na is only three."

Seung Hyun sighed heavily beside me, disappointed as I was.

I flared my nostrils in frustration and looked down.

"Don't give up on the search. We have our best men out looking and I know many others are assisting us behind the scenes." Chief Seu said in a positive tone.

Both Seung Hyun and I nodded respectfully, stood, bowed and left the Police station again.

My heart ached. I was suddenly very tired.

As we went home to our empty house, though, I couldn't help the feeling that we were just a step closer to finding my child.

My beautiful baby girl. I missed her so much. I cried myself to sleep that night clutching her toy giraffe.

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