#BBMADEinManila Short : One Touch (1)

Big Bang Shorts *HIATUS*

Disclaimer : My friend actually touched YB during the send-off ^.^ Lucky bish. 


Character : 



Chalil (FC) 


One Touch


“You should be careful who you touch today.” Youngbae had to laugh because it was impossible not to touch anyone that day.

“Noona, we have a send-off later. And you know there would be a lot of fans that would come to that. We are in the Philippines, they are touchy feely folks. You should know, you’re Pinay too.”

“I just have a feeling, I have been feeling like this since this morning. I told you to ask those girls to stay away from where you were bathing.” YB was used to his coordinator being a bit suspicious of fans. Throughout the nine years that BigBang was around, there’s been a lot of fans who have dared more than what they should have.

“Oh come on. You even asked me to greet them. Aren’t they those pretty ladies you know from the Winner fanclub? Aren’t they YG family?” Yb was trying to keep her mind from racing again. Once she has a feeling, there was not stopping her.  “It’s gonna be okay. Nothing bad would happen. I have Hyorin now.”

“Please don’t get me started on her. Just be happy…for as long as she makes you happy I won’t say anything else.” Youngbae knew she didn’t like Hyorin but like some of his fans, they kept it to themselves but he knew that not everyone was on the same ship that he was sailing.

“But still…”

“Yes, I will be careful of who I touch today.”

“You can wave a lot and get things from them. Just don’t touch anyone’s hand.”

“Why are you so scared today?”

“Because I feel like something bad is about to happen…or something good. It’s all jumbled up.”

“You must be tired. Jiyong must have been driving you crazy again.”

“Don’t get me started on your evil twin. Between the two of you, I have aged ten years in this MADE tour.”

“Thank you, noona.”

“Yeah yeah. Thanks are never enough.”

Youngbae laughed because she always says that. “We love you too. We just don’t say it often.”

“Say it often today. Filipino VIPs still remember that whole no I love you fiasco from Alive tour.”

“Really? That was so long ago?”

“A Pinay never forgets ills.”

“Okay. I will try to remember that. But frankly I am so tired today, I don’t think I would be able to remember faces.”

“It’s not faces you have to be worried about. It’s hands.”

“God, I hope no one grabs at me and tries to touch me. If that gets caught on camera and Hyorin sees it, I am toast.”

His coordinoona just rolled her eyes. She wasn’t an big fan of the fact that YB changed a lot of his fanservice when he started to date Hyorin but he tried to explain to her that the YB then and the YB now are different. He needed more people to love him then, now he just needs her. The fans are his friends and support, Hyorin is his center.


Chalil was still reeling from the fact that she saw him without his shirt on while he was swimming at the hotel pool. She was glad that she decided to book a room with friends two days before the tour. So they made their rounds and security wouldn’t question the fact that they were there. She was a bit sad that her older kpop friend was a bit cold towards her when they met near the pool. But sometimes people just forget old friends and we just have to move on from that.

She was all dressed up and ready to party. She wouldn’t let something like that make her feel bad. Today was the day she has been waiting for and she wasn’t going to let a moment of it be tainted by regret  or depression.

There she was looking up at him, hoping to see more of him but understood. She was a fan and he already had an ultimate VIP. There other four have yet to announce their ultimate VIP. Though her heart breaks every time she remembers it, she was willing to delude herself at that moment that his song was hers alone and she was the one for which his heart was breaking whenever he sang Eyes, Nose, Lips.

When it ended, she still hoped for one last moment. When it happened, she almost couldn’t believe it. He saw her, probably recognizing her from the crowed that partied in front of him during the concert, holding the banner she asked a friend to make. He held out to take the banner from her and to shake her hand. But the moment that he did, security was on her almost as soon as he held her hand. But he wasn’t letting go. She could barely scream and tell him that she loved him. Her friends had it all on video. She was shrieking in her mind but all she could say was his name outloud.

He held her hand.

And then he was gone. 

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Chapter 7: gosh this!!!! is this for real??!!!! i could die there if i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dreamslink88 #2
Chapter 3: It's hard to find OT5 FF i'm glad i found yours. Yeah that exo fans ae just.... anyway I like your stories just LOL