“You wanted to see me, Deputy Director?” Hyun Woo said as he approached the desk of his superior. The man behind it looked up casually for whatever it was he was working on. A pair of glasses sat on his nose which he removed quickly.


“Ah, yes.”


Hyun Woo stopped right in front, hands clasped behind his back.


“As a member of A team, I’m sure you know of the incident on Jeju?”


Twenty four hours ago, a pair from the Pentagon had arrived in Korea to discuss something with the President.


Twelve hours ago, that same pair had been assassinated.


A Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawkins.


One, Mr. Dawkins, was with the State Department.


The Mrs. was with International Affairs.


“Of course.”


How could he not?


Hyun Woo and his team had been part of the security team. Soo Yong was still on the island with Byung Jin and Ji Hun gathering evidence and questioning people. He’d been sent back to do some research and whatnot. So far he’d come up with nothing.


“America is demanding an explanation and results.”


“We’re working as fast as we can, sir,” Hyun Woo assured him.


“Of that, I have no doubt,” the deputy director smiled slightly, “Actually, I have something for you. A mission of sorts.”


Hyun Woo wasn’t sure if he liked the sound of that.


One of his past “missions of sorts” had him spying on who had been his best friend.


“We’ve located Sienna Dawkins, the daughter. She should be here in a few hours-”


Sienna Dawkins… Sienna… of course! Mr. Dawkins had managed to scribble that name and ‘danger’ in his blood on the floor before he’d died.


“- I’m placing you in charge of her safety,” the Deputy Director had gone on.






“You two will be taken to a safety house where you will live under the guise of a newly married couple-”


…The Hell…?


“-I know it sounds odd… however we need to keep her identity hidden yet her face in the open and what better way than to have her married to a national?” again with the smile.


“Of course,” Hyun Woo nodded.




No, he did not like this.


“This-” he was handed a file, “-is her information and history. You should get acquainted with it before she gets here.”


Hyun Woo bowed, “Sir,” and left. He walked straight to his desk and flipped open the file. Everything about this seemed wrong.


The first thing that met him was a small picture of a Caucasian brunette. She was… moderately pretty. Not ugly, but not gorgeous. The picture had her wearing thick-rimmed black glasses. He wondered if it added anything to her or took away as he knew glasses were prone to do. The information below was a basic physical description: female, 22 years old, 5’3”, 110lb., ect… He glanced over it with less than a little enthusiasm.


She wasn’t really anything spectacular, at least on paper. School grades ranged from As to high Cs. She was currently a senior at, what he assumed was a semi-decent school since he hadn’t heard of it, but with her parents being who they were… Her major had changed at least twice every year giving her an equivalent of six years of study, but not enough to graduate.


“Hyun Woo-shi.”


He looked up to see Jun Sang.




“Results on the ferry are up.”


“Ah,” he closed the file and followed the techie to the situation room were footage from the CCTV cameras was already rolling. He spotted the talk party, but nothing else really seemed all that suspicious. It bugged him. They’d already been through the flight records from the airport and Jin Yoon was working on the traffic cameras around the talk spot.


“Get me a list of registered boats used two days ago and onward,” he said as he continued to scan the footage. Jun Sang typed away. They finished the footage with nothing to show for the time spent on it.


It was like the assassins were ghosts or something.


He was frustrated by the lack of anything useful.


His phone buzzed.


He looked at it and almost dropped it.


She was here.

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Chapter 3: agree with doo and byung jin. she is a victim but a suspect as well? I need more of this ><
anyway, thanks for the update~