Mature enough

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The eight of you were now sitting on the floor of the dance room, forming a cicrle.

Namjoon said they have to say the plan to you and Jimin since the two of you weren't at Jungkook's house. They made you sit beside Jimin and you just shrugged. it's not there's something wrong about that, but the feeling of awkwardness never left you. 

You swallowed as you remember he times that you sat beside Jimin before, when you were friends, you sat close to each other and would talk about random things. like how you were with everyone, there were times when his arm were hanging on your shoulders while the two of you laugh and joke around together. when the two of you became a couple, sititng beside each other was a great feeling. There were times that the two of you were holding hands, times when he would randomly hug you, or just the usual hanging of arms on your shoulder while he puled your closer to him.


You blinked when you felt someone shaking you. blinking you whipped your head to side and look at Jimin. "Are you alright?" he asked.

realizing that you were in deep thought about him and the past, you suddenly turned around and shaking your head "stop i hyomin" you mumbled. Jimin watched you, he was confused for a seond but he smiled seeing you like this. You turned back around and looked at him "Yeah I'm fine" you said and gave him a slight smile.

Namjoon who was now done talking to Jin looked at everyone, and his eyes landed on you and Jimin.


"So, yesterday we have decided the three performances we want to do for the contest" Namjoon said and you just nodded. "the 6 of us, Me, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook agreed to do a dance performance, ad vocal performance and a final performance that would showcase everything" Namjoon added.

"We also agreed that you, hyomin, would be part of 2 performances." Jin said poining at you

"What? Why me?" You asked, pointing to yourself as well "It can be Jungkook, the golden maknae who can do everything!" You said, Jungkook gave you a look that says noona-don't-ruin-the-plan, you looked around trying to get someone agree with you but no one did, hoseok gave you a sorry look and you sighed.

"Fine, what part would I be doing?" You asked as you looked at Namjoon

"First you would be singing with Taehyung on the vocal performance" Namjoon said. You immediately looked at Taehyung and he was smiling at you, doing a peace sign.

"Second..." Namjoon said and

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MinMin_HanHan #1
Chapter 25: Its been years already. Author-niiim
xxtricia #2
resh_wolf88 #3
Chapter 25: Arghhh!! Please update!! xD
huisin #4
Chapter 25: please update soon don't leave me hanging like this T___T
Chapter 25: this is too perfect and hilarious xDDDD please update soon author-nim. I'll be waiting. Forever T.T
MinMin_HanHan #6
Chapter 25: speaking about the competition :3
PaRRaP #7
Chapter 25: Please update soon,like real soon. I wanna hear about the competition!!
I feel like wqiting for ages... pls update ㅠㅠ
misshunny_bubu #9
Chapter 25: Update soon pleasshhh~~ btw new reader here~ ^^