Love doesn't means you have to own it.

What is Love?

1 year passed away.

Taeyeon is in 3rd grade now and Seohyun 2nd grade.

Because of Love, they don't speak to each other until now.

Everything change when......


At School's corridor..

Taeyeon seems to like her new group friends. Even she is hurt by seeing Sungha and Seohyun together. They were best friend and now because of love, they don't talk to each other.

Sungha try to make everything back like the time before. But Taeyeon is just too stubborn to accept it. 

Sungha : "Taeyeon-ssi, wait."

Taeyeon : "What do you want from me?"

Sungha : "I heard all the things from Seohyun that you used to like me. but you need to accept that i'm not yours."

Taeyeon : "Is that what you want to say? I think it will be a great thing. Don't worry about me. I don't care about you or even Seohyun."

Sungha : "But why are you keep avoiding us?"

Taeyeon : "I'm not avoiding you or Seohyun. It just not at the right time. Anyway, I need to go. See you.."

Sungha : "Wait , taeyeon-ssi."

Sungha hold Taeyeon's hand and says, "Okay then, Let's meet up tomorrow. Starbucks 7.00pm"

Taeyeon : "Let's see tomorrow."

Taeyeon runs and crying. *Why don't you ever understand?"  Taeyeon says in her heart.


The next day at Starbucks..

Taeyeon comes a little bit late. Seohyun and Sungha have been there and...

Sungha : "Over here, Taeyeon-ssi"

Taeyeon : "Okay."

Seohyun : "Annyeong haseo, eonni"

Taeyeon : "Annyeong, hyyun."

Sungha : "Since you are not avoiding us, it will be okay , right?"

Taeyeon : "Yeah. I'm fine."

Seohyun : "Eonni , i'm sorry for cheat on...."

Taeyeon cut ,"Hyun, i said i'm okay.. so i don't want to know about the past."

Seohyun : "But eonni.."

Taeyeon : "It's Okay, so how about you ?? I mean both of you?"

Sungha : "Everything is just fine." while looking at Seohyun and hold her hand.

Taeyeon : "That's good. I just don't want you to hurt my best sister i ever had."

Seohyun : "Eonni, Thank you."

Taeyeon : "Hyun-ah. You also need to take care of him."

Taeyeon's phone is ringing. 

Taeyeon : "Yes, Taeyeon's speaking. .... Yoboseyo..What??. . Okay.."

She hang up the phone and says."Sorry Sungha , Seohyun.. I need to go now.."

She runs out the shop and directly head home.


At Taeyeon's house,

Taeyeon sees her house has been burned. She starts to find her mother first.

Taeyeon : "eomma.. eomma.. Where are you?"

She asks all the citizen who is trying to put out the fire. 

Taeyeon's mother :"Tae.. Here." Her mother keeps on crying and crying.

Taeyeon also cry while hugging her mother.

Sungha and Seohyun , they come to see Taeyeon after they hear the news from citizen who pass through there.

Sungha : "Taeyeon, I'm sorry about this accident."

Seohyun : "I'm sorry , eonni."

Taeyeon can't hold her feeling anymore. She cry so hard and hug Sungha.

Seohyun knows she need some place to cry.

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