In Heaven: Final

In Heaven
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"She did what..?" Yuri asked Yoona in disbelief; Yoona nodded her head after finishing with her story, she frowned seeing that Yuri was emotionless. On the other hand, the tanned girl felt pain in her heart instead of happiness and joy.

"Unnie, aren't you happy?" Yoona asked even though she knew that Yuri wasn't happy about what Taeyeon did for her. 

Yuri sighed and shook her head, "Yoona, I'm not even sure of what I feel right now. I'm not happy nor mad."

"But you're disappointed." The short girl butted in, Yuri stood up from her chair and walked towards her, grabbing Taeyeon's arm with full force to prevent the older from walking away from her. 

"Why did you do this..?" Yuri's voice was soft, she wasn't mad like she said. Taeyeon felt a little uneasy with the situation, she looked down before hugging her best friend.

Yuri sighed again and hugged the older, rubbing the older's back in circles. She feels bad.. She never should have touched Jessica.. "I--" Yuri gulped, not wanting to continue but her best friend was worth it..

"I'm sorry for making you do this.." Yuri continued. "But, I'm sorry, Taeyeon. I'm not letting you do this to yourself. I don't want you to watch me be happy with Jessica, when you, yourself won't be."

Taeyeon pulled away from their hug and released a small smile, "If you want me happy then you need to be happy. Yuri, you are my best friend and you'd do the same for me, right?"

Yuri chuckled and shook her head while looking away from her best friend, it's Taeyeon's famous "You'd do it for me." again. Yuri gave Taeyeon a fake smile, "I'm not going, Taeyeon."

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't."

"You will!"

"I said no!"

Yoona slammed her fist in the table causing both girls to look at her in surprise, Yoona's eyes were different, a lot different, her eyes were fuming mad including herself.

"I'm tired of seeing you two argue! Both of you should be instead thankful of what you have! Yuri unnie, instead of saying no, be happy and tell Taeyeon unnie how happy you are! As for you, Taeyeon unnie." The younger looked at Taeyeon with a disappointed look on her face. "You did the right thing but that doesn't mean that you don't deserve any happiness at all."

After that, Yuri's angel, Yoona left with heavy footsteps. Both girls looked away, wanting to ignore each other's eyecontact.

"Taeng.." The tanned girl called out, breaking the awkward silence between them.

Taeyeon looked up at her friend and slowly smiled at her; Yuri placed her palm on her best friend's shoulder before smiling back at her, "Thank you for everything.."




"But Hyunnie--" Yoona was about to continue until she felt a hand on . She frowned, her soon-to-be girlfriend wasn't listening to her. Her soon-to-be-girlfriend may be cold at times but she does have a heart, especially for Yoona.

Seohyun's eyes softened. Maybe she was a little too harsh on Taeyeon and Yuri.. Should she give her a chance? But this is wrong.. Yuri disobeyed one of the laws.. but Taeyeon sacrificed herself just for her best friend, Yuri.

Seohyun groaned and gave herself a facepalm, thinking of how to give Taeyeon a reward -- but no.. Seohyun stood up from her golden chair and shook her head, "I'm sorry, Yoong.. But.. I can't.."

Yoona stood up as well and looked away in disappointment, "I've never asked anything from you. Just this, why can't you give them another chance? You have never seen a person, ask from you and beg from you. I think Yuri and Taeyeon are worth it. Yuri unnie wasn't being selfish."

"She was!" Seohyun yelled causing Yoona to sigh, "She wasn't.. She asked for Jessica's sight to come back to her, am I right? Do you call that selfish? -- I'm sure Yuri unnie never wanted this to happen to Taeyeon unnie; As for Taeyeon unnie.. What a loyal friend.. She chose her best friend instead of her lover."

Seohyun crossed her arms and looked away from Yoona. She knew Yoona was guilt-tripping her. On the other hand, Yoona didn't think of guilt-tripping her for she knew that she was telling the truth. Seohyun's just too stubborn especially when it comes to drama. Seohyun's decision is always final. One of the reasons why she found it so hard to court the younger girl.

Yoona shook her head in disappointment at Seohyun, she was about to leave the white enchanted castle but she couldn't just leave without saying goodbye. She looked back and saw Seohyun, still with her arms crossed, looking away. "I'm sorry and goodbye, Seohyun.."

With that last words coming out from Yoona, she stepped out of the castle. Seohyun grumpily sat on her golden chair again; Feeling a tear roll down her cheek, she sighed. She heard Yoona call her 'Seohyun' instead of 'Hyunnie' and that was the first time she heard that from her..



"I'm not going." Yuri said to herself while looking at her reflection in the mirror. "I'm thankful but there is no way, I'm letting my best friend suffer because of me.."




Jessica looked up the skies, if anyone could see her right now, that person might think that she's just looking up the skies, admiring the view but she wasn't.. She was waiting for Yuri or maybe.. waiting for Yuri to call her.

She knew this was crazy but Yuri was special.. She was her first love and she believes that you can meet your first love again and reunite. She thinks that it's impossible too.. But she won't and wouldn't stop believing.

She thought that maybe Yuri had a plan on visiting her or maybe just -- She sighed. She thought about death, she thought about Heaven and Hell but honestly, for her, Hell is without Yuri by her side and Heaven with Yuri by her side.

She lied down on the grass, trying to forget about the tanned girl and stop thinking about her even just for a second -- But no, it was always Yuri. Yuri's face, Yuri's everything.. Yuri runs inside her head everyday.




