A lil' bit of past

My Boss is a (On Hiatus)


*Your POV*
*This looks like my room... Did  he  bring  me here?* I looked down at Taemin-ssi, who was sleeping on the other side of the bed, over the covers, and sighed. I got out of bed and pulled the covers over him, then texted "Diva Umma" to see if Taemin-ssi had any schedule today and apparently, today was his free day. I on the other hand, have school. Crap. I don't wanna leave him here, but I don't really have another option, do I? After tucking him into my bed, I quickly went to the bathroom and changed into my uniform and prepared both Mi Sun's and my lunch, then even made Taemin-ssi some food and left him a note telling him where I went, etc.
"I Knew From the Start" by F.T Island started playing in my phone, and as I sang along quietly, I walked into class to see I was still the first one to arrive. So, I sang the rest of the song as loudly as I wanted, not noticing that Youngmin and Kwangmin had walked in, listening in awe. Once I finally did notice them, I jumped back in surprise.
"Holy-!! When did you two get here?!" I asked loudly, struggling to look them in the eye as they just continued to stare.
"Yun-ah... Why didn't you tell us you could sing like that?! I thought we were friends!" Youngmin asked, while Kwangmin nodded and started walking towards me. I started stepping back even more, trying to stay away from them, afraid of what they might do.
"I didn't tell anybody...." I said as quietly as I could, since people were starting to walk in. Just then, Mi Sun passed by the window, signaling for me to give her the lunch. Hurrying over, I handed her the lunch and went straight to my seat while she went to her own class.
All through class, I was poked constantly by Kwangmin and passed millions of little notes by Youngmin, both wanting me to talk. After a while, I couldn't even feel my shoulder. *At least they aren't texting me...* Throughout the day, the bothering didn't stop. During lunch, they bombarded me with questions, and after school, they tried following me home, to ask more. But every time, I shook my head and said "Later". Even Mi Sun had left me alone, not wanting to be around them after they had told her off the other day. I opened the door, expecting Taemin-ssi to be gone, but he was stretched out on my couch, playing videogames.
"I'm home..." I muttered, dropping my things by the desk. Immediately, he paused the game and turned to me.
"Do you have a job?" he asked suddenly. I nodded, and he patted the spot on the floor next to the couch, wanting me to further explain.
"I work as Mi Sun's personal assistant. It wasn't really voluntary, but well, it was all I could do to please my mom", I started, and after Taemin-ssi gave me a questioning look, I continued, not knowing why I was telling him about my life.
"After my dad found out my mom was cheating on him with a younger man, he left, and my mom.... lost her mind, and got depressed. She got fired, and the younger man left her, so we were struggling for money, since I never heard from my dad again. So, when Mi Sun's dad saw me in class one day, since I was one of the smart kids back then, he decided to talk to my mom about me. And she basically sold me off to him. Seeing how she just let go of me like this, Mi Sun's dad took me in, because although his daughter is a monster, he's a good man. His laugh reminds me of Santa Claus, but that doesn't matter... 
Anyways, after I started doing odd jobs around the house and earned some money, someone came over one day to deliver the bad news. My mom had commit suicide and my dad had died in a car crash. That's when I got screwed and Mi Sun decided she wanted me as an assistant. Kind of how you just randomly got me as a slave, but she's a jerk. You're not so bad. Spoiled brat she is, her daddy apologized to me and hired me, still paying me and promised me that if one day Mi Sun didn't need me anymore, he would hire me. So, after a few years, he let me go and live by myself in an appartment, understanding that I needed my own space. It's also that same reason that I go by 'Kim Yun' instead of 'Kim Yun Hee'. Because the 'Hee' part was chosen by my mother, but... Well, I was so torn apart that she would just sell me off when I was in elementary, then out of nowhere commit suicide, so I kind of... Didn't want to be reminded of her every time I write my name." I explained roughly, while Taemin-ssi silently listened the entire time.
"Who else have you told this to?" he finally asked. 
"Just you. I don't know why, though." I answered. He nodded, then sat up and passed me another controller.
