Love is Hurt

What is Love?

2 days later,

Taeyeon and Seohyun haven't spoken like usual because of Sungha. And they meet each other at a store near the school.

Seohyun : "Annyeong Eonni."

Taeyeon : "Annyeong Seohyun-ssi."

Seohyun : " Eonni , we haven't spoken for 2 days and i feel that this is not right.. Is it because Sungha asked for my number at that time?"

Taeyeon : "Hyun-ah , i don't know what to say. i just don't want to see my best friend with the one that i love. That's why."

Seohyun : "But i didn't give my number to him , right?"

Taeyeon : "He has your number already from someone he knows. He spoke to me just now. All the thing he said is about you. It's so hurt."

Seohyun : "Eonni , Please don't be like that. We are best friend , right?"

Taeyeon : "I don't know. I think it's just my childish about this feeling. I'm sorry. Hyun-ah.. I'm sorry"

Seohyun : "Don't worry about it, eonni. Let's meet up tomorrow."

Taeyeon : "Okay. See you hyun."


The next day at school , 

Taeyeon acts like usual ,like nothing happens. Sungha keep chasing on Seohyun and Seohyun keeps avoiding Sungha because of her eonni, Taeyeon. Even Seohyun has the feeling too for Sungha. Until..

Taeyeon : "Hyun-ah."

Seohyun : "Nee, eonni."

Taeyeon : "Let's take a walk tonight. Okay?"

Seohyun : "HeeeE? aahmmmm.. I'm sorry ,eonni.. I can't go tonight. I have a plan for tonight with uhmmmmm.. my"

Taeyeon : "Ohhh, I see.. Okay then.. Please send my regard to your mom.. okay??"

Seohyun : " Okay. Eonni.."

Taeyeon : "See you Hyun."


In the evening around the park , 

Seohyun : " I feel sorry to cheat on Taeyeon eonni."

Sungha : " Why? You promise me first to go out with me , right?"

Seohyun : "Yes.. But i just feel like ......"

Sungha : "Don't worry about it, okay?"

Suddenly Sungha hugs Seohyun and says "Nothing will happens. Nobody even knows that you are with me right now."

Seohyun : "I trust you."


At the same time around that park,

Taeyeon was on the way home after go out with her friends.

Taeyeon : "It's so fantastic just now, I hope we can go out like this again."

They were walking through the park and laughing about the things they did.

Suddenly Taeyeon saw Seohyun talking with a guy,

When the guy hugged Seohyun, Taeyeon just knew that guy was Sungha.

Taeyeon suddenly said, " Sorry, I got to go."

She was running home while crying.

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