





*Hey Guys! I'm so sorry it took so long to update! dem ideas didn't come to me so so so sorryyyy! anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!*


When Kyungsoo finished washing up he walked downstairs and grabbed the simple breakfast that his mom had left on the dining table. As he was putting on his shoes, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. When he looked at his screen a smile played on his lips. He opened your text that read Morning Kyungie <3 see you soon! With that Kyungsoo left his house.


“Kyungie~” Kyungsoo looked up to see you leaning against the school gates, waving enthusiastically at him. He smiled and quickened his pace to meet you. You ran up to him and slid your arm around his neck.


“Hey, Kyungie, I have a basketball game today! Are you coming to watch?” you asked him as both of you headed towards the entrance of the school.


“Sure, I’ll come.”


“Yay! See you later~” you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running off to class. The people around him glared at him. They didn’t like the fact that Kyungsoo, one of the most unpopular nerdy kids, was dating you, the most perfect, most gorgeous, most popular female in school. But, Kyungsoo ignored the glares and watched as you disappeared up the stairs and smiled.


You ran to your classroom and quickly sat down beside Yujin right before the teacher walks in.


“Everyone settle down!” The teacher yelled as he walked up to the podium. You looked over at Yujin and grinned. You were excited for the game today as it was a pretty important game, and to make things even better, Kyungsoo was going to be watching you..


“Yeoreum, I heard there is a big game today. Good luck and do your best! Fighting!” the teacher cheered you on.


“As for Yujin. You better get your homework done today! I know you are absolutely capable of doing your work. Don’t slack off, you are a very bright girl.” Yujin pouted as the teacher walked away. She knew he meant well but she didn’t like the fact that he told her off.


-At the game-


As you were warming up, you looked up trying to find Kyungsoo, but that was a challenge. The bleachers were packed with students and parents not only from our school but from the opposing teams as well. When you finally spotted your boyfriend and Baekhyun, both you and Yujin waved at the two with wide grins on your faces. When they saw the both of you, they smiled kindly and waved back. Baekhyun had signs made with Yujin and your name on it and he was waving it around everywhere, cheering loudly at the top of his lungs. Yujin covered her face in embarrassment as the two of you walked towards the bench.


“That’s cute.” You teased.


“Shut up, child. Your name is on it too.”


“But it’s not my boyfriend~”


Yujin started to chase after you as you ran to the bench. The game started and you were in high spirits, not to mention Kyungsoo was there watching you.


“Hey Yujin! Jimin and Hyori need subs, lets go.” you yelled.


Both You and Yujin only had that one short 5 minute break, but as the best players on the team what could you do.


As you and Yujin went to stand beside the scorekeepers the referee blew the whistle and Yujin and you run onto the court, high fiving the girls you were subbing for before getting into position.You could hear the cheering of the crowds and their feet pounding on the bleachers. You looked at the clock. 10 minutes left before the game ends. You turned to smile at Kyungsoo before the referee blew the whistle.


Yujin, the point guard, caught the ball from the inbounder and dribbled up to the half court line. Then, she faked left and dribbled past her check towards the right and made a quick bounce pass to you. You caught it and turned around. You dribbled around your check in a blink of an eye, but only to run into another defender. You quickly took a step back and shot the ball. The ball left your hand and arced up towards the hoop. Everyone held their breaths and they watched it go through the net with a swish. Your teammates came and gave you a pat on the back as you ran across the half court line.

Your check was the opposing team's right side defender. She was a buff girl named Choi with the number 6 on her jersey. She was basically a head taller than you as you stood in front of her, arms held up in defensive position. The referee blew her whistle and the point guard from the other team came dashing through the court. Yujin did a good job of shadowing her and in no time, stole the ball from her. But out of the blue, Choi had disappeared from behind you and appeared beside Yujin in a flash, stealing the ball back with a blink of an eye. You ran after her, blocking her from shooting at the hoop. Then, everything happened so quickly. Her elbow smashed  your head and causing you to fall down to the ground. The impact of the hit cause you to fly backwards landing on your lower back, then hitting your head on the wooden floor of the gymnasium. Your head throbbed in pain as your vision started to blur, you felt something trickle down your head, but you didn’t know what it was. You heard a faint sound of a whistle blowing and someone screaming your name in panic. You were flipped over and saw a blurred image of Yujin and your teammates with worried faces. The last thing you saw was a familiar face, but before you could make out who it was you fell unconscious.



*Did you guys enjoy the chapter? Well I hope you did and I'm sorry if you didn't please do comment if I should improve on anything I want my readers to enjoy! Also, I'll try to update sooner this time!*

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Chapter 1: yes..
update soon, author-nim~