Chapter 7 : Trouble


“ 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! Cut ! That’s the end of today’s filming “ The PD of Running Man shouts while hitting the slate .

“ Thank you for your hard work guys ! You’ve done a good job ! and Mong-Ji ahh ! Congratulation on the gold ! “ Jaesuk said , congratulating his fellow members for their hard work .

“ Thanks oppa “ Jihyo thanked him and bowing politely , showing respect to the nation MC .

Since it was already past 12 midnight , they all decided to go home . They all waved a goodbye to each other , thanking each other for a fun day of filming . Like always , Gary would offers Jihyo a ride and send her home safely . They got into Gary’s black car , he start the engine and getting ready to go when

“ Oppa ,  you gonna send me home now ? “ Jihyo asked .

“ Of course , its past midnight already “ Gary answered . “ but I don’t want to . Let’s go somewhere else oppa . I’m hungry “ Jihyo said while making a puppy eye , making Gary’s heart melt .Gary asked where she want to eat since all the restaurant would have probably closed at this late hour . He suggest that they can just eat at her house , he offers himself to cook for her but she strongly disagree .

“ I don’t want to go home ! “ Jihyo shouts , hitting her own laps , trying to act like a kid .

“ but oppa’s car gas is to low right now , with this amount of gas oppa probably won’t be able to reach home too ! “ Gary said while pointing on the gas meter but still , Jihyo stays with her will to eat outside .

The last time Jihyo acted this way was last month . Right after filiming she wanted to go for a karaoke . . at this late hour . Gary did try to stop him , saying that it's quite imposible to find a karaoke place at that late hour , but she was so stubborn . So they ended up at the club , dancing and Jihyo's getting drunk . It was already 3 AM when Gary finally sent her home . 

The next morning , a problem came up . Jihyo was late for her drama filming and Gary is late for his song recording . Jihyo was scolded by her manager unnie and the drama director while Gary was scolded by Gil and the others who involved in the recording . They've promised to each other that they'll not make the same mistake again and they'll go staright to their house if the filming ended past 12 . but , there they were again . . 

Gary didn’t have a choice but to follow his girlfriend request . he was planning to go head towards the city to find some 24-hours restaurant when suddenly his car stopped . They were both surprised .

“ Oppa , don’t joke around “ Jihyo said , she was hoping that it was only a joke from Gary . Gary looked at her with a wide eyes , shaking his head and said

“ I’m not Jihyo –ahh “ He quickly glance at the gas meter , and it was just like what he would thought . .

“ We’re ran out of gas “ He continued making a cold-sweet running through Jihyo’s body .

“ Let’s find some gas station oppa ! “ She suggest but they were in a middle of silent high-way and with this late hour , it’s probably not a good time for both of them to walk along the high-way besides one of them have to stay to take care of the car . Both of their hand phone were ran out of batteries since they have to use their own phone from the mission during the filming .

They were both in a middle of confusion , they don’t know what to do at that time , the only thing that they do was exchanging look with each other with a blank face . Their brain were still in a blank state from the shocked . It was a silent when Gary suddenly

“ It was all your fault ! “ He suddenly speak up . He was so frustrated at that time and he somehow let his anger out . Jihyo was stunned with Gary’s word , she suddenly felt a heat growing inside of her .

“ What ?! Why me !? “ She shouts back .

“ Yes ! it’s you ! You’re the one who was being all stubborn ! “ He continued . She could no longer stand of him blaming her .

“ Don’t just blame me ! It was your fault too ! How about you !? you can just send me home but instead you didn’t act like a man and foolishly obeys my order ! “ Jihyo shout , while poking on Gary’s chest . 

They start yelling at each other and even throws a bad word towards each other . It was the first fight they have since they dated , good thing is Gary was still be able to control himself from slapping her . Jihyo on the other hand has fed-up with the yelling , she enters the car and shut the door hardly and Gary was still there , standing outside the car with a frustrated face .

It was a few minutes when Jihyo finally breaks into tears . She realize that she’s the one responsible for this trouble and she was disappointment by her own foolish ego . Gary who was standing outside the car realize his own mistake too , he turn around facing the car and he could see that Jihyo has her own hand covering her face and he began to feel guilty for all the insulting and yelling that he started . 

Chapter 7 . . updated . 
So yes , another new story and yes , they're fighting !! :P
Okay , so I guess this chapter is kinda short since I'm working on the longer up comming chapter :P
Feel free to leave a comment and maybe a suggestion about what should I write next :3
Thanks for reading !

P/s Sorry if there were any wrong spelling or grammatical errors . 


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After I saw the news of GARY leaving running man , I immediately go here and search for GARY tags and I saw this story.
bestfriend1234535 #2
Chapter 23: Aww the story's finished. I loved it. Good ending! Hope you write another story author-rim!!!
mikanMD #3
Chapter 23: Nice ending :))
mikanMD #4
Chapter 18: Aww finally back together! Haha what happen to the fearless tiger of RM, being scared of Jihyo's manager lol
mikanMD #5
Chapter 17: Hehe the tiger really care about his little bro and sis and and :))
mikanMD #6
Chapter 16: I was hoping JK wouldn't say that...
mikanMD #7
Chapter 15: Eh why is the tiger grinning?!
mikanMD #8
Chapter 6: Hehe i would love to see that in real life, Roro and the giraffe sleep on the tiger's shoulders!!
FieezaMaskom #9
Chapter 20: Im laughing so bad when the jealoussy part. Hahaha!!
Cloudz9 #10
Chapter 23: That was a nice ending . Looking foreword to more of your stories.