




Warm sun rays hit her face as the wind blew her hair and her green summer dress softly. Looked around. She was standing beside a swings at park that she didn't know where that park was. She didn't even remember how she got there. Her mind just too focused to all guy who stood beside her, he was holding her hand. He smiled sweetly to Jupal as he look right to Jupal's eyes with his adorable doe eyes.




Jupal's heart beating madly to the extent that she afraid that the boy would hear her heart's beat. She looked away, afraid that the boy would notice how red she was. She didn't know why she felt so embarassed. But she felt something weird, she felt something warm inside. Something warm but made her spince chilled. Made her heart beating madly but she liked how he made her like that. Made her face flushed red when make an eye contact. Made her fly just with one sweet smile from him. From his irrestible lips and that sparkling wide doe eyes.

Jupal wanted to ask him why he made her like this when she feel something cold driped to her face, she looked up the sky. But the sky was calm with warm sun rays and the clouds were nowhere to be seen. She got her view back to the boy that still smiled at her and still gives her the same effect.She wanted to touch his face, but her hand stopped in the air, she afraid that the boy wouldn't let her touch him. But, as soon as she stopped her hand, the boy grabbed her hand and place it to his right cheek. Still smiling, he caressed Jupal's hair. Her heart wanted to explode. But once again something cold driped to her face, and this time a lot. She loooked that boy face. The boy opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, she expected a deep husky voice but a high pitch voice greets her ears instead...

"Jujjuma! Wake up! Are you waiting for me pour the whole bottle?" Jupal knew that voice so well. Her beloved loud dongsaeng Nana. Jupal opened her eyes slowly. Nana stood on her bed right above Jupal. She hold a red water sprayer, smiling childishly, she sprayed Jupal's face.

"Jujjuma, don't scold me if you late! Wake up now!"

"Okay Na okay, now get off from my bed, you don't need a water sprayer you know, you have ruined my dream." Jupal mumbled. Nana watched her, curious.

"What dream?" Nana asked, raising her eyebrows. "About that dobi's ear boy?" she asked again. Victorious smile formed in Nana's lips as Jupal flushed red when she mentioned that boy. Nana didn't have to be a genious to take that as yes.

"Wh... what are you talking about Na? Haha I don't know what are you talking about? Boy? Which boy? Okay I'm late Na! I've to get ready. Now move please haha.." A nervous laugh escaped from her lips.

As soon as Nana stepped out from her bed. Jupal rushed to the bathroom, Jupal felt her heart beating madly. She splashed water all over her face for few times but didn't seems to calmed her mind. She took a deep breath and told her self that she have to be as calm as possible, that the elevator incident was nothing. Her face flushed once again when she remembered that elevator incident. Cupping her own face she told herself to be calm. She took full 30 minutes just to calmed her heart's beat and wash her face.


She walked to the usual bus station where she always waited for the bus that will take her to the university. It didn't take a long time when the bus finally came. Jupal greeted the bus driver as usual and step in. An old lady sat at the back and two middle schooler sat at the front seat. Jupal didn't realize that a frown formed in her face, she felt upset nd yet, she didn't know what makes her upset. Unconsicously, she took the seat that a few days ago offered to her by a deep voiced boy. She felt kind of miss him. Erasing her thought, she looked outside the window, she quietly watched the road that passed by the bus.


"Yo, noona? Earth to Jupal noona?" Chen waved his hand in front of Jupal's face, but Jupal stoned. Let out a frustated sigh, he poked Jupal's cheek, "Noona! Jupal noona!"

"Huh? What Chen? Sorry, I didn't hear you, what are we talking about?" Jupal blinked several times, trying to get back her mind to the right place. Chen frowned, Jupal knew Chen would be upset when someone ignore him. "Sorry Chen Chen, I was spacing out. Something bothered my mind." Jupal said with an apologetic smile.

"What is it noona? Tell me.Maybe there are something that I could help." Chen said with a understanding smile while tidying his messy table. He put some of his makeups to the right place and then wipe his table with tissues. Jupal could tell that Chen tried hard to clean his table, his manager always nagged to him how messy the waiting room after he use it.

"You are not the one who talk kiddo, I'll help you tidying your stuff, you are the one who need help." Jupal laughed as she grabbed a plastic bag and stuffed it with trash from Chen's table. Jupal thought that Chen was unbelievable, why his table could be so messy. He just used it for 3 hours. Laughed to her own thought, "Hey Chen..."

"Hmm?" Chen hummed, still wiping his table. Jupal just stared him blankly. She didn't have the right word. Silence fills the air for a whole minute before Chen finally turned his gaze to Jupal and break the silence "What is it noona?" Chen gave her a warm smile.

"I don't know how should I say this, but, um... do you know someone that came here yesterday? A tall boy with wide ears, I guess you guys are on the same age... do you possibly... know him?" Chen couldn't resist Jupal's hopefull gaze. But to be honest, he didn't know who was the boy his noona refer to. Like hell, there are a lot of tall guy with wide ears in all over Korea.

