✯Oh SeHun✯

✧|ƨ.ʋ.σ.ƨ| Sterile Unless Opened Series✧


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Tagline: Sometimes, it's quite difficult to tell whether you're actually bat or not.
Member: Oh SeHun
Theme Song: Corrupted - McFly
Genre: Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Gallows Humour, Mystery
Start Date: 6th November 2013
End Date: --/--/--
Warnings: Swearing, , Abuse
Premise: After the murder of his parents, 19 year old Oh SeHun had irrefutable evidence pinning him to the deed. He denied the claims to the high heaven's -As anyone in his predicament would - But following his subsequent arrest for the crime, the teen was thrown into the nut-house without a second thought. He finds himself wondering if he really did it, and more importantly, why the shrink in charge of his case is just as crazy as the inmates she's treating.



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