#2 a playboy?

You Make My Life Perfect [HIATUS]

I'm sorry If there's some grammar mistake or else

I'm too lazy to translate and do editing 


and btw, I update this chapter sooner because I cant update for two or three weeks, I'll have exam already u,u


okay, there's 2nd chapter for you guys^^!

Naeun POV

"Argh! I told you right? They’re !" I Moaned, still trying to salvage that is not tainted spilled coffee by Sungyeol.

"Be patient Naeun, I'll help you take care of this all," Said Chorong sunbae trying to calm me down, on the edge of my eye I could see she busy separate file that can still be saved.

"Ottoke? I don’t keep a backup in the form of files" I muttered, "mwo?" Chorong sunbae surprised as if she heard what I said, "You're sloppy Naeun, you're the secretary of the school council while this year, how could you not save the file?" Said Chorong sunbae with frustrated tone.

I don’t answer, silent for a moment until we done separating all the files. Chorong sunbae break the silent, "Its look like you have to stay in my house today, I will help you to retype this file,"

Actually I don’t want to bother her, but there was no other choice, if I use the school council’s computer, I will be caught careless to these files. I would be disqualified as a candidate for chairman of the school council this year.

Me and Chorong sunbae were walking towards the main entrance, where the driver was waiting for us. But on the way we were confronted by a boy, Nam Woohyun, one of INFINITE members. I don’t know what he wants from us. He is the most popular boys after L. Almost all girls in this school ever date him, he will date a girl for a whole day and gave her offense in the end of that day. It Doesn’t stop there, the next day she will surely humiliated by A PINK because she has been dating Woohyun. I also don’t understand, according to what I heard Woohyun was Bomi ‘real boyfriend’.

"Hey," he said made our steps stopped. He pushed Chorong sunbae until her shoulder touching the wall, "I like your haircut," I can see that jerk playing Chorong sunbae’s brown hair and then kissed it. I was surprised seriously, whether did he wants to make Chorong sunbae his next target? If so, I'm not going to make it happen.

" Look, whatever you say, I'm not interested in your 'one day dating sehari'," said Chorong Sunbae with firm rid Woohyun hands, "Kajja, Naeunie" said Chorong Sunbae pulled my wirst, leaving that boy in deserted hallway, I really hope there are still many students in the hallway so they could watch what just happened. It probably would have been hot news for the next few weeks.

: - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - :

It's almost late at night, Me and Chorong sunbae still busy with some files that I have to re-type because of tainted coffee. I saw Chorong sunbae who was typing on his notebook, she occasionally seemed to evaporate.

"Sunbae, if you want to sleep, Just sleep. I'll finish it all," Chorong sunbae made her eyes opened wide, showing me that she was not sleepy at all, "I'm not sleepy Naeun, absolutely not. And how many times have I told you to call me unnie," said Chorong sunbae admonished.

I’m not respond Chorong sunbae’s words, somehow Its difficult for me to call Chorong sunbae by unnie, " You call Hoya by oppa right? Actually, what is relationship between you two?"

"Eh?" Sunbae Chorong question surprised me . Her tone was suddenly just high, did she angry? Jealous? Impossible, I think Chorong sunbae and Hoya oppa were lovers, "Hoya oppa is very good to me, me and oppa just friends, or maybe like a brother-sister? Sunbae is Hoya oppa’s girlfriend right?"

"Eh? n-not, we're just friends," she answered, I can see her cheeks blushed. This is the first time I saw Chorong sunbae like this. I got up from the chair and walked towards Chorong sunbae, " Sunbae , you like him right?" I asked sitting on the bed, "um… maybe yes," she admitted , her face getting flushed make me want to laugh. Even Park Chorong , most tomboyish student at the school could be as sweet as this.

"Ah, so that is the reason you refused that boy this afternoon?" I asked , of course I mean is Woohyun. Chorong sunbae expression immediately changed , "ck , if you mean is Woohyun, I guess we don’t need to talk about it , " was the answer made me even more curious, "Waeyo?"

