Big Bang Shorts *HIATUS*
GD: DAFUQ is wrong with those exo fans?
KRIS : Dafuq is wrong with our fans? *calls GD* Sunbae, mianhe about our fans. Could you tell YB-hyung that EXO are great fans of his. Our choreographer talks so much about how great he is and how hardworking he is and we want to be as hardworking as you guys are. Thanks for inspiring us. Again, please tell him to not mind our fans. 
GD: *laughs his typical short cute GD laugh* It' no big deal. I'll tell him. 
GD *calls YB* : Yo, you slept yet?
YB: *mutters* A little bit, yeah. 
GD: Kris called. He was apologizing for their fans. 
YB : *laughs* Yeah, I saw the comments. What is up with those kids?
GD: Riri is pissed, so is Seunghyun-hyung. You might get calls from them. So keep your phone close to you. And Daesung will call too I am sure. 
YB: Can't I rest first? I'm tired.
GD: Fine, I'll call them. *GD ends call*
*gets a call* *Riri calling*
GD: Yo.
Riri : hyunghyunghyunghyunghyung
GD: I know.
Riri: IwaslikewhatfrackizwrongwhoaretheytosayYBhyungwoulddothat
Gd: I know. 
Riri: He'slikethebestandnicestpersoninthisindustryandtheyarelikethattohimtheyhavenorespect.
GD: Kris called and apologized for their fans. He told me to apologize to YB in behalf of all the fans who did that. 
Riri : I sms'd K-hyung (the choreographer) as well and asked why it was happening. 
GD : What did he say?
Riri : He said that the boys messaged him too when they heard about what was happening and since they can't say anything on social networks or media about it that they had asked for a contact number for one of us but he could not give out our personal numbers. So he just gave Kris the responsibility to make the call since Kris has GD's number to begin with. 
GD : Ah...that explains why he called. 
Riri : What is wrong with fans these days? It's crazy.
GD: I think handphones and SNS happened that's why. Now people can share their idiocy faster. It's a double-edged sword really. 
Riri : But you like EXO right?
GD : Yeah, what's wrong about liking them? They're good. It's not their fault some of their fans are out of control. It hurts them too when fans are like that. 
Riri : I guess you're right. 
GD: Feel better now?
Riri : Yeah. Thanks, hyung. 
GD : Send YB a message he's sleeping now so don't call him.
Riri : I will. 
*GD ends the call* *gets a new call from Daesung* 
Dae : Hyung, I'm glad I got you. YB hyung is not picking up his handphone!
GD : He told me he would be sleeping so I told him to turn it off. Did you send him a message?
Dae : Ye-yes I did. 
GD: *suspicious* Just how many messages have you sent?
Dae : Fi-fifteen...I think.
Dae : I was worried...I even left some voice messages...
GD : What are you worried about?
Dae : He's so sensitive and he worked so hard for his album and then this kind of attack is just unfair. 
GD: He's Taeyang. He's stronger than those bashers. He knows that his fans would fight for him even if he doesn't want them to. You know how mellow he is. 
Dae : Yes. But what if he gets mad. He's scary when he does. 
GD : We would just have to be there to calm him down. 
Dae : Ok. I'll try my best to do the same. 
GD: Quit being like that. We are Big Bang. What can they do to us? EXO will take care of their fans. I am sure our VIPs would support YB in the best possible way. 
Dae : I guess I am just not used to fanwars anymore. We lived in so much peace lately. 
GD : Yeah. But times have changed. But our fans are going to be fine. Those who left are long forgotten. And the ones who stayed are loyal. They even ended up being fans of the WIN teams, right?
Dae : Yeah. And since we are family they just expanded into the fandom and took those boys in. 
GD : I hope Team B is okay though. 
Dae : They will be hyung but you should check up on them too. I am sure they'd love that. 
GD : I will. We just have so much to do. 
Dae: Than worry about fanwars.
GD : Now you are getting it. 
Dae : Thanks, hyung. 
GD : I love you too. 
*GD ends the call and waits for the next call but checked his messages instead when none came*
TOP sms : Why the hell is your phone busy? I left you a message. Call me when you are done talking to your women. 
GD : *laughed at the various versions of that sms that littered his inbox* 
TOP : I know phone is fun but stop for now and call me. 
TOP : I swear I will dye your hair the color of poop when I get my hands on you. WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?
TOP : Do you not love your hyung anymore? CALL ME if you still do. 
TOP : YA! Why are you not calling me?
TOP : Why is YB not picking up too? And Riri and freaking Dae? You have all abandoned me!
GD : *calls TOP* Yoboseyo, hyung. 
