Worthy of Love






Hi Guys! Im Back! Again this is probably a really cliche cheesy story so I deeply apologize! It's my first actualy story! Hope you guys like it!






“Hey uh Yeoreum, are you free? Do you think you could come over to my place?”


“Hmm, I don’t know, am I? I’m just kidding, sure I can. When do I go?”


“Can you come now I want to show you something.”


“Okay, see you soon. Love you.”


Kyungsoo blushed, “Love you too.”


Kyungsoo let out a sigh and dropped his phone on his bed. It’s been three years since we started dating but my heart still beats so fast.


He plopped himself onto his back and covered his eyes with his arms. I don’t deserve you, but you still love me. You are so perfect, so good at everything. I am not good at anything, but you still except me. What can I do to become worthy enough for you?


Kyungsoo was drowning in his thoughts; thoughts of you and your perfection; thoughts of him and his imperfection; thoughts of you loving him; thoughts of him loving you, but it all came back to that one thought. The thought of him not being worthy enough for you.


The doorbell rang and he snapped back into reality. His heart beat faster at the thought of you being with him. He ran downstairs and opened the door, revealing your perfect features. He was captivated by your beauty. Wow! I can’t believe she’s my girlfriend.


“Hey Kyungsoo!”




“Wow! It’s been forever since I’ve been here. Although, we’ve been dating for I never really got the chance to come here since first year.”


“Yeah… Oh right! Let’s go upstairs I still have something i want to show you.”


You entered Kyungsoo’s room and plopped on his bed.


“So… what is it you want to show me?”


Kyungsoo didn’t reply but just sat on a chair and pulled his guitar out.

“I wrote a song for you, I’ve only got the chorus down so far but…”


With that he started singing.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zu1CeQ_F9g EXO-Peter Pan and D.O saying Cinderella


When the song ended you opened your eyes in surprise.


“It’s so good… I’ve always been jealous of your voice. Its just so… perfect.”


Kyungsoo scratched the back of his head and blushed. He got up and walked towards the bed. The bed sunk as he sat beside you. You could feel his hands snake around your waist and pull you closer to him. He buried his face into the crook of your neck with his eyes closed and sighed.


“The perfect one is you…”


You giggled his head. He was just perfect for you. All you saw was perfection and someone you could never dream about being your boyfriend. He always picked you up when you were down, he always let you lean on him when you needed someone to guide you, he would always, always take the blame when it was directed to you, he gave you an unconditional love.


Your phone rang and you snapped out of your trance, you looked at the caller ID and saw the picture of Yujin on your phone. Kyungsoo groaned when you moved but you ignored him and picked up the phone.






“Yes, Yujin?


Do you and Kyungsoo want to go out for lunch with Baekhyun and I?


“Um, just a sec let me ask him.”


“Yah, Kyungsoo, do you want to eat lunch with Baek and Jin?”


“mm sure…” Kyungsoo croaked.


You put the phone back on your ear and let out a sigh.


“Yep! He said sure, what time do you want to meet and where?”


“Baek and I will be at Kyungsoo’s house in about 15 minutes so just wait ok?”


You hung up the phone and tossed it onto Kyungsoo’s bed.


“You know, we don’t have nicknames for each other.” He said.


“Want me to call you D.O? Like the old times?”


“Hahaha… NO”


“Do you prefer me calling you Kyungie then?”


“No thank you.”


“Alright then! Kyungie it is.”


Kyungsoo let out a sigh, his hands were still wrapped around your waist and but his head was up and he was staring at you.


“Come on, lets go down stairs those two are going to come anytime soon.”


Kyungsoo let go of your waist and both of you walked down stairs together. You two sat on the couch and the TV. Kyungsoo flipped through channels until both of you decided to stay on the channel playing City Hunter.


While you were waiting you fell asleep while Kyungsoo was too engrossed in the drama to notice that to doorbell was ringing. Kyungsoo felt his phone vibrate and tore his eyes away from the screen. You were woken up by his sudden movements, and you both came to realization that both of your best friends have been standing out in the cold waiting for you to answer the door.


Kyungsoo quickly jumped over the couch only to find himself tripping over his feet. He quickly regained himself and opened the door scratching his head, only to be greeted by angry faces.




“heh…” Kyungsoo chuckled meekly. “Um.. Well hi guys come on in…”


“Took you long enough… Geez” Baekhyun walked in frustrated.


You sat up and rubbed your eyes.


“Hey guys…” you said in mid yawn.


“YAH! IS THAT HOW YOU GREET ME AFTER LEAVING ME OUT IN THE COLD!” Yujin yelled at you, which caused you to fully wake up.


“Woah, Mianhae, I was sleeping. Blame Kyungie.”


“Hmpf! Fine I’ll forgive you this time.” A smile played on Yujin’s lips as she sauntered to the couch and plopped next to you.


“So where do you guys want to eat?” You asked.


“Well, Baek and I wanted to eat western food, is that ok with you guys?”


“Sure I don’t mind, what about you Kyungie where do you want to go?”


“Well I have no say in this so lets just get going.”


You and Kyungsoo got your coats and left with Baekhyun and Yujin. When you stepped out of the door you could feel the cold autumn breeze, and smell the strong scent of the freshly rained on grass. Unfortunately, or not so unfortunate you did not bring an umbrella and Kyungsoo only owned one umbrella which his mom had taken to work. Having no other choice, you borrowed Baekhyun’s and shared it with Kyungsoo while Yujin and Baekhyun shared hers.


Although it has been years since you and Kyungsoo have been dating, the proximity between the both of you made his heart skip a beat. He was comfortable around you and comfortable with skin contact, but that didn’t mean that his heart would beat at a normal rate.


As the four of you were walking to the restaurant, you could hear people whisper as they walked by. Oh my Gosh! She’s hot! But who is the guy next to her he looks so… lame. Is that girl single? Is that guy beside her, her boyfriend? No, it’s impossible, someone like her wouldn’t be dating him.


As Kyungsoo heard more and more whispers, his head hung low and he felt small. In his mind he didn’t deserve you. You were perfect and he wasn’t. That was how he thought. She’s too good for me. All I can do is sing. She can do everything. I’m weak. She’s strong. Thoughts like that were running around in Kyungsoo’s mind until he heard your voice.


“Kyungsoo, don’t you dare think you’re not good enough to be my boyfriend.”


With that comment Kyungsoo’s head snapped your direction and saw you staring straight into his eyes.


“You are the only one that loves me for me, you have been with me since I can remember, and you are perfect in my eyes, so don’t you dare look down on yourself. Do you hear me?” Your voice was stern but loving, it showed a hint of anger towards his attitude and the people but he could tell you said it out of love.


Kyungsoo was speechless. How did she know what I was thinking? Kyungsoo was baffled. He just stared at your eyes, and all that came out of his mouth was, “mm..”




Did you guys enjoy it? ^.^ It was cheesy and cliche wasn't it? Well, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to update as soon as possible!


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Chapter 1: yes..
update soon, author-nim~