I wish...

I like you
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During lunch, you decided to sit down with Bangtan. You told Miso, Changjo and Chaejin about it and they nodded in agreement except for Miso who pouted. Jimin, who was right behind you because he was with you right after you slept, was recieving glares from your three friends. 

You then decided to get your food but stopped walking when you still felt his presence behind you.


"Why are you following me?" You asked and raised your brow

"Me? Following you?" Jimin asked, blinking.

"Obviously, you're the only one behind me, right!?" You said but he then chuckled "Oh, you got the wrong idea. tsk tsk tsk. I was just going the same direction as you because I'll be getting my food too." Jimin said and walked first.

you let out and exasperated sigh and walked towards the food stall too.


You sat down beside Hoseok and Taehyung while the others look at you as if they were cautious. You didn't notice it and just ate your food until you felt the silence of the table. All the boys were usually talking here and there. they weren't the quiet type. So you looked up and almost choked when you saw that the 7 of them were looking at you.

you blinked and then coughed "ehem.... why are you guys all looking at me like that" 

"Uhmmmm, are you alright, noona?" Jeongguk said and blinked

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You said with a smile and ruffled the maknaes hair who was right across you.

"You mean... you're not gonna curse scarily at us anymore, right?" Namjoon said as he looked at you and you chuckled 

"Since when were you afraid of me cursing namjoon oppa? I learned it from you" You said

"Hey I didn't teach you to curse, I--" Namjoon started but you cut him off "Yes you did, the first time you wrote a rap for me was so full curse" you chuckled

His face lit up and then he sheepishly smiled. He raised his right hand for a hi-five "You're right, but damn, your curse is scary when you lack sleep" 

"Namjoon's right. imagine me, the oldest hyung, stiffened when I heard you this morning." Seokjin said and pouted

"Mianhae Jin oppa~~" You said and smiled at him

"It's alright. here's a chocolate ice cream for you. it's a peace offering for what I said this morning. you know.... about the troublemaker thing" Seokjin said as he gave you a wrapped ice cream bar


"So we saw all the dances you got." Yoongi said and you looked at him "It was all pretty good but...."

"But what?" You looked at him and blinked

"I think you and Jimin should choreograph your own dance" Yoongi said


you blinked and looked at everyone, they were nodding.

"I think an original dance would be great noona" Jungkook said and everyone nodded again.


You looked at Jimin and he was looking back at you. He just shrugged because he had no say when it comes to the decision of the hyungs.

You looked away and then inhaled "Alright, we'll choreograph our own"

everyone smiled and nodded at your decision however, you on the inside was thinking if you can do it or not.

*Won't it be awkward? aish God, please help get through this.* you thought


After lunch, all 8 of you went back to the practice room but not long after, 6 of the boys started packing their bags.

"Whoa where are you all going?" You asked, tiptoeing while encircling your arms around Hoseok's neck.

"Yah yah yah you're killing me" your brother said as he tried to pull you off of him


"We're gonna start working on the group song" Namjoon said

You finally let go of Hoseok and starred at him "All of you?"

"Mhmmm, you stay here with Jimin and make your dance" Yoongi said, slightly grinning.

"Oh c'mon, You, Namjoon oppa and Hoseokkie oppa can write a good song with just the three of you" You said but Yoongi waved his hands, signalling that he doesn't agree "An

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MinMin_HanHan #1
Chapter 25: Its been years already. Author-niiim
xxtricia #2
resh_wolf88 #3
Chapter 25: Arghhh!! Please update!! xD
huisin #4
Chapter 25: please update soon don't leave me hanging like this T___T
Chapter 25: this is too perfect and hilarious xDDDD please update soon author-nim. I'll be waiting. Forever T.T
MinMin_HanHan #6
Chapter 25: speaking about the competition :3
PaRRaP #7
Chapter 25: Please update soon,like real soon. I wanna hear about the competition!!
I feel like wqiting for ages... pls update ㅠㅠ
misshunny_bubu #9
Chapter 25: Update soon pleasshhh~~ btw new reader here~ ^^