Idols Are Humans Too!

My Boss is a (On Hiatus)


[GottaLoveEm]: I kind of meant to update on New Year's, but clearly that didn't happen ^^; So, without further ado, here is another chapter~ Oh, and thank you cocoalakin, for your comment, I'm so glad someone else noticed that the heroine is always surrounded by masses and masses of guys that like her. When I read those, I feel jealous that I can't even get ONE guy to like me -__-;
*Your POV*
"Uh... Um.... I-I was looking for you guys... I... was just telling Alyss and Taemin-oppa about..... Um... Uh...!," I started to blurt out, when my legs suddenly carried me out of there, as fast as they could.
"Yun-ah! Wait!," I heard CNU-oppa plead, but I kept running as fast as I could.
Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the SHINee dorms, but couldn't get past the huge crowd of fans. *What the hell? I thought back then I had taken care of them...*
"Has anyone of you ever considered the possibility that you're irritating them by not even letting them sleep with all your yelling?!", I yelled at the top of my lungs in the general direction of the fans, who jumped in the air out of surprise. Most of them glared at me, but someone in the crowd recognized me, and in a hushed tone, they said "Oooh, it's her, it's the girl who yelled at us last time... I think she's right... If someone were constantly yelling outside my window, it'd piss me off.... C'mon. Let's go, before security tries to fight us off again.....". I smiled at this. *They're learning, at the very least....*
Once inside, I met with Key-umma's surprised face at my sudden appearance.
"Can you believe it, Key-umma?! He said he wasn't going to confess to me because he was engaged to Mi Sun! Engaged?! Why the hell didn't I hear anything about this before!? Umma! Help me! I just ran off and now everything is so awkward!! He even called me! Umma! UMMA!!!," I cried out as I sat on the floor in front of him, acting and looking like a child while he just patted my shoulders consolingly.
"First of all, honey.... GROW SOME OVARIES!!! GO UP TO HIM AND GIVE HIM A PIECE OF YOUR MIND FOR NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING!! Next, take a deep breath and go take a shower while umma washes your clothes. You're sweating like a pig. Actually, take the shower first. THEN go tell him. Now, go. Umma will be right here for you if you need anything else," Key-umma advised. So I did just that. I took a deep breath. *This is ridiculous. I have to face my problems, not run from them. I'll get nowhere if I run, right?*
"You know what? This is stupid! Damn right! I can tell him whatever I want! What type of friend is he for not telling me something so big as being engaged?! Alright! Time to show him who wears the pants here! But first the shower! Onwards!," I yelled out, suddenly pumped up, and wandered around the SHINee dorms until I found the bathroom Key-umma had told me to use.
After the shower, which supplied me with some time to think and cleanse my thoughts, I went back to talking to Key-umma, but this time about the concert.
"Ah, so you're going to be there too? That's great! Maybe afterwords we can go get something to eat together, or just hang out. So? What do you say?," he offered, not even bothering to ask why or how I got the chance to go there to sing, and I was thankful for that. I don't like just using Key-umma to vent, after all. I nodded eagerly, and started cleaning the livingroom while Key-umma made us something to eat.
"We're back~ Key-umma, what's for-- Oh, hey Yun-ah! What brings you here? And wasn't Taemin-ah supposed to be with you? Where is he?," Onew-ssi asked me with a wondering look on his face, as Minho-ssi and Jonghyun-ssi made their way in as well. They both looked up at the sound of my name and either smiled, or waved hello.
"Sorry for intruding! I just stopped by to hang out, really. Taemin-oppa should come back soon, I sent him a text a while ago telling him where I was, and to tell Alyss not to worry or anything. Last I saw him, he was at my place,". Onew-ssi nodded his head in an understanding way and Minho-ssi just followed the scent of Key-umma's cooking, with Jonghyun-ssi trailing behind like a puppy.
So, they settled down at the table, I sat on a nearby chair, telling everybody about the school I attended while I was in America, when Taemin-oppa came in.
"I'm home... Is Yun-ah still here? Oh, there you are. Leaving guests by themselves at your place? What if I stole something? Honestly... But yeah, now glasses guy is freaking out that you ran out on him. What are you planning to do about him?," he said as he made his way to the kitchen.
"Just give him a piece of my mind regarding certain things. And thats about it. I can't do much else, now, can I?," I answered plainly. *I can so do this!*