"Listen to me, Son Naeun. For your Information, that was not the first time he teasing me, he was very often do that, but he always did it when I’m alone. This afternoon was the first time he teasing me when there are people with me," She replied, I know Chorong sunbae not someone who is good at making up stories. But still, it seems impossible to me. Did Woohyun really liked Chorong sunbae ?

Eunji POV

Today everything looks like a repetition of what happened yesterday, because I am too lazy to go see my parents quarrel and yes ... I also forgot breakfast. My driver also still take a day off today , His wife had just given birth. I'm also happy ... but annoyed at the same time. State of the road was really quiet as yesterday. What is different from yesterday is just onething... there's black ninja motorcycle stopped and ask me for a ride and offered to accompany me breakfast in the morning. Wait, why am I thinking about that boy? I didn’t expect his presence like yesterday right?


Sound of a car horn startled me, slowly I turned my view to the sound source and I can see a white car that was very familiar to me. The car driver was waving at me, smiling make eyes smile that he had showed. I even waved him back, Kim Sunggyu.

"What are you doing?" Sunggyu asked as she opened his car window.

I'm running out of words, what should I say ? Hoya words yesterday suddenly resound in my ears, "Calm down, I would say that if something happens to your car and I just pass by... If someone asks,"

"My car got complication, until now it still in workshop," I said nervously , this is the first time I lied to him. He smiled at my answer, "Then come in,"

Myungsoo POV

I'm enjoy my lunch with no sound while my third busy with their conversation with four girls whose sit with us, their conversation did not interest me. Because attention is now focused on a girl who had just entered the cafeteria with her friend. I continue to follow her steps until I knew she was sitting over the table that is occupied by a boy. Why she always looks close with that boy? That made ​​me even more hate him, Lee Howon or more know as Hoya? Well, nobody knows it except a few people, and I was one of them.

Normal POV

" Oops .. Woohyun , I think there will a person who beat you to be a number one playboy in this school," Sungyeol words makes his seven friends looked at him surprised. Woohyun have a rival? It was impossible.

"What do you mean Sungyeol ? Noone can beat Woohyun," Bomi replied fast, tried to defend his boyfriend.

"Tsk, then tell me that what I see is wrong" Sungyeol stopped for a moment, then appoint someone with his finger, making his the seven friends see to direction toward his long finger,"that boy, Hoya ... he's dating three girls at one time?"

Hear that name called Eunji somehow could only silent, she did not like the topic of their conversation now  as well as Sunggyu after seeing one of the girl who sat with Hoya.

"Mwo? That's right. Ottoke? Woohyun in danger now," Woohyun who can’t take Namjoo words say , "Listen, I was not in danger. I'm still number one here. I-"

"Then prove it." L said cut Woohyun words, " The three girls were with him there ... you've never dated one of them right?"

"Yes! That's right. You’ve to date one of them," Sungyeol said, sounds like a challenge.

"Wait , that scholarship student... I'm not interested to her, I'm just dating girl of the upper class," said Woohyun makes L grin. He knew his friend would say that.

"What about the other two?"

Woohyun was just about to open his mouth but Sunggyu cut it, "If you dare to approach that first class student even just touch it with the tip of your finger, I'll never forgive you for life." Sunggyu speech successfully make his friends were surprised.

"Aigoo hyung ... seems very interested in that girl huh?" said L after see his hyung reaction. Without them knowing, one of them left the table with a wet eyes.

"There is no other option than Park Chorong, we give you a month to take her haerts, If you fails ... you know the punishment right? " Sungyeol said make Woohyun hearts burden, nobody knew it . Park Chorong , the only girl who refused Woohyun even dozens of times .

Eunji POV

I separated myself from the INFINITE and A PINK . Somehow they talk this time unsettled. I don’t know where it came from, which obviously is now heaving breath. I don’t understand this because of Sunggyu sunbae like other girls? or ... because of what they are saying Hoya who was dating three yeoja at once? Wait , It must be because Sunggyu sunbae, I loved him since I entered this school, but he'd like another yeoja after a year I admired him. I couldn’t hurt because Hoya right?

: - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - :

Extreme of summer sun burning up my skins. This time sports class. Lessons that I hate most . Pain is increasingly when I know PE lesson now will merged with the third year student, with the class which he there, Lee Hoya. I don’t know this feeling, I don’t like to see him, either because I hated him or I don’t want him to know how I'm worst in this lesson .