"Could you be more specific noona? Name? Is he in this agency?" Chen carefully asked Jupal, but Jupal just smiled sadly. She has been realize about the fact that it wouldn't be easy, look for a boy who she didn't even know his name.

"No, I don't even know his name, sorry Chen... but thank you, you are my best dongsaeng." Jupal smiled cheerfully while raised both of her thumbs up, it was telling Chen intuition that Jupal didn't want to continue their talk about this boy.

"Of course noona, I'm the best dongsaeng in a whole world, y, free and single ready to serve my beloved noona." Chen playfully bowed to Jupal. The heavy atmosphere lifted up suddenly. Both Jupal and Chen felt the atmosphere gets warmer. Maybe because both of them have known each other for years, so they could easliy understand each other heart. And the warm atmosphere continues with their little chit chat, they talked about everyting, even the most tiny thing that happened that past 5 years. It didn't stop even when Kyungsoo joins them.


"Did you know that Xiumin is back?" Jupal asked him thebn sipped her iced americano.

"Uh, um... I know he called me right before boarding... haha..." Chen's nervous laugh could be heard faintly.

As soon as he closed his lips, Jupal hit him several times.

"Noona! Don't hit me! Aw that's hurts! Stop noona stop!"

"Ya! You! I'll tell Kris! And wait, I'll make sure duizhang will kill you!" Jupal hit him again.

"Just kill Xiumin! He was the one who told me to shut up because hit tight schedule! Aw noona stop!" Chen tried to protect his head from Jupal's furous smack.

"And let him to arrive at Korea without someone to pick him at the airport?" Jupal hit him one more time and picked her phone, calling Kris's number.

Chen realized what his noona was doing, he grabbed her phone and closed her call.

"Whoa noona, your cellphone is so cute." smiling innocently Chen caressed Jupal's phone.

Sulking, Jupal ignored her dongsaeng.

"Noona, I picked Xiumin at the airport. So, don't kill me okay? Kill Xiumin. I'm too cute to die this early noona." Chen smiled. But she was refusing to look at Chen so Chen playfully poked his noona's elbow.

"Noona, don't sulk. You look like a camel right now!" Chen poked her again.


"Noona! Noona! Noona!" Chen clutched the edge of Jupal's blazer and swung it. Blinking several time, he hoped that his aegyo would let him escape from Jupal's tantrum.

"What? Don't you dare to use your aegyo." Chen blinking several times again.

"Bbuing bbuing?" Chen said with a big grin on his face. Jupal couldn't help it, she laughed so hard until her stomach felt sore. Ruffling her dongsaeng hair, she smiled and told him that it was okay, that she wasn't mad anymore.


Time flew so fast, their chit chat had to stop when Chen's manager told him that he had to move to his next schedule. He grabbed his jacket and threw an apologetic smile, Chen bid her good evening and jokingly said that he still waited for a dinner treat from her.

Jupal smiled and waved her hand when Chen hurrriedly followed his manager. Silence filled the airs. Sighing, Jupal wore her high heels then grabbed her bag. It wasn't a lie that Jupal felt lonely. She took a glance one more time to the Chen's waiting room, a plastic bag stuffed with trash still on the previous table. She took it and put it in the trash can as she walked to the elevator. Pressing the 1st floor number, she watched the floor indicator changing slowly. Didn't even know why, tears threatened to fall from Jupal's eyes. Bitting her lips, she try her hardest to hold it.


She walked to the nearest bus station, refusing Kyungsoo's kind offer to take her home like always. A chilling wind blowed from the south, made her shivered. There is just an old lady sat there and waited for the bus with her sleepy eyes. Jupal nodded her head a little when the old lady smiled at her. Then, she let herself to sit on the bench, sitting not too far from the old lady. Leaning her head in an advertisement board, that boy's image appeared in her mind slowly, made her missing him. She actually hoped for meeting that boy again, but her pride didn't want to admit it. She sighed, trying to close her eyes and eventually gave up.

She tapped her watch as she waited for the bus.

5 minutes

7 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

the bus didn't appear.

It was unusual for a public bus to late.

Playing with her manicured nails, Jupal waited patiently. Her mind was too blank to be upset.

Then after a long awaited time, a green bus made it's entrance from the conjuction. As the bus stopped in fron of her, the automatic door opened slowly. Jupal stood up and walked toward the bus.

Entering the bus, Jupal looked around the bus

A tall boy with a huge eyes nd wide ears grinned widely. Sat on his usual seat.

He waved his big hand and pat a seat beside him.

Jupal didn't even know why that the boy actually doing it. She just too shocked.

He was staring at her with his sparkle eyes. The eyes that Jupal unconciously adored so much.




Her heart still skipped a beat.

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Chapter 3: please update soooonnnn >_<
jjjyas #2
Chapter 3: waiting for next chapter...