After that matter was settled and Key-umma gave me something to eat while everybody else told me about their lives, I got up to leave, but was stopped abruptly by Minho-ssi.
"It's been decided that since I'm the scariest looking one of all of us, I will walk you home. Walking by yourself is dangerous, especially now that it's getting dark," he droned on like a robot, like if it wasn't the first time he had to walk someone home.
"I would be okay with that, if it weren't for two issues. One, the fans might come back and attack you or something, two, you would end up walking back here, by yourself. In the dark. If you can walk yourself back, in the dark, then I can walk myself home. It's not like it's all that far away. Chill. I got this," I replied cooly, with a satisfied smile, still with that warm feeling inside that you get from food. *You know it's good food when it warms you down to your heart and stomach, not just burning your tongue and throat...
He smiled back, the first time I had seen this, and shook his head.
"You make a good point, but it's still dangerous. Do you have a friend who isn't an idol that can walk you home? Preferably someone who doesn't seem like people would screw with them," he insisted. *Someone who can walk me home who isn't an idol, and scary.... Isn't Alyss the only one who fits that category? Well, I DO suppose with her I wouldn't have to worry about being attacked by strangers... At most, I'd need to be cautious of her. Yeah, I guess she'll do.*
I nodded and pulled out my cellphone to call her. As if reading my mind, Minho-ssi asked, "Is it the girl we saw at the airport? The one that was hiding behind you?".
I smiled and he sighed then shrugged.
"Whatever then. Go for it and call her," he said before walking back to his spot on the couch, where everybody had migrated to like a flock of birds after I stood up to leave, with the TV to a soap opera that had Jonghyun-ssi crying like a little girl.
After the call, I sat down next to Jonghyun-ssi, handing him a box of tissues, which he smiled gratefully for and started wiping away his tears with. Seeing him in such a pathetic state yelled "IDOLS ARE HUMANS TOO!!" to me, and I wanted to laugh. Just because I had lived with Mi Sun, a monster, for years, didn't mean everybody else had a hidden agenda, and this was something I learned when I met B1A4.
"Yun-ah, Alyss is here for you. And, oh look, she brought me candy," Taemin-oppa said as he opened the door when he heard someone knock. I stood up, patting Jonghyun-ssi on the back so he would stop crying along with the heroine, and he looked up, sniffling, and smiled gratefully.
"Well, bye guys, see you all at the concert, if not sooner,yeah?," I asked as I stood by the door with Taemin-oppa and Alyss, who was greeting everyone, using the bits of Korean she knew. Once I heard everyone agree and say goodbye, I said my own goodbyes and left with Alyss.
"So, are you nervous about the concert in two weeks?," Alyss asked, eyes staring excitedly at me, and I smiled wide.
"Of course I am. But I'll give it my all and have fun. After all, that's what fans want. For their idols to enjoy going to concerts and all that. They don't want someone who looks like a corpse, dragging their body around the stage, exhausted from trying to deliver the perfect performance, forgetting to have fun, right?," I answered calmly, looking up at the sky with hopes that Mi Sun's fans wouldn't be too angry that I had taken her place for a while.
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As it appears, I'd written two additional chapters, but after those are posted, I do not intend to continue with this.


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@channa Maybe there will, maybe there won't~
/skipping 15 cos i forgot about it and went along with chapter 16:<br />
K so<br />
ill guess there'll be conflict between taemin and taehyun? XD
14: xD<br />
Of course Jonghyun would be the one crying xD<br />
of course
13: ....yeah.... that would be an awkward position.....
12: fjhygdkyyfs sorry that it's been awhile :p<br />
Sheeeeees baaaaack~!
@b2utyvipgirlfriend True, I can't imagine him crying like that either, but imagine if he did xD
Oh shoot, forgot some other things to say. Alyss is one of my favorite characters. Mi Sun is y but strange enough, I'm not hating on her. CNU is love. x3 Baro...not much on him but I was totally rofling on the scene with the remote control. His hamster comparison was adorable though. Taemin's role in this story is freakin' awesome. But I like how she's close with so many idols but it's not like all the idols fall for her, you know? Because it seems like more fanfics have like all the idols fall for the heroine and she is forced to choose one. I like how in this story, they are all good friends. :D<br />
Okay, done ranting~