Hoya POV

It’s hot summer adds spirit to play football against my junior, this time third year class joining the second year class for PE Class. Because the girls turn first test, Mr . Choi let boy students play the football first, just count it as a warm up.

"Hoya !" I approached Mr . Choi who suddenly just call me, I can see there next to him there is a cowering girl holding his knee… in pain?

" Can you accompany this girl to infirmary? because you're a sport club chairman, you don’t need to worry about your grades" I nodded and Mr . Choi was left with that girl.

I approached her, "Can you stand up? " I asked make that girl look at me , our eyes met, Jung Eunji.

normal POV

 Eunji tried to stand by her own power, but she winced in pain as she managed to stand up. She was not sure she could walk up to the infirmary. Hoya think like that too after heard Eunji winched. When she stand up Hoya immediately took action, carrying Eunji with a bridal style .

Eunji surprised, she couldn’t lie to herself that her heart now is beating faster than usual. This her first time carrying by boy.

"Yah! Put me down!" Protest Eunji, but Hoya just shut up and walked towards the infirmary Eunji disregard the entire student protests even look at them now.

"Can you hear me? Put me down!" Eunji still protest, because Eunji was too annoyed Hoya didn’t put her down yet, she to fight by hitting and pushing Hoya’s shoulders until her wish came true. Eunji regardless of Hoya yet ...

 "Ouch!" Eunji screaming, after she was released from Hoya.

" W-whats wrong with you? " ask Hoya surprised .

 "Pabo-ya! Why you out me down huh?! " 'Aish ,this girl  is really annoying , is that what she wants right? ' Hoya thought.

"Because of you ... My legs were sprained," said Eunji watched his right leg . It was her fault , Hoya knew it but somehow it make him felt guilty because he just had taken off his arms, " Well , we better to infirmary first,"

Eunji POV

We had arrive in infirmary room, and unfortunately there was no one else there. Why am I so unlucky today? I muttered to myself. I saw Hoya approached medicine drawer and pulled out some of the equipment that is used to heal wounds. Don’t tell me he would cure me?

"What do you wanna do?" I asked doubtfully, "cure you, what do you think?" He said make my mouth shut, I really want to make him stop cure my wounds, but somehow I just could silence see he pulled a chair and sat in front of me.

I bit my lower lip, closed my eyes get ready to feel the pangs of alcohol used to clean my wounds. But I didn’t feel anything other than a cold sensation in my knee. Slowly I opened my eyes, is not at all painful as I thought.

"Hold on a bit , which will be somewhat sore," he said while pouring iodine on cotton. And sure enough, the pain radiating straight so it touches the wound cotton to my knee. At first, it is kind of sore but the pain was lessened when I saw he concentration on my wounds. sunlight that make his face look shine, sweat flowing from his temples , make him look so... geez, why my mind is always chaotic lately. I shook my head, hope his face could expect to jump out of my mind.

"Hey! It’s done," he said stop me shake my head . , he'd think I was weird girl.

" What's the matter with you? Are you feeling dizzy?" he asked me and I shook my head quickly. I'm running out of words, it does look like a fool.

Hoya POV

Actually I'm not one to immediately return home once the bell rang, but today and the next three days might be different. Because I'm going to be her 'personal driver’. Who else ? that girl who sprained because trying to release from my arms. Actually I don’t want to do this, but I have to be responsible right? Anyway this is only for three days, no more. After that I can breathe freedom again.


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Don't bored to read and give me comment 'kay? kkk
Love you guys <3

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Chapter 6: HOJI..! More scene pls~
Limonium #2
Chapter 6: I want more hoji..just write both equally...I like hoji in this story..
Lolli13 #3
Chapter 6: HoJi >: , Hoji is so cute xD
TiaDaniela #4
Chapter 6: myungeun :<
Chapter 6: Myungeun scene juseyo :(
Lolli13 #6
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON AUTHOR-NIM XD I really liked this story! ^^ (:
TiaDaniela #7
Chapter 4: update soon juseyooo!
Chapter 4: omg what will happen T-T I want to know!!!!