Is This called Love?

What is Love?

After Taeyeon's house has been burned down, Taeyeon and her mother start live at Sungha's house.

Every morning her mother help Sungha's mother to do the routine at home to repay the hospitality.

Someday in the morning,

Sungha's Mother : "Kim-ssi, what do you think about them? I think they will make a good couple."

Taeyeon's Mother : "Hahaha.. Jung-ssi. Let God decide what are good for them. I don't dare to make them a couple if they don't love each other."

Sungha's Mother : "Kim-ssi, please don't be like that, we are like family , isn't it good to make it a real family?? hah??"

Taeyeon's Mother : "Jung-ssi. hahaha.. It's rude if i directly decline your offer. But i think let they decide their own way. I'll also be grateful if i can become your family."

Sungha's Mother : "Hahaha. You're right, Kim-ssi."

While they are making breakfast for their child ..

Taeyeon : "Good Morning eomma.. Good morning ajhumma.."

Sungha : "Good Morning Tae-ssi. Good Morning eomma.. Good Morning Ajhumma.."

Taeyeon doesn't know that Sungha is behind her. 

Taeyeon : "Gu..Good Morning Sungha-ssi."

Taeyeon's Mother : "Eat your breakfast and go to school. OK?? Be good at school.."

Taeyeon : "Eomma.. I have already 17 years old. Do you have to say something like that again??"

Sungha's Mother : " Hahahahahaha. It's okay. Don't embrassing about something like that. I also like to say that to Sungha."

Taeyeon : "Ohhhhh. I'm sorry ajhumma. Eomma, I'm sorry."

Sungha just smile and 

Taeyeon's Mother : "hahahha. It's okay. Tae. C'mon. Eat your breakfast. You will be late if you don't."


At school's breaktime..

Sungha is looking for Seohyun and Taeyeon just stay at class playing with her pencil and white paper. Sungha just get some information that Seohyun is sick and now she is in hospital.

Sungha : "Taeyeon-ssi."

Taeyeon : "Nee.. What's up, Sungha-ssi??"

Sungha : "Seohyun... Seohyun is sick and she is in hospital right now. Do you want to see her?"

Taeyeon : "hhhheeeehh.??? Really?? Why isn't she tell me about it?"

Sungha : "I also just know about it from her classmates. Let's ask the permission and go."

Taeyeon : "Okay then."

They go to see their teacher and ask the permission.

After they get the permission, they directly head to the hospital.


In the hospital,

They search the name of Seohyun on the receptionist, and they get the room.

Sungha : "311....311....311...311.... Ahhhh.. Over here. Taeyeon-ssi."

Taeyeon : "Okay.."

Sungha : "Hyun-ah.. What happen? Why u need to come to hospital?"

Seohyun : "Sung-ah.. Nothing happens. Just sick like usual."

Taeyeon sees her best friend lying at the bed weakly,

Taeyeon : "Hyun-ah.. Why don't you tell me about this?"

Seohyun : "Eonni, I'm sorry. I just don't want to make you all to be worried about me. This is just normal sick."

Suddenly Seohyun cough so badly, and blood's coming from the cough. After the cough, She directly lose consciousness.

Sungha : "Seohyun.. Hyun-ah.... Doctor.. Tae-ssi.. Please call the doctor.... Seohyun-ah.. Hyunn-ahhh..Please wake up."

Taeyeon directly go to call the doctor. They also come to check on Seohyun.

Doctor : "Please wait outside."

Sungha : "Doctor, Please cure her. I will pay how much will it costs.. Just cure her."

Doctor : "We will do our best. Please wait outside."

Sungha and Taeyeon keep on waiting. The Doctor comes out from the room. They directly approaching the doctor.

Sungha : "How is she , Doc?"

Doctor : "She is stable right now, let her sleep first. Tomorrow in the morning, please come here with her family. I need something to talk about."

Taeyeon : "She only live here with her aunty."

Doctor : "It's alright as long as she is her family."

Sungha : "What happen, doc? Tell me."

Doctor : "Please come tomorrow, we will talk about it again. I have some patient to handle. I'm Sorry.. Excuse me.."

Taeyeon : "Sungha-ssi, let come back again tomorrow. Okay? I will inform her aunty."

Sungha : "But.. How's about Seohyun?"

Taeyeon : "I know it will be hard. But you need to calm yourself first. Okay?"

Sungha and Taeyeon go home and Taeyeon phone her aunty to come tomorrow..


The next day in the morning..

Taeyeon and Sungha go to pick up Seohyun's aunt.. After picking her up, they directly go to the hospital.

After they meet the doctor,..

Doctor : "I'm sorry to gather all of you here and thank you for coming."

Sungha : "It's okay , doc. Tell us what is going on."

Doctor : "Seohyun, the patient in the room 311. She is having a bad respiration problem, i wil say it like Tuberculosis. And now it is in stadium 4."

Seohyun's Aunt : "Can she be cure?"

Doctor : "She can be cure but i think it will be hard and you need to go to America to cure it."

Sungha : "America?"

Taeyeon : "I will accompany her to go there."

Seohyun's Aunt : "No, Taeyeon-ssi. Just continue your study. I will go with her. This is my responsibilty."

Doctor : "I have a friend over there and he is a specialist in this kind of problem."

Seohyun's Aunt : "Thank you , Doctor"

Sungha : "Ahjumma, Please let me go with you."

Seohyun's Aunt : "You need to continue your study here. She will be alright."

Doctor : "Ahjumma , please tell Seohyun about going to America."

Seohyun's Aunt : "Alright, Doc"


They go to room 311 where Seohyun at.

Seohyun's Aunt : "Hyun-ah, Are you ok , darling?"

Seohyun : "I'm alright. Please don't be worry about me."

Taeyeon and Sungha only look at Seohyun and try to hold their tear from falling down.

Seohyun's Aunt : "Hyun-ah , tomorrow we will go to America , Ok , Darling?"

Seohyun : "America?? Why??"

Seohyun's Aunt : "We will go there to cure your illness."

Seohyun : "My illness?? My cough?? It just a normal cough."

She cough again and again.

Seohyun's Aunt : "You are having a tuberculosis. And we are going there to cure it." and her aunt start crying.

Seohyun : "Tuberculosis? How can??"

After Seohyun knows her illness, she starts to cry. Seeing Seohyun cries , Sungha and Taeyeon comes near Seohyun.

Sungha : "Hyun-ah. You will be fine after you go there."

Taeyeon : " Hyun-ah. You need to strong to fight this illness. Okay?"

Seohyun : "Sungha-ya.. Eonni.. You all know about this??"

Taeyeon : "We just know it from the doctor."

Seohyun : "Why? But Why?"

Sungha : "Hyun-ah , you will be fine. Don't worry. You will be fine.."


The next day in the morning at the airport....

Sungha : "Hyun-ah, this bear will replace me beside you."

Seohyun : "Thank you, oppa."

Taeyeon : "This necklace will protect you."

Seohyun : "Thank you, eonni. I'm sorry, eonni. Please take care Sungha Oppa for me. Okay?"

Taeyeon : "Ok.. I will."

And after that. The airplane fly and vanish inside the thick cloud.

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