As Fate Would Have It

My Date From Hell

"YIXINGALING! Get in here. We have important roommate discussion time." Kris yelled from the kitchen, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. 

"Yes monsieur face?" Yixing asked, holding his cleats in his right hand. 

"We're going to be late! Let's gooo." Kris wailed, dragging Yixing, still barefoot, out the door and down the stairs to where his small car was. 

"You know I could have walked here myself." Yixing looked at Kris, who was pulling out of the parking lot at light speed. Bad driving was another one of Kris's many untalents. But his speeding habit managed to get the two males to the soccer field in no time. 

"YIXING! Did you bring beer?" Kyungsoo asked, changing into her jersey. Kyungsoo was generally modest in her clothing, but when it came to changing her shirt in public she was oddly open. 

"No Kyungsoo, I did not bring beer. It is ten o'clock in the morning, AKA not drinking time." Yixing rolled his eyes, sighing slightly. 

"But when the game is over, at noon, it is an okay time to drink." Kyungsoo wiggled her eyebrows, grinning. 

"That's what you think. As much as I love me my alcohol, noon is still too earl-" Jongdae was interrupted by a yell from her left. 

"HI GUYS!" A redhead in a black jersey, Kyung, smiled and waved. Another boy with blonde hair, Minhyuk, waved as well. Both were in blue jerseys and ran off to another field. 

"See them? Their team is called Happy Hour. They always have drinks at their games." Kyungsoo complained loudly. 

"I would hope so. Otherwise they wouldn't be up to their name's standards, ya know?" Chanyeol smiled, grabbing his soccer ball. 

"Stop y'all's complaining. It's time to play." Minseok hopped up, walking on to the field. 


"So... nobody brought beer?" Kyungsoo asked hopefully, lacing up her converse shoes. 

"No. No we did not. Don't you handle enough beer for your job?" Kris asked, raising one 'angry birds' eyebrow. 

"OH MY GOSH! Next Saturday is valentines day, remember? Well, Chan and I are bartenders at this fancy place and we want all of y'all to come, okay?" Kyungsoo beamed, looking at all her friends. 

"That is a great idea! Luhan and I can go as a couple, right sweetie?" Minseok looked at Luhan, who nodded happily. 

"I'll bring Tao. Sehun and Joonmoney can go together too. Who are you bringing Kris?" Jongdae smiled happily, looking at Kris and Lay. Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Kyungsoo snickered. Minseok whispered something into Luhan's ear, and her boyfriend grinned. 

"What's going on? We have to bring dates, right?" Yixing was very confused, and his tiny Chinese accent became much more prominent. 

 Instead of getting an answer, two envelops were pressed into each boy's hands. Kyungsoo smiled and winked, she and her friends leaving the field. 

"Who am I gonna ask out?" Yixing asked worriedly. 

"I guess it will happen as fate would have it." Kris sighed, shoving the invitation into his pocket, beginning to walk towards his dusty old car. 


"Kris, the danceity thing is tomorrow. You have anyone yet?" Yixing burst into Kris's bedroom, slightly anxious. 

"No. What about you?" Kris put down one of his numerous self-help books and took off his wire rimmed reading glasses. 

"I don't either. I have called every contact on my goddamn phone and they all said no. You are the last person." Yixing frowned, his hair falling over his eyes. 

"Are you asking me out?" Kris raised an eyebrow inquisitively. 

"Yes. And you have already accepted it. The dance is formal, so find a blazer." Yixing left Kris's room, marginally less frantic. 

"Does this mean we're dating?" Kris asked excitedly worriedly. 


"You look good." Yixing smiled, staring at his "boyfriend" in a black suit jacket and blue tie. 

"I would say the same for you but that would be a lie." Kris stared awkwardly at Yixing's outfit of choice. The twenty-four year old was wearing a magenta blazer with a rainbow hankerchief and pastel blue skinny jeans. Worst of all, tied around his neck was a rhinestone, purple-pink unicorn tie. Kris gulped nervously, grabbing Yixing's hand and taking him into his old beat up truck. 

"Soooo..." Yixing stared out the window as Kris drove over the river to the hotel where the party was at. "This is the most formal thing I've gone to in forever. " 

"It'll be ok. As long as there is no tequila you will be fine." Kris drove down the road smoothly, seeing the orange-yellow glow of the hotel's lights in the distance. 

"No tequila, no margaritas, check. What about screwdrivers?" Yixing asked, smiling at his "boyfriend" for the night. 

"Just stay away from the alcohol, you have no tolerance." Kris chuckled quietly, pulling into the driveway. 

"You ready?" Yixing asked as the two unbuckled, getting ready to go to the valentines day party. Kris nodded stiffly, taking Yixing's smaller hand into his. The couple entered the warm hotel and were immediately attacked by sights, smells and sounds. Minuets were being played by an old timey big brass band and people in colorful dresses and s danced happily. The bartenders, all in nice navy blue blazers, save for Kyungsoo, who was in a stunning ruby red dress, all were serving mixed drinks at light speed. 

"Let's dance." Yixing smiled up at the tall blonde, leading the other man into the crowd of people, and then grabbing his shoulder to lead him into a simple two step. 

"This really is fancy, huh?" Kris looked around, surprised by all the people around him. 

"Kyungsoo can really book a fancy gig. But this is way more fun than staying at home and watching Mean Girls." Yixing smiled, letting Kris twirl him around. 