Taeyeon heard what Yuri said. Yes, she eavesdropped because she knows her best friend all too well. She knew she would do this but like Seohyun said, this is only a once in a lifetime chance.

She did this for Yuri and there is no way, she's letting her sacrifice put to waste. Yuri will hate her, sure she will.. She knows how much Yuri loves her, she does.. But someday, Yuri will thank her for it.




"Tiff, would you like to go to the park today?" Jessica sat down on the couch, next to her best friend. The brunette was reading a book with reading glasses on. Jessica smiled and took the glasses of Tiffany, that caused the eye-smiling girl to snap out from her imagination.

"Park? Me? Today?" Jessica summarized her question. Tiffany giggled and nodded her head. Jessica grinned and got up, she took her long leather coat from the coat rack including Tiffany's. Throwing Tiffany's leather coat at her.

The two girls wore a long leather coat. It was cold and snowing outisde; The weather wasn't that harsh, besides, they were bored and got nothing to do. 

"Where are we going?" Tiffany asked when she saw Jessica taking her car keys. Jessica smiled at her, "Honeymoon Avenue. It's a famous park."

"O-Oh.." Tiffany stuttered. The name sounded familiar.. So familiar to her..

Jessica heard Tiffany stutter, she wanted to ask but she should just wait for the girl to open up to her instead of forcing her to. She shrugged her shoulders before the two head out of Jessica's home.




"Yoong, you have to get Yuri unnie. I have already opened the portal for her." Seohyun said to Yoona. Yoona was walking around in circles making the girl in a white gown, feel dizzy.

"Yoong!" She called; Yoona jumped in surprised, hearing her nickname. 

"What did you say again?" Yoona asked. 

She sighed before continuing, "Yoong, get Yuri unnie. The portal's already open for her, bring Taeyeon unnie along."

Yoona nodded her head as if they didn't argue. 




"I said I'm not going!" Yuri shouted at the two; The three girls finally arrived at the castle. She just got kidnapped by the two people she highly trusts the most.

"I'm not a toy! And I'm not immature to not know what my consequences will be when I chose this!" Yuri continued, she was yelling at the two. Taeyeon had her arms crossed. 

Taeyeon and Yoona started yelling at the tanned girl, they couldn't zip their mouths anymore, Yuri was going to far. Taeyeon did this for her, why not just be thankful and go with it? Instead of putting her sacrifice to waste.

Seohyun was watching the scene, she balled her hands into fists and yelled, "Enough!!"

The three girls slowly cleared their throat and looked at her, Seohyun walked towards them and looked at the three of them with furious eyes. "Get inside now! Don't just waste Taeyeon unnie's sacrifice! She did this for you! She even begged!" Seohyun yelled at the tanned girl.

The tanned girl sighed and turned around, facing the portal. "I can't just leave.." Yuri mumbled. Taeyeon smiled and wrapped her arms around her bestfriend. 

Feeling surprised by the hug, she didn't immediately hug her back. For a few seconds, Yuri chuckled and hugged her best friend tighter. "Goodluck out there.. i'll miss you." Taeyeon said, hugging the girl tighter.

They both pulled away from the hug and this time she knew she was somehow ready for this. "I'll miss you." Yuri said to the three girls in front of her. They both smiled before Yuri got pushed inside the portal by surprise causing them to receive loud screams from Yuri.




Jessica and Tiffany finally arrived at the place. Both girls decided to eat their lunch in the park; Jessica was taking out their food inside the picnic basket while Tiffany was busy telling Jessica, stories.

"Jessi, does this place seem familiar to you?" They eye-smiling girl asked, hoping to receive a yes from her best friend only to recieve Jessica shake her head.

"No, why?" The blonde replied.

"I--" Tiffany stopped herself -- Hesitating if she'll tell what Taeyeon told her or not.

"Maybe Taeyeon didn't really say that..?" Tiffany thought inside her head; She sighed and shook her head. Jessica nodded her head then smiled at her.




"Ice cream!" Jessica squeled when she and Tiffany saw a huge white ice cream truck just parked across the street. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Jessica pulled Tiffany's arm with so much strength causing Tiffany to stand up because of Jessica not because of her own feet.

The two girls giggled and ran quickly to the ice cream truck.




Everything was pitch black.. She wanted to open her eyes but a part of her doesn't want to. Her body hurts so much, including her heart. Extreme pain coming from her heart and her body wer

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Chapter 7: Solo wow
Chapter 7: instead of bringing tae back to earth u switch yul & tiff's life? O.O
woah! daebak :D
Chapter 7: Somehow reminds me of 49 Days wherein Jung Il Woo waited 5 years to see Lee Yo Won...

Nice story author! I suppose Tiffany didn't die but disappeared to be with Taeyeon. :-)
tjandra_jesslyn #4
Chapter 7: So tiffany died?._.
taenylover27 #5
Chapter 7: So where did Tiffany went? Hope she get to be with Taeyeon again
Chapter 7: yay yulsic!
so does that mean tiff get 2 c tae?
Queens_Royal #7
Chapter 6: Please make taeyeon back to earth too...
That's not fair..
I'm yulsic shipper,but I also don't want taeny suffer...
Chapter 4: yulsic hwaiting!
Chapter 3: awww yulsic fight xP
sorry to say i dont like tae, so i just skip taeny part