Hyun Woo walked down the hall, trying to appear more in control than he felt. He sensed his world was about to collapse around him again. It was awful.


He met the Deputy Director on the way. The walk down was rather quiet aside from the shoes on the floor. They stopped in front of the interrogation room.


This Sienna person was pacing around inside. She seemed rather pissed. He wondered why.


The Deputy Director handed him a folder with a single piece of paper inside; Hyun Woo pulled it out and glanced at it, “I thought we were protecting her? This looks like we’re interrogating her.”


“Just a few questions… as a precaution.”


He bowed slightly.


It was what the Deputy Director wanted.


What could he do about it?


Nothing… that’s what.


He entered the room, file in hand.


Bout time,” she snipped as soon as he closed the door, “I’ve been in here for-like-an hour and nobody will tell me what the Hell is going on! I’m dragged out of my bed, thrown on a plane, which is kidnapping by the way, and put in here and nobody is telling me a damned thing!”


Hyun Woo took a calming breath, “Where were you twenty-four hours ago?”


Uh, at a pool party… was there till like two in the morning,” she replied with no small hint of sarcasm.


Were you aware of your parents’ arrival here?”


Yea… they didn’t want me calling them at odd hours,” she paused, “Where are they? Where’s Mom and Dad?”


Hyun Woo glanced at the Deputy Director, “Do you know what their purpose was for being here?”


“…No… they don’t tell me that stuff,” she replied, “Where are they? I want to see them.”


Hyun Woo plowed on through the questionnaire, “Have you ever accompanied them on any of their previous trips?”


I don’t know! Maybe… when I was younger…” she was flustered and he didn’t know if that was a positive thing or not… what was positive anyway?


That she was upset that she was caught?


Or was it that she really didn’t know anything?


They’d taken me to places like Paris before and they’d disappear for awhile, but I never thought anything about it because it was normal.”


“Define normal.”


“We’d go to Paris or Madrid for a week and they’d be gone for a few days… leave me with my nanny. They stopped doing that when I started high school and I could just stay with friends.”


Hyun Woo looked down at his paper, processing what she’d said.




He looked up, “Yes?”


Uh…” she shifted, “What’s your name?”




“Because I need a name to go with a face. I’ve been handed around to, like, twenty people and I don’t have a name or even a face without shades for any of them. Yours are the first eyes I’ve seen since I was abducted.”


He deliberated for a moment, but figured that she’d find out soon enough, “Seo Hyun Woo.”


“Seo Hyun Woo…?”


He could hear the question at the end to see if she’d gotten it right; he nodded.


Sao is your father’s name?”


Again he nodded, surprised that she’d know that.


Always found that kinda weird… putting your last name first… but then I guess you think we’re weird for putting it last,” Sienna smiled a little, but he could sense the uneasiness behind it. She knew something was coming. “Hyun Woo?” He chose to ignore the lack of respectful terms, “Can you really tell me nothing about my parents?”


He glanced at the Deputy Director again; the other man nodded.




I’ll stand, thanks,” she crossed her arms, looking like she already knew.


He took another breath, “There was an… assassination…”




“Several security personnel were killed as well as… the American representatives,” he swallowed, “I’m sorry.”


Oh my God…”


He barely heard the expletive, but he did and as he watched her, he noticed her balance failing. She started swaying, her eyes focused on the in-between. He tossed the folder on the table and managed to grab her just as her legs gave out, easing her down into a chair. Hyun Woo went to walk away and put some distance between them only to find that she’d grabbed into his jacket. He froze, not knowing what to do.


If it had been Soo Yeon…


But it wasn’t.


It was an American girl… young woman, who he didn’t know… who he’d just informed that her parents were dead.


Who did it?” her voice was quiet; he almost missed it.


“We’re looking into it,” he gently pulled away and tilted her face up so their eyes could meet, “But we’re going to find out… We will find them.” She nodded dumbly, all the fight gone, just like that.

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Chapter 3: agree with doo and byung jin. she is a victim but a suspect as well? I need more of this ><
anyway, thanks for the update~