"But I like Mean Girls." Kris fake pouted, pulling Yixing close to him. Yixing could hear a faint chuckle rumble from Kris's chest and smiled. 

"Hey, wanna talk to Kyungsoo and Chanyeol?" Yixing pulled Kris through the sea of dancing people before the blonde could object profusely. Before the couple knew it they were at the bar table in front of an expectant Kyungsoo. 

 Kyungsoo looked stunning. She had on a one strapped flame red dress that clung to her body in all the right places, as Yixing would tell his friends later, and had on smokey black eyeshadow, courtesy of Minseok herself. 

"Well boys, what do you two want?" Kyungsoo grinned and nudged Chanyeol. Chanyeol sighed and handed Kyungsoo a few bills. The girl smiled, winking and flicking back her curled hair. 

"Two manhattans, please." Kris ordered, scanning the menu for a cocktail he had actually heard of. Kyungsoo nodded and got to work, hands flying at light speed. Soon enough two drinks were served and Kris had payed up. 

"They bet on us dating." Yixing frowned as he sniffed his drink, smelling whisky. 

"Let's see if we can find Luhan." Kris offered, standing in his tiptoes to see above the ocean of people, all drinking and dancing. 

 The two walked over to a corner of the large room and sat down next to Luhan and Minseok. 

"So you guys are finally not single!" Luhan smiled, sipping his drink, a martini. 

"Whoa, manhattans. That's some strong alcohol there." Minseok disregarded the couple and instead looked at their drinks. She, herself was drinking a martini, which in reality was also a strong drink. 

"Mm, yeah. Where's Tao and Jongdae?" Yixing's eyes scanned the crowd for a familiar catlike grin. 

"Haven't seen either of them. Just go where the music's loudest and you'll find Jongdae. And where ever she is, Tao is bound to be complaining." Luhan sighed and smiled, thinking of the young couple. Despite Jongdae slapping Tao every other minute the couple had managed to date for a couple of months without any huge blow-up fights. This angered Kyungsoo as she now had to pay Chanyeol a rather large sum of money. 

"We'll finish our drinks and find them." Kris sipped his drink as he watched Yixing stare away at the crowd. The four ended up making small talk for a good twenty minutes before heading off to look for Tao and Jongdae. 

 Surely enough they found the two right by where the band was playing. Jongdae was wearing an oceany teal dress with tall black boots and a leather jacket. Tao was in a simple suit jacket and black jeans. The two, surprisingly, were still and just drinking, instead of Jongdae dragging Tao through the crowd and dancing like crazy. 

"You two look cute! Kiss!" Jongdae yelled over the loud music. Kris narrowed his eyebrows in worry as Yixing leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Tao laughed, eyes closed and Jongdae clapped. Yixing rolled his eyes but looked happy over all and Kris was just plain confused as usual. 

"We should find Joonmyun and Sehun." Yixing yelled to Kris. Kris nodded and the two weaved their way through the crowd until Yixing was stopped by a tan brunette. 

"Oh hey, Kyungsoo." Kai smiled, squinting. 

"I'm not Kyungsoo." Yixing frowned, looking at Kai, puzzled. 

"Oh , I'm sorry, I'm not wearing my contacts. My vision is horrific without them. I'm negative ten. Legally blind." Kai frowned. Yixing nodded, pushing him away. 

"Let's leave before he starts sobbing on my shoulder." Yixing whispered into Kris's ear. The blonde nodded, leading the unicorn-tie wearing boy out of the hotel. 

"Kris!" Suho's voice rang throughout the parking lot. Suho had been a little late, and he was standing next to Sehun, holding his hand. 

"Oh hey, Joonmyun!" Yixing walked out from behind Kris, smiling sweetly. And suddenly Kris was happy that the two were together. 

"Sorry we're late. We were helping two of our friends, another couple, Bart and Joe, get to some other bar." Sehun smiled happily, clutching the shorter man's arm. Yixing waved as the two boys walked off to the hotel and he and Kris walked into their car. 

"That was fun." Yixing laid his head against the window, watching the lights rush by. 

"Yeah, it was. Anyway, about the whole boyfriend thing..." Kris trailed off awkwardly, unsure of how to finish his sentence or thought. 

"You wanna stay as boyfriends?" Yixing smiled happily, looking at the blonde. Kris nodded, smiling back. It was as fate would have it.

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Chapter 4: Oh crap. In bohemian like you did I post the right music video? The clean one?
I'm on mobile and I can't view the video to check D:
Chapter 3: XIUHAN ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!!! XD LOL If Kris didn't greet them in advance minseokkie wouldn't have remembered but I think Luhan would forgive him anyway.

Write seho! ( ̄▽ ̄)
Chapter 1: "I speak the language of violence." LMAO most of jongdae's circle of friends are violent lol
They don't like their dates but they still see each other! I like how they sorta kinda admitted they're girlfriend and boyfriend. Hahaha it was weird but it suits them. XP
oh-tea-twelve #4
Chapter 1: this was cute~ despite zitao getting hit and tortured all the time haha xD
jongdae and her friends are ridiculous and crazy and kyungsoo is even worse haha + joonmyeon is such an angel, what did he do in his past lives to deserve abusivee friends like them haha xD
athough they didnt get along in the beginning, they're starting to accept each others craziness and quirks
thank you, it was such a lovely story~