She's Coming Back!

My Boss is a (On Hiatus)

[GottaLoveEm: So I figured, hey, we haven't heard from Onew in forever, so what the heck. He can say how things have been on his side of the world. Also, sorry if it's kinda short...]


*Onew's POV*

Lately things are so lonely... Taemin-ah lazily gazes out the window, and that guy who I met when Yun-ah left, Sandeul-ah, has come more often to hang out, occassionally bringing some group members. There's one, CNU, who was supposedly a really happy, smiling person, but... He ignores me every time I wave. I think Taemin-ah is just upset because he lost his toy, but I don't know whats up with CNU... Oh well. At least his group member Gongchan-ah is happy enough, that guy got himself a grilfriend recently. But anyways, I have a date with my chicken now. Oh, sweet, sweet chicken....

I walked over to the kitchen, where Key-umma had just been, making me some chicken, and took a seat. As I grabbed ten pieces to start off, I heard Jonghyun walk in, and from the sound of him dragging his feet and almost slamming into the door, he was still obviously half asleep.

"This is why you shouldn't take four-hour naps in the middle of the day. You end up more tired than you were before. Come here, drink something, but touch my chicken and I'll make you drink poison, not water," I warned him, only half-serious. He chuckled a bit then sat next to me, pouring himself a glass of juice. Glancing over, he noticed the tower of chicken in front of me, cracking a smile.

As he stood up to go watch TV, he said, "Just don't choke, okay? I don't want our leader to die or something." I laughed, then immediately went to eating. At least he was in a better mood. Ever since Yun-ah left, there was nobody to scare off the fangirls, so we had all been having troubles sleeping. It seemed he was having a worse time, since they had started trying to throw pebbles at his window.

When I got to my eighth piece of chicken, my phone started vibrating, and when I checked what it was, it was a call from someone who worked with Yun-ah. Mi Sun-ah had returned about a week ago, and there seemed to be some urgent things going on, which required Yun-ah to solve. Frankly, I thought this was incredibly unfair, but they begged me to contact Yun-ah as soon as possible, since she had never given them her email, and she wouldn't answer the phone. At least there was a possibility that we would have our savior back!

So, I sent Yun-ah an email from my phone, and waited for about an hour until I got my reply. By then, the plate of chicken had become a plate filled with bones.

Seriously? -__- Can they REALLY not do ANYTHING without me? Anyways, I'll be bringing someone back with me from the States. I suggest you never mess with her, if you want to live, that is XD She's a good person though. I guess my visit here will be cut short... How's everything over there?


From over my shoulder, I could see suddenly everybody, inclusing Minho, had crowded behind me and were reading what she wrote. Key-umma looked pleased, Taemin-ah had a mischievous grin on his face, and Minho-ah and Jonghyun looked really happy. Pulling out his own phone, Taemin-ah went typing away to the couch, obviously ordering Yun-ah around while she was still in America. While he did this, Jonghyun and Minho-ah danced around in the middle of the livingroom, and Key-umma just picked everything up from the kitchen and washed it, whistling happily. I turned back to my phone, then started writing a reply.

Everyone is waiting for you to come back home ^^ We've missed you. Also, FYI, one of your friends, a twin, cut his hair, Gongchan-ah got a girlfriend, Sandeul-ah and I are friends now thanks to you, CNU became a gloomy person, and have I told you that we all miss you yet? I think I did, but whatever, We miss you! The fangirls are attacking again... We need you over here!


Satisfied with what I wrote, I sent it and joined Jonghyun and Minho-ah in their dancing.



I was reading Twilight for the millionth time in a row. I had decided that when I thought Bella had it worse, I would stop, but it was hard convincing myself. She was just stupid. THAT was her problem. I was about to switch to reading New Moon, but then I got an email.

"Who's gonna bother me THIS time...?" I asked myself, putting the book down to  turn to the computer screen. I expected a new schedule or something, since we had recently released new songs, but instead, it was from Yun-ah. Without even reading it, I immediately pushed my chair in closer to the screen, as if though if I got close enough, I could see her on the other side. This would have been lovely, but I knew it wasn't happening. I clicked on it, and there were three words at the very top that would have been perfect if they would have said "I love you". Still, it made me so happy I could have cried.

I'm coming back.
Turns out there's an emergency. My flight back is in two days, so... Will you be there to welcome me back?



I stood up so fast the chair flipped over. Running to Baro's room, where everybody was discussing how to further torment my fiancee. When I had slammed the door open, everybody looked up, shocked, and I felt some happy tears escaping from the corners of my eyes.

"SHE'S COMING BACK!! SHE SAID SHE'S COMING BACK!!" I exclaimed happily, and as soon as I said this, they all stood, gasping, and ran to look at the email, while I collapsed, relieved, onto the rug.

"She's coming back...." I exhaled happily before falling asleep.

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As it appears, I'd written two additional chapters, but after those are posted, I do not intend to continue with this.


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@channa Maybe there will, maybe there won't~
/skipping 15 cos i forgot about it and went along with chapter 16:<br />
K so<br />
ill guess there'll be conflict between taemin and taehyun? XD
14: xD<br />
Of course Jonghyun would be the one crying xD<br />
of course
13: ....yeah.... that would be an awkward position.....
12: fjhygdkyyfs sorry that it's been awhile :p<br />
Sheeeeees baaaaack~!
@b2utyvipgirlfriend True, I can't imagine him crying like that either, but imagine if he did xD
Oh shoot, forgot some other things to say. Alyss is one of my favorite characters. Mi Sun is y but strange enough, I'm not hating on her. CNU is love. x3 Baro...not much on him but I was totally rofling on the scene with the remote control. His hamster comparison was adorable though. Taemin's role in this story is freakin' awesome. But I like how she's close with so many idols but it's not like all the idols fall for her, you know? Because it seems like more fanfics have like all the idols fall for the heroine and she is forced to choose one. I like how in this story, they are all good friends. :D<br />
Okay, done ranting~