“Enjoy your life to the fullest, Mr. Byun. Do what you want, don’t sustain yourself but remember don’t do any work that is too heavy for you to handle. Always refer to your parents for any complication and come back if you need anything.”


“Baek, everything’s going to be fine. We still have time for everything.” Chanyeol said as he took his sit beside Baekhyun.

Chen also took a sit beside them.

“I’m okay Yeol, Chen. But Hana… how do I tell her about this?”

Baekhyun frustrated with himself. There’s no way he could tell Hana about his condition.

And there is no way I can tell Hana why she needs to marry Luhan…


“Yeol, where are you guys? Is Baek okay?” Luhan called his friend when Hana get curious about their where about.

“We’re at the hospital. Luhan, I think you need to steal her heart real fast. Baek’s dying.”

There’s a silent between them.

“Luhan, I’ll help with anything I could. Please don’t tell her yet.”

“Baek, how… will she be okay later? Are you okay Baek?”

“I’m fine Lu. We’ll be back by evening. Steal her time, steal her heart.”

The conversation ended.


All three of them sound sad in voice. And Luhan, he can already feel Hana’s heartbreak later. He himself need time to accept the news from Baek.


What are you talking Baek? You don’t joke around with things like this Byun Baekhyun! Tell me it’s all wrong. Please tell me the diagnosis is wrong.”

“Luhan, if I could say this is all wrong, I would. You are the only person that I could trust to take care of Hana. “

“But why me? And why now Baek? I’m not doing this.”

“You have been in love with her since you first met her. But I’m in your way so you stay out, but this is the time for you.”

“She loves you Baek, not me. She never noticed me.”

“She’ll notice you sooner or later Luhan. You need to take my place in her life. I’m dying Luhan. This is all I can do.”

“Stay with her till the end Baek.”

“No! I’m not going to stay and let her see me dying. That will wreck my heart even more.  We’ll find out way to make she fall in love with you. I still have time.”

“Baek, you know this is too much for me to handle. How can I let… you are dying and you want me to steal your girl friend’s heart? Too much for me Baek. I can’t handle the news of you and you…”

“This is for her own good Luhan. “


He remembered when Baekhyun told him the news, months before their wedding.


“Hana, let’s go out. We need to do something refreshing.”

Luhan trying to make Hana come out as she’s still lying on the bed since they came back from breakfast.

But she shook her head, saying no to Luhan.


“Please Hana, I’m bored. “ Luhan was half pleading.

He didn’t want to stay in the room for the whole day.

They have only 1 day to enjoy the beautiful scenery but his wife was reluctant to go out with him.

After a while, Hana finally said yes.

Luhan smiled at his wife’s sudden decision and thanked her.


They went to everywhere to see the beautiful scenery.

Hana was smiling along the journey when she saw the mountains, the people and the city.

“Are you glad we are out?”

She nodded.

“Thank you, Luhan.”


Later at night, Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol joined then for dinner.

“Hyungs!!!! You are back! Do you know how bored it is staying in the room alone?” Sehun whining when he saw the others are back.

In the matter of fact, he didn’t stays in the room at all.

He was out all day till evening and came straight to the café for dinner. That’s when he saw his sister.

“Says who that didn’t stay at the room at all. We know you went out Sehun-ah. Don’t try to kid with us.” Chen slap at the back of Sehun’s head.

Sehun roll his eyes and just grinned.

“I’m bored okay. How did you expect me to sit all alone in that room. Noona and Luhan hyung went out dating and I don’t want to interrupt them.” He smirked at his sister.

“Who said we were dating?”

“Hana, you are out with your husband, on your honeymoon. That’s called dating.” Baekhyun said when Hana tried to deny her brother.

When Baekhyun speaks, there’s nothing Hana could do to break his speech.

“Baek, let her think what she want. I don’t mind.” Luhan defended his wife.

“Whatever newlyweds, whatever. “ Baekhyun laugh.

After finishing their dinner, they went to a nearby park to spent time.


“Our flight tomorrow will be at 10 am. We’ll check out at 8am.” Luhan said.

“Then, we’ll still have time to go on shopping!” Chanyeol seems excited.

They spent their time watching the scenery till midnight.

Hana fell asleep on the way to their hotel.


Once arrived, Luhan pick her to their room and lays her down to the bed.

“Thank you” she murmured.

Then he fell asleep beside her.




okay guys, just a short and quick update this time.

ahhhhh i need to study for my test tomorrow.

wish me luck!!

keep on reading and comment

and don't forget to subscribe :D


P/S: i love you guys who keep on waiting. i'll make this story as interesting as i can, i promise you that... ^_^

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 15: Gosh . I'm crying ><
missfrancesss #2
Chapter 17: T_T tears can't stop falling ... so sad :((
Blinger_kim #3
Chapter 17: So sad T_T
Chapter 17: Great story :-) :-(
Chapter 13: This is soooo sadd. *sob* *sob*
Chapter 17: I cried through every.single.chapter. I love this very much and will read it again!!!!
peace1212 #7
Chapter 13: this story is so sad that i cried a few times....update soon...the plot is great!
cool :) I like it!
NaddyNadiah #9
Chapter 8: awwwwh , sweeeet~ love ur story btw , update soon~