Big Bang Shorts *HIATUS*

Riri : They are beginning to look the same. 

Dae : Who?

Riri : Our hyungs.

Dae : Waduyoumean?

Riri : Djusee Ringa Linga?

Dae : De. 

Riri : Djusee Boom Dava?

Dae : It's Doom Dada. 

Riri : Oh yeah. Djusee it?

Dae : Of course I saw them. 

Riri : The hair. The bowties. The eyes. The clothes. The sound. 

Dae : You are just seeing connections because you are focusing on them. YB is YB and GD is GD. TOP. Omo. No one can match him when he goes Bingu. 

Riri : No. He went ape-Bingu on us. 

Dae : Omo. 

Riri : And the most daebak part of it. HE ASKED TO WEAR IT. He pushed for it. He wanted to be in that monkey suit. Omo, my stomach.~

TOP : Ya. I dare you to be in one and still be called the iest one in Big Bang. 

Riri : Don't look at us. I don't want to get pregnant with your gorilla babies!

Dae : Omo. Gorilla babies. 

GD : Look at me! Look at me, hyung~~

TOP : What is it, Jiyongie?

GD : Look at me. I want your gorilla babies. 

YB : Dafu---- o.0


A/n : TOP's MV was released and I was like this when I saw it. o.0 So I have been riding motorcycles the wrong way. T_T;

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Chapter 7: gosh this!!!! is this for real??!!!! i could die there if i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dreamslink88 #2
Chapter 3: It's hard to find OT5 FF i'm glad i found yours. Yeah that exo fans ae just.... anyway I like your stories just LOL