Lazarus Challenge


There's a new medical experimental gas compound called Lazarus in Korea. The gas is supposed to make a person sleep for eight hours in the event of a life-saving surgery or life-threatening insomnia, without any ill effects. There are no health risks to Lazarus-other than the fact that it can be addictive and should be monitored at ALL TIMES as the gas can induce irreversable commas and even death.

 Three thrill seekers, Jae (Zico), Anna (IU), Dog Boy (Yong Guk) and Maci are out looking for trouble when they deside to break into a hospital and steal some of the mysterious gas canisters. Thus begins the Lazarus Challenge. 


  To see who can sleep the longest...without dieing, that is...


"We can't do that, Jae," Anna said impatiently and with a clearly worried look on her young pretty face.

  Maci and Dog Boy held their silence and watched as Jae, the leader of their little crew snorted and patted Anna's head teasingly.

 "You can't, maybe. You have a conscience, though. You feel guilty.  I don't. You guys can just watch out for anybody who comes back here."

 With that, Jae climbed up the eight foot chain length fence and layed a rubber car floor matt over the barbed wire at the top before crawling up and over.

 He dropped into the shadows on the other side.

 "Jae? Jae? Are you okay?" Anna asked trying to see into the yard directly behind the hospital where he went.

   Dog Boy looked around too, but he didn't say anything. 

 From farther out, closer to the back of the building, Jae shouted back to us.

 " Hey Dog Boy! I'm gonna need your help, man."

 Dog Boy looked at Maci and then hopped the fence too.


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