TOP : YA! Ya, ya, ya! Why did you take this long to call me?
GD : I was talking to the maknaes. They were worried about YB. 
TOP : Oh. So how is he?
GD : Tired and sleeping now I am sure. I told him to turn his handphone off because he won't get any peace otherwise.
TOP : Good choice. But he could have at least sent us a message. 
GD : He was too tired to do more than answer a call.
TOP : Good. So what is your take on this whole fans attacking Bae thing. 
GD: It's beneath us to do anything. Kris called in behalf of the EXO group to ask me to tell YB that they are sorry about the negative comments of some of their fans. 
TOP : *Tsk* Kids these days. I heard from someone that some of the fans also diss the other fandoms. It's weird. 
GD : Not really. We had crazy fans too. And I heard of some crazy fans of our other sunbaes being like that too. That they think that their group is manna from heaven and everyone else is .
TOP : But fans were more respectful before.
GD : Welcome to the age of Internet and lack of ettiquette. 
TOP : This is why I don't have a twitter account. You and YB are fools to have one. 
GD : It's fun and useful. Free advertisement too. 
TOP : Whatever. So the fans are cool with waiting for the MV?
GD : VIPs are patient. But the Dance perf got more than a million views already, did you see that?
TOP : As expected of our fans. They missed seeing YB do that. 
GD : I heard they love his rapping. 
TOP : About time for him to go back to his first love. 
GD : Yeah.
TOP : Are you worried about him?
GD : Extremely. But in a good way. 
TOP : How can you be worried about someone in a good way?
GD : If he gets bigger this time he might work himself to death trying to top it next time. 
TOP : Like his bestfriend almost did?
GD : *clears his throat* Yeah. 
TOP : Don't worry. He would have us to take care of him and drag him out of the studio and make him eat if necessary. 
GD : Just like what we did to you?
TOP : Yeah. Thanks for that by the way.
GD : Any time. 
TOP : So stop worrying and focus on Japan. 
GD : I will. 
TOP : I can't wait to get my song out too. I wonder who would bash me.
GD : They would not dare. 
TOP : Oh they would. But I wouldn't give a crap. 
GD : We're Big Bang. What can they do?
TOP : Howl at the moon?
GD: *laughs* Ya! EXO is cool, I like them.
TOP : Those are some really hardworking boys, aren't they?
GD : And they are better dancers than some people I know. 
TOP : Ya!
GD : *laughs*
TOP : If I started dancing well and I am already this way, why else would I need you guys? *laughs* 
GD : If you danced like the one in YB's instavideo in a concert, I think you might need to change from rap to trot. 
TOP : Ya!
GD : I gotta go back to the studio. You coming today?
TOP : I am on my way now actually. 
GD : See you there. 
TOP : Alright.
GD : And hyung. 
TOP : Ye?
GD : How do you know that phone is fun?
TOP : *hangs up* 
GD : *laughs* 
A/N : Still no ringa linga mv. YG is sucha troll ahahha 
but people are still going at it with those EXOrsist fans *I call good EXO fans as EXOTICS and bad EXO fans as EXORCISTS and EXONATICS (exorsists - fanwar prone idiotic fans while exonatics are undereducated overly enthusiastic exo fans while EXOTICS are the mature fans and those who are fully aware of  kpop history and what not) 

VIPs are no different. There are the solid fans who are saying STFU to these comments and then moves on with their lives and those who are bored and are ranting all over the place. Then there are the likes of me who rant with friends within my YG family loving group. And we share thoughts and clear things up with other fans or non kpop people why there are fans like that. 
And so I imagined that BB would be trying to comfort YB but all he's worried about is getting the MV out and doesn't care about what the weird sassaeng fans are harping about. 

I am a VIP first and foremost. But I am a baby ELF and an EXO fan. I am more a blackjack and a VIP though because I like their genre more than the others. I am a YGstan and within the ygfam cultures, fanwars are not that common. but these days it's beginning to hurt some artists and fandoms of the members of some of the groups are becoming a problem. So it's not just EXONATICS and EXORSISTS who are the problem, it's the new fans in general and the narrow-mindedness of all fans that is the problem. I just hope we can all just give our love to the artists and if we think of something negative, we can just STFU and enjoy the music. 
Netiquette 101 : If you think what you are going to say is not going to help anyone, STFU. 
- love Pinaywriter 
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Chapter 7: gosh this!!!! is this for real??!!!! i could die there if i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dreamslink88 #2
Chapter 3: It's hard to find OT5 FF i'm glad i found yours. Yeah that exo fans ae just.... anyway I like your stories just LOL