"Wanna join?" he offered. After a nod, I was on the couch next to him, curses flying as his character dodged my punches. He was jumping up and down in his seat, frustrated that I had so quickly killed off his other character. [GottaLoveEm: I was thinking of Soul Calibur while writing this, so... Yeah :) ]
"Taemin-ssi, did you eat the lunch I left you?" I managed to say between random screams of victory, as I was beating away his life.
"Yeah. It was good. And you can call me oppa, you know. After all, I'm not 'so bad', right? I took this the wrong way... So, let's be friends, okay? Just let me beat you once. After all, that's what friends are for, right?" he responded, with a grin, as I had stopped moving my character around to let him win.
"Just this once, okay? But don't call me slave. Or I'll never let you win again. I've played this game as far back as I can remember, in different versions, so yes, I am a MASTER!!!" I laughed as he moved his character around sloppily.  After what seemed like an eternity, Taemin oppa finally managed to beat my three best characters.
While Taemin oppa was yelling victoriously, there was a knock on the door.
"I'll go get it while you finish up with cheering for yourself." I laughed, walking over. It was CNU oppa and Gongchan oppa. I immediately let them in, but at the first sight of Taemin oppa, CNU oppa retreated a bit.
"Yun-ah, why is he here? Isn't this the boy who had your phone?" he asked, sounding a little irritated, while Gongchan just came in and went straight to the kitchen for a snack of some type.
"Chill, we were just playing some videogames. Yeah, it's him." I said, trying to calm him down.
*Taemin's POV*
*It's no wonder she cried last night. She's obviously still hurting, and a lot. I mean, she was just a kid... Aish.... I feel like a jerk for suddenly making her my slave like this... But I had no idea....* I finally settled down after my little victory dance, and peeked over to the kitchen, trying to see if the one with the shorter hair had found something tasty in her fridge. I recognized the one wearing glasses, I had seen him before, but who the hell was the other guy? Meh. Beats me. I can always ask later. Now I'll have to stop calling her slave, though. Speaking of, I'm still kind of hungry. The lunch she made wasn't enough....
"Yun-ah~ I'm hungry~" I called out to her from the couch, which I stretched out on again. The glasses-guy finally shut up and looked at me, obviously ticked off, but said nothing, while Yun-ah nodded and went straight to the kitchen, where I heard her yelp in surprise when she saw the other guy going through her fridge.
"Gongchan oppa! If you were hungry, you could have said something! Come one, get up so you can help me out." I heard her say. *So that's who that was.* While this 'Gongchan oppa' guy helped her out in the kitchen, glasses-guy turned back to me and gave me a cold stare.
"Did I kill your cat or something? Why the hate?" I asked plainly. I don't even know if he actually had a cat, but at the mention of that word, the look in his eyes changed. "What? Are you a cat freak?" I questioned while his face went red and he frowned.
"You're too close to her..." he whispered loud enough for only me to hear. Were we still talking about cats? 
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As it appears, I'd written two additional chapters, but after those are posted, I do not intend to continue with this.


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@channa Maybe there will, maybe there won't~
/skipping 15 cos i forgot about it and went along with chapter 16:<br />
K so<br />
ill guess there'll be conflict between taemin and taehyun? XD
14: xD<br />
Of course Jonghyun would be the one crying xD<br />
of course
13: ....yeah.... that would be an awkward position.....
12: fjhygdkyyfs sorry that it's been awhile :p<br />
Sheeeeees baaaaack~!
@b2utyvipgirlfriend True, I can't imagine him crying like that either, but imagine if he did xD
Oh shoot, forgot some other things to say. Alyss is one of my favorite characters. Mi Sun is y but strange enough, I'm not hating on her. CNU is aww...in love. x3 Baro...not much on him but I was totally rofling on the scene with the remote control. His hamster comparison was adorable though. Taemin's role in this story is freakin' awesome. But I like how she's close with so many idols but it's not like all the idols fall for her, you know? Because it seems like more fanfics have like all the idols fall for the heroine and she is forced to choose one. I like how in this story, they are all good friends. :D<br />
Okay, done ranting~